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joined Feb 4, 2017

Second, one of the things you should know about Korean, they use "our" alot to represent "my". For example, a wife when mentioning her husband might use "our husband", it's meant to be "my husband".
"our" Sungji, "our" Seju, "our" Sumin. Sumin once called Sungji like that: "our" Sungji, this case, its meant "my Sungji", not "our", but its more endearing to Koreans.

ah that's what made me question it.. Sumin used "our Sungji" precisly in ch70

last edited at Jun 20, 2017 9:11PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

In Japanese you have shiteru and ski. Both mean love but shiteru is more formal and official than ski which can be used as "like" too. The context is what's more important. Isn't it the same in Korean? I know Chinese has similar system where ai is more formal and xi is more informal and can be used for both like and love.

There is no such thing called formal or informal for "love" word in Korean, it means just like what it means in English

"좋아" means like, literally.
"사랑" means love, literally.

In whatever case you use like or love, it's exactly the same for those words in Korean. Completely the same.

last edited at Jun 20, 2017 9:19PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

^ Well then it's really weird language :p I was almost sure it should have the same system as Chinese and Japanese. All those counties took a lot from China. Japan more, true to that. But all 3 are culturally the closest to each other in Asia. Thanks for clarifying all of it!

joined Mar 28, 2017

In Japanese you have shiteru and ski. Both mean love but shiteru is more formal and official than ski which can be used as "like" too. The context is what's more important. Isn't it the same in Korean? I know Chinese has similar system where ai is more formal and xi is more informal and can be used for both like and love.

I speak Chinese.
In the context of relationship, xi-huan (literally means like) is most likely used in confession, it is weird for couples already in relationships to use xi-huan (they already know they like each other). On the other hand, it is more common to use ai( literally means love) when couple reassure each other of their feeling.

In this situation, if sumin was speaking chinese, I expect her to use ai...not xi-huan.

joined Mar 21, 2017

^ It's funny, in English both 'i like you' and 'I'm in love with you' can be used as a confession. Do people ever use 'Ai' in a confession?

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 12:04AM

joined Mar 4, 2017

It's funny, in English both 'i like you' and 'I'm in love with you' can be used as a confession. Do people ever use 'Ai' in a confession?

In confession - yes. Confession is important so it should go the formal way.

In Japan people have no problem with using "ski" instead of "shiteru" even to confess these days.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 12:36AM

joined Mar 4, 2017

In Japanese you have shiteru and ski. Both mean love but shiteru is more formal and official than ski which can be used as "like" too. The context is what's more important. Isn't it the same in Korean? I know Chinese has similar system where ai is more formal and xi is more informal and can be used for both like and love.

I speak Chinese.
In the context of relationship, xi-huan (literally means like) is most likely used in confession, it is weird for couples already in relationships to use xi-huan (they already know they like each other). On the other hand, it is more common to use ai( literally means love) when couple reassure each other of their feeling.

In this situation, if sumin was speaking chinese, I expect her to use ai...not xi-huan.

As far as I know younger generation in China is using xi more often then ai when they're in a relationship. Especially in large cities where more and more foreigners come to work and live (and Hongkong of course). But when they confess they're still very formal and use only ai.

Edit: the important part is "in large cities". This kind of thing doesn't exist outside of them and it's not really common in smaller cities which mean it's not used by the majority of Chinese people. But the language is evolving and it'll become common elsewhere too. It just needs some time.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 12:20AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

I wont make comment about how people make confession in English, in Chinese, in Japanese, in any languages, I don't know how those people there are using it

From as far as I know, from what I've leant about Korean and Korean people, it's unusual for a person to say just "I like you" in such a honest, cheesy talk about feelings for each other like SuminxSungji's talk, they will use "love". So no, it's not the same using like or love in Korean.

And I stand by my opinion that Sumin didn't say "I like you", she said "I like to see you, to hug you, too"

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 12:45AM

joined Mar 28, 2017

In confession - yes. Confession is important so it should go the formal way.

In Japan people have no problem with using "ski" instead of "shiteru" even to confess these days.

LOL. I speak both Cantonese (language spoken in Hong Kong, big city) and Mandarin (spoken in Shanghai, another big city). I am in my 20s (arguably young) and also from a big city. I have never used "wo ai ni" (I LOVE you) in a confession and will never believe someone who confesses with that phrase. It is just too cheesy, too soon in a relationship to a point it destroys the essence of that phrase and the sincerity of the confessor. During intimate moment, in bed, staring at her eyes... is a different story.

