Forum › Posts by Anonymous__

joined Jan 5, 2017

Hello, fan translator of the series here

I have to admit, I searched for the words 'translation' in the last 10 pages of the thread to see if there is any problem or mistake that people complained about that I haven't noticed.

Thankfully, I didn't see.. but I only just skimmed, so I may have missed it. If you do see a problem with the translations, please either talk to me directly on my twitter @MinoaLerano or send it through Nora89, who's helping me proofread.

Other than that, I saw a post showing the one-shot that Wol Pi the artist drew long time ago (January 2015), and I liked it. It was also asking for translation, which I am going to do. Thank you for letting me know this work, it's well drawn just like WDTFS. If you find any other related manhwas that hasn't been translated yet, please let me know.

joined Jan 5, 2017

I guess I'll get you unnies to proofread my work before I post it or something..

joined Jan 5, 2017

... I.. I uh
I changed my word to team-manager.. and already finished translating...
...sorry.. but I think those words are quite interchangeable, if you can tell me why team-leader is more fitting, please tell me.
in any case there would only be one more chapter so please forgive me for this one and next one....

Team leader is how the whole Manhwa went, changing titles right now showed me that the person did the official translation isn't familiar with it. my God, I wish I could show you all the mistakes in this particualr chapter from the official translator!! and it's a paid chapter !!!! btw, you had a better grasp of the tone & context in this one.

if you would like, I can send you my comments on private, just give me you contact details.

I tried putting my email address here but it was registered as spam so I couldn't post it
I also tried putting in discord invite link but it was registered as spam as well

I don't know how else to leave contact details..

if you can use discord, add me as friend using my username and #4990 as code for the friend thingy

I won't accept other people adding me and will delete this after tomorrow

joined Jan 5, 2017

Hello again, yes the official one for ch83 is a mess, yours made a better sense, let me give you an example:

the official translation destroyed the impact greatly.. the translation was a mess. Yours kept the sense much better
also, you did better in the flirty line that Seju made.. and with the pretending sentense.
these are just exmaples.. but all in all, the whole official translation of ch83 is bad, unartistic and lost the orginal meaning!!
I can show you more examples if you would like.

However, I could never provide you with any Ko- Eng translation advices, all I can is making sure that the context is intact, and if there was a refrence to previous chapter, I might be able to detect it like the ch83. That's all I could do.

okay, I see. that's okay, you are smart so you can tell me if I get some things wrong. you have your strengths. Just keep posting what I'm getting wrong in this forum, hehe

Edit: seriously!! did I pay to read a ridiculous meaningless line like the one I posted above!!! and what's "Team Manager" ! aboviously this official translator is not very familiar with this manhwa and his/her translation is so obscenely immature! the loss of tone and context is too severe to overlook

... I.. I uh

I changed my word to team-manager.. and already finished translating...

...sorry.. but I think those words are quite interchangeable, if you can tell me why team-leader is more fitting, please tell me.

in any case there would only be one more chapter so please forgive me for this one and next one....


**Anonymous__ **

I do understand Korean to some extent but not as good as you but when I know for sure one meaning of the sentence I can give you my opinion, but only if I'm sure about it, other things, its yours to decide :)

One thing though, I'll need Dictionary all time so it might take time and it will delay your work to be out so if you're ok with it, then its ok but if not, then you can keep working alone for your freedom :)

I need dictionary as well, even for words that seem easy...
I think it would be better if you just help me through checking any serious translation error you see here. thank you both, nora and yoonie.

and I'm sorry it took so long for translations to finish and come out

joined Jan 5, 2017


roamsl even the official translation of the ch83 is a mess!! I hated it

How is the official trans bad? It is so much better than my fan translations.. I made so much pronoun and perspective mistakes... so terrible..

Official one is much much better..

not only that, the quote of Dawoon's words is badly done! I hated it truly

Dawoon... which line are you talking about? can you point it out for me..?


I'm not sure if you read this comment but well I'll give it a try

You shouldn't stop translating, really, cause it helps improve your vocabulary a lot, you'll know more about korean. That's my case, tbh, even though I dont have the courage to do what you're doing. Don't stop because of your imperfect translation, that would be a shame, really.

