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joined Jun 7, 2017

I read somewhere and one comment blamed Seju for holding on and making Sungji leave

The thing about this chap is Seju actually is letting go, she didnt hold Sumin back but at the same time, Sumin didnt stop being bothered by thoughts of Seju.

Physically, Seju is no longer there in Sumin's life, as well as Sungji's, completely and totally. But has she actually gone? Do you see the vibe that she has no longer been there? Nope.

She is still there, in their life, so what does that leave us?

joined Jun 7, 2017

the only flaw with Seju is how come she doesn't have any friends except Sumin since it seems that Seju isn't the type of person to easily distrust people. in fact she's more friendly towards her employee compared to Sumin. I guess it justify why she's so obsessed with Sumin but imo it doesn't make sense.

You guys can fix me if I'm wrong later on but from my view about this Seju character, she is hard to approach, she is friendly but just with enough amount.

Seju is kinda a typical introverted person, I believe, she can be friendly but not easy to trust people around her. She doesnt really open up to people but still welcome them nicely, out of courtesy. One of the reasons why she only had Sumin is herself only opening up to Sumin.

You can see how she still took time to talk to Nammi when that girl came to her office and find her to talk. She even stirred her a cup of coffee. Seju is friendly but with a considerate courtesy. She is very considerate, towards her employees, even to Nammi.

So imo, I dont consider this a flaw, this is her personality. Partly from being bullied since young by her brothers that leads her to cower herself in her shell to protect herself.

I honestly cant imagine a Seju who has alot of friend with bright appearance. I can only imagine a reserved, smart and quiet but very polite and considerate Seju

And one of the typical trait of these people, when they love, they love with all their heart. Gotta say, Seju is built very consistent with her personality.

joined Jun 7, 2017

You know what is badass about Seju?

She already told her father she wouldnt take anything from him way backkk then but she still went to the family gathering with blood red sport car and red suits, told all of her brothers how pathetic they were and complete her talk with "If I know what is in the will, would I still be here talking like this?"

She already knew back then but she still wanted to teach them a lesson, hence indirectly making herself in danger, LOLL, pretty stupid action but badass nonetheless.

The more the story goes, the more Seju's character becomes likeable, I must say.

Except for her blinded love for Sumin that many readers keep saying she should move on, us readers wouldnt have anything else to complain about this character, really.

last edited at Aug 11, 2017 4:54AM

joined Jun 7, 2017

One question though, have Sungji ever said something meaningful to Sumin like Seju did in the past like "you just need to be by my side", etc...?

I'm sorry, my memory failed me this time since I just remember she asked from Sumin like couple look or giving her her heart or saying "I love you" and demanding her to know what Sumin likes from her. Right?

Have she ever said something meaningful?

Because if my memory serves me right and what the last chap has shown me, it seems SuminxSungji's relationship is quite shallow compare to SejuxSumin's in the past?

I'm trying to come up with the ending so I'm wondering this.

last edited at Jul 20, 2017 12:06PM

joined Jun 7, 2017

Once you understand this point that Foxy Lady explained.. you will also understand that Dawoon was also introduced in Ch1.

I think I know what Dawoon is represented in chap 1 in your analysis but the fox is also Sumin, right? Isnt that already an introduction of a minor love triangle we didn't know right from chap 1? xDDDD

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 3:54AM

joined Jun 7, 2017

Do you guys think that Team Gaji might let Seju move on or leaving at the end of the story? Or finding her a new love interest with a final chap, giving her an open ending?

For me, I dont want that. Seju's love has become some kind of a symbolism for me throughout the story, unchanging and faithful. One love we could admire but also feel a little bit toxic as well. I feel like if Seju actually moved on or fell in love with someone else when there were someone good enough came along, wdtfs would lose one of its most meaningful symbols, "forever love". When the most faithful character comes to that, its just a way to tell the world, love can change, no matter what kind of promises or faithful words and memories. It will be a big disappointment for an delivery message ending as a love story with healing theme.

I'm not talking about Seju and Sumin being together or not. I just focus on Seju's love this comment.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 12:14AM

joined Jun 7, 2017

Wow, what an emotional chapter with a sad present and a blissful happy past. Two opposite vibes, two different feelings. Such a sad ending for a once perfect couple.