I remembered asking my Japanese teacher about "daisuki" (I like you a lot) vs "aishiteru" (I love you). She said Japanese almost never use "aishiteru" because Japanese are very reserved; "aishiteru" is too intense for them.

joined Mar 4, 2017

In confession - yes. Confession is important so it should go the formal way.

In Japan people have no problem with using "ski" instead of "shiteru" even to confess these days.

LOL. I speak both Cantonese (language spoken in Hong Kong, big city) and Mandarin (spoken in Shanghai, another big city). I am in my 20s (arguably young) and also from a big city. I have never used "wo ai ni" (I LOVE you) in a confession and will never believe someone who confesses with that phrase. It is just too cheesy, too soon in a relationship to a point it destroys the essence of that phrase and the sincerity of the confessor. During intimate moment, in bed, staring at her eyes... is a different story.

I remembered asking my Japanese teacher about "daisuki" (I like you a lot) vs "aishiteru" (I love you). She said Japanese almost never use "aishiteru" because Japanese are very reserved; "aishiteru" is too intense for them.

If you don't use wo ai ni then which one you use instead? Because a friend of mine who studied mandarin and lives in Shanghai says xi is more common although only in big cities.

Actually, Ai shiteru is considered old but it really is still used. It's just not commonly used anymore. It's not about using it day to day. It's about confessing for the very first time - it used to be more common no more than 30 years ago in such situation. I agree with the rest.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Probably "wo xi wang ni" or "wo hen xi wang ni" or "wo zhen de hen xi wang ni" for confessions and in serious relationship, to make it more affectionate, using "wo ai ni" or "wo hen ai ni", cause a couple in that dating phase, "wo xi wang ni" is just simply not enough to express their feelings.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 2:00AM

joined Mar 21, 2017


joined Jan 5, 2017

I guess I'll get you unnies to proofread my work before I post it or something..

joined Mar 28, 2017

I guess I'll get you unnies to proofread my work before I post it or something..

Nooooooo, I can't bare to wait another extra hour for the next chapter. Just go with your gut feeling, and let biatches argue whatever the hell they want to argue. They should have purchased and reread the official translation anyway.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I guess I'll get you unnies to proofread my work before I post it or something..

Nooooooo, I can't bare to wait another extra hour for the next chapter. Just go with your gut feeling, and let biatches argue whatever the hell they want to argue. They should have purchased and reread the official translation anyway.

I second this lol

joined Jun 7, 2017

I wonder, with this current pace, about 98% that SungjixSumin will be endgame so what's the use of dragging the story too much though? Espcially, they associate Seju with SuminxSungji and wrap her around this triangle without letting her go. After chap 70, what's the purpose of all those things when SuminxSungji has already been very happy with their life?

I mean, if they intend to go for SuminxSungji endgame, then right from chap 70, isnt it better to introduce a new character for Seju and gradually separate Seju from SuminxSungji? For the sake of healing both Sumin and Seju? And maybe when Seju has moved on, we could see Sumin and Seju being friends again? Isnt that the perfect ending? The one that all the readers might like? Why making Seju continue to be in this circle and keep her being the perfect pitiful third wheel for the couple till the very end?

Isnt that too cruel for Seju? Making her go around the couple then now, the only good ending for her could be letting go and keep living her life alone? In other words, just an open ending for her sitting beside a happy ending for the couple?
Open ending, please anticipate her fate somewhere in the future where you could imagine anything the way you want

Just like Sumin, I believe Seju lovers want to see in the eyes Seju feels loved again, to be with the person she loves and loves her back, not just an open ending where you could say she might or might not be in love again, you just couldn't see it.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 5:01AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

I wonder, with this current pace, about 98% that SungjixSumin will be endgame so what's the use of dragging the story too much though? Espcially, they associate Seju with SuminxSungji and wrap her around this triangle without letting her go. After chap 70, what's the purpose of all those things when SuminxSungji has already been very happy with their life?

I mean, if they intend to go for SuminxSungji endgame, then right from chap 70, isnt it better to introduce a new character for Seju and gradually separate Seju from SuminxSungji? For the sake of healing both Sumin and Seju? And maybe when Seju has moved on, we could see Sumin and Seju being friends again? Isnt that the perfect ending? The one that all the readers might like? Why making Seju continue to be in this circle and keep her being the perfect pitiful third wheel for the couple till the very end?