... I understand, I will keep learning, but I see so much mistakes...

And do you want us to help you for future chaps? Me and Nora, I mean. However please bear in mind that I'm not as good at Korean as you are, and I need a lot of time looking up words in dictionary and totally dont know about idioms. But you could give us your version of translation, we'll help you to perfect the English sentences like structure and wording and maybe Nora also help you with editing the artwork, she seems to know it also. I hope that we could help in some way, as a thank you for all of your efforts translating wdtfs.

I.. like working alone... and I really hate it whenever someone argues with me about what the sentence is about when they don't understand it.. I have low confidence so I don't like being criticized either.. I'm being really lame about it, really..

Not only am I afraid of being caught by Lezhin and getting my galleries / account deleted, I've found that many proofreaders are not quite experienced or not on time, leading me to frustrations.
It's bad to cherrypick, but many of them simply just stop talking to me after a while...

If you are serious about helping me, live in GMT+9 - Greenwich Mean Time (Korean Timezone) or can spend a large amount of time when a new chapter of comic releases and can dedicate time to proofread and release as soon as possible, please send me a way to contact you. It seems that dynasty keeps thinking all of my links and email address is spam.

joined Jan 5, 2017

Um so

"많이 걱정하는 목소리였으니까요."
"Because her voice sounded very worried."
Is a indication that sung-ji called su-min secretly before sitting down with Se-ju to inform su-min that she found Se-ju, and because sung-ji heard truly worried voice from su-min who was desperate to find se-ju and wasn't like "i don't really care about her", sung-ji decided that she should be kind to the woman that su-min cares so deeply for, whether she is a weird ex of su-min.

"못 이긴척 해주세요."
"So please don't put up a fight and go home together."

The korean sentence is an idiom, yes. It means in a way that says "cut that person some slack" or "just go along with what he / she asks please.". In this case, its used in a way to say "su-min was very worried about you, please stop being childsh and wanting to run away, and just come back home with su-min."

"너무 오래 둘수 없잖아요."
"Since we can't leave it like that for too long."
"The cake, I mean."

I wanted to keep the sentence structure and literal meaning so that she mentions the cake last, so it was a forced sentence grammar which is just confusing.

A more natural sentencing would be

"Since it would go bad."
"The cake, I mean."

She was subtly referencing two things with this sentences and the ones above.
One was asking se-ju to stop being childish and to go home with su-min. The other is with this sentence about the cake, she wanted to go back home quickly together so that the cake won't be spoiled.

Oh my god I'm reading my own translations and I want to just stop now
I see so much stupid sentencing and nonesensical stuff
Most of the meanings are destroyed by just literally translating word for word instead of conveying what the sentence is talking about...



Please read the official translations. Disregard mine.

joined Jan 5, 2017

Nora89 said


Hello, and thank you a lot for the informative reply.
first, I would like to thank you again on the time and effort you put in translating the chapters in like 40 minutes after their release, you are already very good. (insane in a good way XD)

I just like when people enjoy being able to read the translations very quickly after the original korean comic goes up. I kind of hurry in my translations admittedly, but that's just how I do.
And since many people look forward to it (when I was using imgur it reached 100,000 views for one chapter), I just want the fans to enjoy it properly even if it is in a rough translation.

Now, I think you read these threads , the tone and the choice of words is specifically important in this Manhwa as it gives a totally different feel to the situation. My problem with the translation is not only in the latest chapters but there are some disastrous mistakes in the earlier chapters, these mistakes shaped a totally different image of the situation and the characters. (take a look at the snaps I made in page 304 of this thread, please)

I have to admit that I didn't read every single page of this thread since I don't visit often, but I did read page 304 and the translation that you pointed out.

That chapter is way before I started translating the series (Chapter 66) and I do understand how frustrating it can be when the actual translator doesn't actually know what he or she is translating.
I use dictionaries and searches extensively to find the meanings and connotations behind the words, and sometimes ask other Korean people for advice on it. Even then I may make some mistakes or still have trouble on some words, to which, if I truly do give up, I will just have to put a large translator's note like that person did. But so far even though some words were difficult, I never found words that I straight up could not translate.