The girl in between of the love triangle(Sumin) probably is the one who has the worst headache. What to do for both girls you feel guilty with? She is abandoning the girl who she thinks it's the best for them to be separated to be with the girl she thinks it's good for her life from now on. It's a "safe" choice but is it a right choice? Well, anyway, Sumin is having the worst nightmare to deal with both girls. Poor the girl.

Seju still a tragic character and this chap emphasized it even more. From all the regrets and questions to her words "That's why its called a mistake". The flashback isnt helping at all, just adding more tragic for this character. Such a sad character, this Seju. I hope in the end of the story, we'll see her finally having her own happiness after living in agony and lonely for most of her life.

No Sungji this chap. I wonder what she is thinking? what is going on in her head? She's probably the one who didnt have pov for now and making readers think she is the one has least worries or not being sad atm. She is currently having it all, love and family but I wonder if she is worrying about SejuxSumin's bond? Does she feel threatened? I want to know what she is feeling. Seju and Sungji are so different atm(or maybe for all of the story?), one has it all, one has nothing at all. Hmm, of course I want her to be happy but the fact that her life is now so perfect that makes me think its too good to be true

last edited at Jul 10, 2017 10:41PM

joined Jun 7, 2017

Yeah, TG goes the story this far make me feel like they just wants to strongly say that BlackxBlondie is always fated.

Yeah, it feels like after chap 70, they use Seju for the sake of perfecting the main couple and to prove how well they get along together. If it's another story with two clear protagonists and one antagonist, I'll feel ok with it, cause that how the antagonist's fate is, just a supporting character.

As a neutral reader, I dont like it as I has grown to equal Seju to both Sumin and Sungji. She is also the protagonist, not just a supporting character. And I believe this is how the author wants readers to acknowledge too, that Seju is not a mere antagonist, she is a main character. That's why they build a lot of back stories for Seju alone.

This story is about love and if that one character who loves the most and endures all the pain to love one person for years ending up continuing her journey alone to find love on her own and we dont have a definite answer for her fate then I won't consider it a healing story.

I like SuminxSungji, but I find it unfair for Seju to have that kind of fate or that kind of ending. Seju has loved one person for all her life and honestly, I want to know her fate and an satisfying ending for her, not just an open ending. It's very very unfair. I hope next chapters, we could see the author appreciates Seju more, just like how they treat SuminxSungji. I love all three of them after all.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 6:30AM

joined Jun 7, 2017

I wonder, with this current pace, about 98% that SungjixSumin will be endgame so what's the use of dragging the story too much though? Espcially, they associate Seju with SuminxSungji and wrap her around this triangle without letting her go. After chap 70, what's the purpose of all those things when SuminxSungji has already been very happy with their life?

I mean, if they intend to go for SuminxSungji endgame, then right from chap 70, isnt it better to introduce a new character for Seju and gradually separate Seju from SuminxSungji? For the sake of healing both Sumin and Seju? And maybe when Seju has moved on, we could see Sumin and Seju being friends again? Isnt that the perfect ending? The one that all the readers might like? Why making Seju continue to be in this circle and keep her being the perfect pitiful third wheel for the couple till the very end?

Isnt that too cruel for Seju? Making her go around the couple then now, the only good ending for her could be letting go and keep living her life alone? In other words, just an open ending for her sitting beside a happy ending for the couple?
Open ending, please anticipate her fate somewhere in the future where you could imagine anything the way you want

Just like Sumin, I believe Seju lovers want to see in the eyes Seju feels loved again, to be with the person she loves and loves her back, not just an open ending where you could say she might or might not be in love again, you just couldn't see it.

last edited at Jun 21, 2017 5:01AM

joined Jun 7, 2017

Is Baek a common surname in Korea? In fluttering feelings, we have Baek Seol-a, here we have Baek Seju. Even reading their full names, it feels similar somehow.

joined Jun 7, 2017

Such a shame that because of some people, the forum has lost its interesting point which is talking and discussing about the story, now its full of silly arguments over some imaginary scenes.

Should've just ignored them, not worth debating, not worth talking to those who are just come here for the sake of "in the name of discussing, I'm going to against the world, uphold my reputation and have fun".
Ignore is the best solution.