Isnt that too cruel for Seju? Making her go around the couple then now, the only good ending for her could be letting go and keep living her life alone? In other words, just an open ending for her sitting beside a happy ending for the couple?
Open ending, please anticipate her fate somewhere in the future where you could imagine anything the way you want

Just like Sumin, I believe Seju lovers want to see in the eyes Seju feels loved again, to be with the person she loves and loves her back, not just an open ending where you could say she might or might not be in love again, you just couldn't see it.

As of the moment, I could say that if the ending is really just her letting go and moving on alone with her life when SuminxSungji is happy ever after, Seju is just a mere perfect plot device - the pitiful third wheel and she's not a main character at all, LOLLLLLLLL, xDDDD.

//Painful truth even though I bet for it xDDDDDDD

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 5:23AM

joined Feb 13, 2017

Yeah, TG goes the story this far make me feel like they just wants to strongly say that BlackxBlondie is always fated.

joined Jun 7, 2017

Yeah, TG goes the story this far make me feel like they just wants to strongly say that BlackxBlondie is always fated.

Yeah, it feels like after chap 70, they use Seju for the sake of perfecting the main couple and to prove how well they get along together. If it's another story with two clear protagonists and one antagonist, I'll feel ok with it, cause that how the antagonist's fate is, just a supporting character.

As a neutral reader, I dont like it as I has grown to equal Seju to both Sumin and Sungji. She is also the protagonist, not just a supporting character. And I believe this is how the author wants readers to acknowledge too, that Seju is not a mere antagonist, she is a main character. That's why they build a lot of back stories for Seju alone.

This story is about love and if that one character who loves the most and endures all the pain to love one person for years ending up continuing her journey alone to find love on her own and we dont have a definite answer for her fate then I won't consider it a healing story.

I like SuminxSungji, but I find it unfair for Seju to have that kind of fate or that kind of ending. Seju has loved one person for all her life and honestly, I want to know her fate and an satisfying ending for her, not just an open ending. It's very very unfair. I hope next chapters, we could see the author appreciates Seju more, just like how they treat SuminxSungji. I love all three of them after all.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 6:30AM

joined Jun 6, 2016

Yeah, TG goes the story this far make me feel like they just wants to strongly say that BlackxBlondie is always fated.

Let me third this.

And if it ends with sungji and sumin that means seju is used as a filler for more profit....

Like TG can perfectly make Sumin and sungji as the end game (and end it way before it reached 60) but she still hang seju on this relationship as third wheel forever yet somehow it's still make senses to end it up sumin with seju as ending couple too.

That's why I hope TG will go with the twist

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 7:09AM

joined Feb 5, 2016


I like Sumin because she is reasonable, mature, loyal, strong,... I can write a book defending her. You guys' Sumin is unreasonable, childish, depressed, weak, damaged, fragile,.... We are not on the same team.

She's not really strong. If she was, she'd break things up with Seju for good a long time ago.

Do you not realize that if Sungji were Sumin's 2nd girlfriend, the whole "Sumin going back to Seju again and again, or Sumin going back to Seju for her revenge" thingy would never have happened?

Was there a reason for Sumin to end her bed-mates relationship with Seju? Without Seju in her life, would she not break up with others at all? Would she not randomly find another ajumma to comfort her every time she broke up until the day she finally happened to hit on met a perfect sex-mate an angelic cutie who loved her for lust unconditionally? I thought every wdtfs reader knew that Sumin was a player, and it was not out of unordinary for a player to feel like seeking for a bed-comfort.

I really fail to see how Sumin not breaking things up with Seju during the past 10 years could imply anything about her being not emotionally strong. Imo, from Sumin's perspective, ending her bed-mates relationship with Seju was unnecessary because, during that time, she was never aware of the fact that she was still in love with Seju. Also, Seju never asked to start over again. Plus, there was no sign indicating that their relationship was anything more than a physical or friends-with-benefits one either. Ending things with Seju became necessary after Nami made her realize that she still loved Seju.

And she wouldn't let Seju onto her in the office when she was in a relationship with Sungji.

I personally find it so hard to make a decision on a trade-off between being emotionally strong and being unheartless. Poor me, I'm emotionally weak. lol Do you perhaps also think that Sumin letting Seju live in her house like these days mean that she is not emotionally strong?