As a native Korean who lived in an English speaking country for over 10 years, I feel that I am a bit fluent in both languages, although not perfect.

in ch65 for example, Sungji said: but everyone who liked me, left in the end
but, the unofficial one said: the person who liked me left in the end

while the official tells you: ah it's not only one person..
but the unofficial hints to you: ah, she is talking about Sumin only.

very small change.. but different perspective.
(the examples in page 304 of this thread are disastrous.. but thank God, it's not the case with the current work)

I haven't translated that chapter, but yes, speaking it from different perspective can change the connotations of the words, even if it's only a small thing.

in ch78 <- I don't think this is your translation (the style and the level is different from the last chapter.)

Yes, for that chapter, I was too busy to translate it and another person took up in translating that chapter. It was 'Who's Your Unnie?' if I can remember correctly. She is also a prominent Korean webtoon translator who's been translating many series as well.

in ch79 <- this one is good, my caveat tho is the choice of the Team Leader's gender, in this case it was much safer to choose a neutral way of talking about her/him.. in the official translation they used a neutral way.. this changes the whole thing (because now I'm even expecting a different thing totally)

Yes, I was very conflicted with how to translate those words.
Gender neutral sentences are kind of complicated to make it sound natural. I wish to get better at this, but I did in the end assume their gender was that and may pay for it dearly in the future...;

if you are the one who made the translation of ch27 <- this one is a masterpiece, it even surpasses the original with the feelings it made.. and choices of words.

No, I haven't translated that. I wish one day to hear that for my translations.

in ch80 <- translation of Seju's words on the Sofa also gave a different feeling and I think there was a switch of pronouns.

Seju said: if I worked during that time I'd have earned enough money to buy a 100 muffler

Seju also said: It doesn't suit you

Seju said "그거 뜰 시간에 일하면 목도리 100개쯤 살 수 있겠다".
For me, I understood that she was talking as if she was preaching someone of how working to earn money is much more useful and easier to buy scarves with then to take time knitting a scarf. She doesn't use any pronouns that indicates that she was talking about herself or Su-Min. It's like someone saying "Man, if one spent that much time working instead of knitting like that, they'd be able to buy 100 scarves instead".
Yes, she said "can buy 100 scarves" which is a number that only Se-Ju would be able to buy, but I still feel that she is preaching and saying a proverb rather than specifically talking about herself or Su-Min's amount of wage.

Se-Ju also said "안 어울려." which can have multiple meanings, or atleast to me.
She didn't say any pronoun, which means it's upto how you read her tone. She could be saying "That scarf won't look good on Sung-Ji" or "You knitting scarves like that doesn't suit the image that you have". It's confusing to just say "It doesn't suit.", so I ended up translating it as Se-Ju saying it won't suit Su-Min.

Now, If you compare the two versions, you may get what I mean.
specially the last example, Seju means the activity of Knitting doesn't suit Sumin.. while the unofficial translation made her sound so jealous. <- those weren't her words.

Yes, you could say that Se-Ju was just saying "Knitting doesn't suit you", but I decided to go with her being annoyed and jealous instead. I do get what you mean though, and I'll have to think about it more next time I come to that kind of translation.

in my taste the best thing in your work, which makes me like your translation more than the official one in some cases, is that you keep the honorific and suffix intact. this is specially important and are lost in the official translation.

To be honest, I wanted to keep using English Honourifics because I feel that many readers are not used to reading Korean Honourifics and more used to Japanese Honourifics instead. Seeing many people ask for honourifics made me switch back to using Korean honourifics, even though it feels awkward for me for using Korean and English in the same sentence. Plus Korean pronunciations look very weird in English spelling.

bottom line
I appreciate your work so much, even though I didn't write this earlier, but I truly do.. specially how fast you are in providing the translations.
whenever I criticise the unofficial translation I don't aim to belittle your work, I just state to the reader that they probably got another vibe from the sentences that could have taken a different translation.
you are very brave to do this work (that has some good wars going on) and it's honourable that you took your time to read the criticism even tho you owe us nothing XD