She's partially reasonable.

If you have a valid reason to do something unreasonable, or you do something unreasonable under a circumstance where reasonable people would do the same, your action is unreasonable, but you still belong with reasonable people imo (and in my book).

She's not depressed. She was 10 years ago when she's lost her parents. It's you who say she's using her depression to achieve something when it's not true. But you'll never understand it because you can't see the difference between depression and depressed state, they're both the same to you when in reality they're not.

Do not be so certain about your "Sumin had depressions because everyone who experienced that kind of tragedy must end up having depressions" opinion. If there is a too good to be true protagonist, Sungji, in wdtfs, please also do consider that wdtfs could also have a protagonist who's a little more special than ordinary people you have met so far. I think you need to be called out by Es0teric telling you that they wouldn't be bold to say there isn't anyone who went through that kind of incident and had no depressions considering that the world has 7.5 billion people. lol

I said Sumin was using her depression caused by the deaths of her parents as an excuse to seduce Sungji. However, never in my life, I agreed with you guys' ideas about her having depressions. I was proving that it was a depressed state not depression. Your responses to me were along the lines "No, a failed excuse is not an excuse", "No, she wasn't seducing Sungji since it was just a hug, she could always hug Sungji (according to your personal opinion about hugging)". iirc, Sumin's monologue stated clearly that she was baiting Sungji. Apparently, you intentionally ignored what was already clearly presented in the manhwa, no?

It's Seju who's starting to show signs of depression now, but somehow you never said she's using it to get what she wants...

She was using what to get what? Did she do anything again? what signs? Yeah, I never said anything about it cuz I never saw anything about it. One possible reason why I totally fail to see it is because I'm not you or Es0teric. Unlike both of you, I don't and will never understand depressions.

She is damaged. But so is Seju. You can't not be damaged after everything they faced. The only not damaged character is Sungji.

Your logic.

She's a complicated character with many layers and this makes her the most interesting to me.

This makes Seju the best target of blame for Seju haters and many Sumin fans (for instance, you and Es0teric, right?), who fully believe that Sumin always went back to Seju because she was emotionally fragile and mentally ill or dumb enough to be manipulated for the whole 10 years by Seju. Poor Seju, if only she was not too appealing for a pervert, Sumin, to resist, or if she didn't surpass all of those Sumin's women in term of everything despite her cheating on Sumin with a guy, or if Sumin didn't want to get revenge on her, people would probably not have made her sound like a brilliant-yet-dumb manipulator who only knew how to manipulate, yet didn't know how to win an emotionally-broken person back, wasted her 10 years only to be defeated by an inexperienced cutie. lol

Yes, we do read her differently. But we don't read her the way you say we do.

As if. Whatever, read in any way you like, just do not forget that Sumin is a fox.

I never meant to argue with only both of you. However, I never wondered why I did that though. As always, you guys' comments are just so attractive. Can't help.

Hi, I come back here as I remember that I quoted your comment but actually I meant to say I felt offended by Es0teric's comment, not yours.

joined Feb 4, 2017

sia ue

Hi, I come back here as I remember that I quoted your comment but actually I meant to say I felt offended by Es0teric's comment, not yours.

Thanks a lot.. I understood it back then.
I hope you are doing okay and btw.. Ken asked me about you in Discord.

joined Feb 4, 2017


Nooooooo, I can't bare to wait another extra hour for the next chapter. Just go with your gut feeling, and let biatches argue whatever the hell they want to argue. They should have purchased and reread the official translation anyway.

Bitches buy both Korean and English release (which is one release late to the Ko).. and they want to ensure that the context is intact. For a better experience and better understanding for all of us. Otherwise, we have this situation of "like vs love meaning in Japanese, Mandarin ..etc."

I've been here long enough to know that a single letter could drift an argument.

joined Apr 28, 2016

sia ue

Hey, long time no see :) and I miss your one-line comments alot :)), hope you're doing well with your finals xDDDD

joined Mar 4, 2017

Sia hue,

We've had this conversation quite a long time ago and I wish to not go back to it. But I think I should clarify you with 2 things:
1. We were saying Sumin had a depression 10 years ago.
2. We were saying Sumin wasn't using a depressed state to seduce Sungji. It was just a sad story.

And with this, I'm ending this topic. Will never agree when it comes to psychology, you have your own pov which you'll never change, even when given facts.

Good to see you back though :)

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 11:27AM

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