Thank you as well, I am happy that you enjoy my translations, and for pointing out the problems I had in my translations. I will try to be more careful in delivering connotations from Korean to English, and will work on my vocabulary more.
Yes, whenever I translate and upload, if I don't do it anonymously, they are often taken down and deleted, with copyright warnings about deleting my accounts and so on, so I try my best in trying not to get caught or cause drama.
To be honest, I read the criticisms and feel I needed to justify my errors rather than accept it sometimes, but I do understand that you don't really have hate for me and just try it accept it and learn from it.

joined Jan 5, 2017

yoonie0104 said


Hi there XD,

Can't believe the one who did the translation would read the thread XDDD. Are you the one who did the translation lately or having been doing that for a while? Specifically from chap 78?

Cause somehow the translation from before that chap is pretty bad at some point and I honestly think it's far from what it was actually said in the chap. From chap 78, it's way better and more accurate, just sometimes it got translated too literal, but it's still true nonetheless.

I've been translating the WDTFS series since chapter 66. I admit that my skills were rusty and hopefully I am improving.

The thing is, the way I've been translating is overlaying the translation on the original korean words of the comic, with the original korean being faintly in the background.

If you've been reading some other translations that completely delete the whole original korean words and edit the translations into the bubble, then you may have been reading someone else's translation, because I never really delete the original korean words in the comic before overlaying the translations.

If you saw lots of huge mistakes and problems with the translations of previous chapters from me, then please point it out so that I may be able to avoid such problems in the future and fix my Korean. I'm not perfect, and would like some pointers to how to become better.

I personally dont think Seju sounded jealous in this scene. Yes, her words are very unusual, she didn't use "괜찮아" but using a slang to dismiss. this honestly, to me, more like she knows she cant stay because it would cause awkward moment for all three of them, not really sound jealous, but more of a sarcastic tone, it's not ok to stay, she knows, Sumin knows, Sungji knows, Sumin's words honestly are out of courtesy and being nice.

Honestly, "like it's really ok" is a better translation XD.

"as if" is a sarcastic tone that is similar to how she used a slang to dismiss what Su-Min has said.

I think I can agree with you here on some level, but I think using 'So?' is also a childish way of replying back to someone who worries about you.
Se-Ju is actually saying "Why?" as in, "Why should I care about it being dangerous outside?"

Yes, she actually ask why but put the word "why" in there is actually not good, you also think that right? that's why you use "hmph", cause in her tone there is a dismissive tone and also questioning tone, mixed with angry. That's why I chose the word "So?"

I see, okay.

This one I'll answer in a another post XD

First of all, I want to thank you for taking your time to translate all the chaps of wdtfs. I really appreciate it, I really do.

Thank you very much, I don't earn anything from translating the series (I do both WDTFS and The Love Doctor among other series, but I don't really translate all of them, just some chapters) but I just do it for the thank yous and so on I get from others when I post them.

Nah, it's ok. It'll waste more of your time and energy xD, alot of people here are actually buying the official translation so it doesnt really matter.

Your translation is better than a few translations before already. After all this is just rough translation, there would be errors and really, we only need to undestand the gig of the chap, no need to be too perfect about this

I would atleast like for the readers to understand properly and not make a huge mistake that could completely destroy what the original author's intention was, which I try hard to but still I make mistakes that confuses people.

Actually, I took up translating just as another group decided to stop translating due to being busy, who called themselves Aya Brea group. She and I are in contact, and in many ways I feel that her english and korean is better than me, including in translation way.

If it's Aya's translations, I would actually say her translations are better than mine, and I just took up continuation of translations because many people seemed to wanted it and I just had a few free time.

I'm not that good at Korean to be the one who give you proofreading, I'm afraid XD, Nora also, I think. She uses google translate, not really know Korean.

Edit: We're really sorry if we offended you somehow with us picking on your work, sincerely.

No, I actually would like it better if you could point out more of my mistakes, as it would help me in translating better in the future.

joined Jan 5, 2017

Nora89 Said


ah, don't mind them.. I just got my mind blown yesterday.. the story is deeper than I thought.
but this Manhwa is not for everyone.
I've been catching unofficial translation mistakes.. you do get a different feeling.
Foxy Lady is right, Sungji's trigger point is letting go.. and she is indeed a broken soul.. ch65 her talk to Nammi
Sungji: but everyone who liked me, left in the end

-> she isn't just referring to Sumin
you can compare this sentence to the unofficial one.


btw, Nora, the look on Sumin's face this chap when there was a kiss on her cheek. I still think I'm gonna win the bet :PPPPPPPP

hehhehehe.. "it's not over, till it's over"

btw, this chapter
Seju said: it's all right <- referring to be in her room
"the translation says: as if" <- this one sounds jealous, but it's not correct

Hi I'm the unofficial translator for WDTFS series

I take my time in translating the series, and yes, I'm sorry but I do take some liberty with some of the translations to make it sound more legible.

In that part, Sumin says "그냥 나와 있어도 괜찮아.", which translates to "It's okay to stay out here.", a tone which sounds not aggressive and assuring Se-Ju that it is okay to stay out in the living room instead of locking herself up in her room.
Se-Ju replies "퍽이나." which is a slang that is said when the person don't believe what the other person is saying. Like calling out a bluff or a lie, it's said so that the person who says it indicates that he or she doesn't believe what the other person said.

For example, "나 은행에 백억있어" [I have 10,000,000,000 won in the bank] could be replied with "퍽이나 있겠네" [As if there is any money in your account.]. It's a dismissive slang used by people of young to middle age.

If Se-ju was replying "It's all right", she would have said "괜찮아.", which would mean that Se-Ju is fine with staying in her room during the time Sung-Ji comes to play with Su-Min. It wouldn't have a jealous connotation and tone, but in this case it's not.

yoonie0104 said

Yeah, one more obvious wrong translation would be the last panel, Seju said 왜, it is translated to "hmph", I dont agree with this translation, Seju sounds childishly unreasonable. This word might be translated to "So?", it would be a better translation and closer to what Seju actually means, she is actually questioning Sumin after all like "its dangerous so what?"

I think I can agree with you here on some level, but I think using 'So?' is also a childish way of replying back to someone who worries about you.
Se-Ju is actually saying "Why?" as in, "Why should I care about it being dangerous outside?"

In anycase, I've made a bad decision to put 'Hmph', because I simply thought she was being very dismissive.

Lots of meanings and connotations can be lost in translations, or simply by the incompetence of the translator. However, what I would like to remind people is that this version of translation is very rough and not properly checked for quality or been through proofreading.
As a translator for a comic that's being read by thousands, I should try to get a proofreader, but only the inexperienced and people who aren't that consistent in helping come by.
And what I like most is the fact that I can translate and put it up all by myself without requiring other people to go through my work, which takes more of my time and give more headache to me.
I hope you all can understand and forgive my mistakes and problems found in the works, and if you would like to properly help me in proofreading all the translations that I give out, please reply to me with your contact details or some way for me to contact you.
I would like it if is someone who actually does know Korean, just like yoonie and Nora.

joined Jan 5, 2017

^There's a thread on /u/ about Korean webcomics. They need a real translator for "Miss Devil and Miss Angel" (40+ chapters) and other series.

I actually am the original translator for that and 7 other series that I've translated the prologue and chapter 1 for.

I've bitten more than I can chew and translating that many series has burnt me out. Because I translated all of them over holidays when I didn't have work or study, I actually had too much time so I spent it in translating yuri webcomics that I like. Now I have a full time job and studies, so I can't spent as much time as I want in translating anymore.

I'm currently still translating, but in a much less amount.

I wanted to see if any scanlation group needed a Korean translator, but there's no replies, so I'm just going to give it up.

joined Jan 5, 2017

Korean to English translator looking for anyone recruiting

I've been translating webcomics by downloading the panels and using Photoshop to layer the translation on top without cleaning.

I've translated over 100 chapters of different webcomics so far, by myself and for another group. (not an exaggeration, but webcomics chapters are much shorter than the average doujin / manga chapter.)

If you need proof, I'll be glad to show you everything I've done so far.

I would like to focus on translating Yuri focused works, but I do not have too much problem with also translating other genres.

Thank you for your time.