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joined Apr 23, 2015

i could re-read this chapter everyday forever!

joined Apr 6, 2017

"How can you say you hate something I lo..." The covered up word is obviously love. She finally admitted it, at least to herself. Now she's setting out to make Nanami stop hating herself, which is step 1 on the path to her being able to stop lying about her own feelings... You go Yuu! You might need Sayaka's help... I don't know if she'll be willing, though. In order to get her help, Yuu will probably have to admit her feelings to Sayaka, which opens up a whole can of worms...

Sayaka is so stuck up on her self gratification trip that she is the only one who Touko needs and can help her It will be hard to get her to admit otherwise. Especially with that other person being Yuu. She is in self denial as is that there is something more between Touko and Yuu than just Sempai and kouhai even though she does already realize that there is. She already harbors some jealousy towards Yuu and dear god her head would explode if she knew what they were doing in Yuu's bedroom this chapter.

Hmmm I wonder what Sayaka was imaging would happen if she had left Yuu and Touko alone in the bath together.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Sorry, I read the chapter title as "Suddenly Suffering" at first. Haha.

That's not exactly wrong lol

joined Aug 2, 2015

Oh Yuu, you're seriously the best, I'm rooting for her to stand up for herself and take what she wants. We've watched her go from emotionally aloof to desiring something for herself and I can't help but feel proud. Proud that she's all grown up.

joined Jan 7, 2014


joined Apr 17, 2015

That's... the first time I see the "covered up text" thing used for drama rather than comedy. >.> Her last wall of denial is just a little push away from shattering. On one hand it might seem a little selfish for Yuu to change Touko so that she can finally admit her own feelings, but on the other hand Touko is still by far the more selfish of the two. "You're a jerk, Senpai", indeed.

last edited at May 6, 2017 4:07PM

joined May 19, 2016

Yuu coming out to herself makes my world in peace

joined May 7, 2017

Yuu is such a cool girl.I really surprised that she want to change the end of the play,it must be the best way.That's so interesting and the artwork is pretty beautiful.I can't wait to read the next chapter,I will imagine the end all the time.

joined Apr 7, 2016

"How can you say you hate something I lo..." The covered up word is obviously love. She finally admitted it, at least to herself. Now she's setting out to make Nanami stop hating herself, which is step 1 on the path to her being able to stop lying about her own feelings... You go Yuu! You might need Sayaka's help... I don't know if she'll be willing, though. In order to get her help, Yuu will probably have to admit her feelings to Sayaka, which opens up a whole can of worms...

Sayaka is so stuck up on her self gratification trip that she is the only one who Touko needs and can help her It will be hard to get her to admit otherwise. Especially with that other person being Yuu. She is in self denial as is that there is something more between Touko and Yuu than just Sempai and kouhai even though she does already realize that there is. She already harbors some jealousy towards Yuu and dear god her head would explode if she knew what they were doing in Yuu's bedroom this chapter.

Hmmm I wonder what Sayaka was imaging would happen if she had left Yuu and Touko alone in the bath together.

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

Our baby girl is finally taking the wheel to turn this story around!
So proud of you, Yuu. 'u')

joined Dec 18, 2016

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Sayaka & Yuu are almost two sides of the same coin. They both know about Touko's situation and both have to hide their feelings & remain at a certain distance from her in order to stay by her side. But unlike Yuu, Sayaka is comfortable with the distance. It's good to compare last chapter with this latest one. While Sayaka initiated the conversation and even got Touko to talk about her worry with her, that confrontation just ended without ever going anywhere far, unlike Yuu's confrontation this chapter, which was really up close and personal. "I'm fine with you knowing," & that's good enough for Sayaka. She's fine with just knowing, unlike Yuu who decided that Touko shouldn't remain in her self-destructive behavior. Always the first one to learn, never the first to take action.

last edited at May 7, 2017 12:58PM

joined Jul 15, 2016

My favorite chapter so far!!!! UGH so exciting!!! Dark, and exciting, and hopeful, and most certainly relatable. So darn close to the home.

joined Apr 7, 2017


joined Dec 5, 2015

proceeds to scream out the window until next chapter

joined Jul 17, 2016

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Sayaka & Yuu are almost two sides of the same coin. They both know about Touko's situation and both have to hide their feelings & remain at a certain distance from her in order to stay by her side. But unlike Yuu, Sayaka is comfortable with the distance. It's good to compare last chapter with this latest one. While Sayaka initiated the conversation and even got Touko to talk about her worry with her, that confrontation just ended without ever going anywhere far, unlike Yuu's confrontation this chapter, which was really up close and personal. "I'm fine with you knowing," & that's good enough for Sayaka. She's fine with just knowing, unlike Yuu who decided that Touko shouldn't remain in her self-destructive behavior. Always the first one to learn, never the first to take action.

My thoughts exactly. I'm starting to think that Sayaka doesn't love Touko for real and only cares about being the closest person to her bc of selfish reasons.

joined Nov 7, 2014

oh my god lemme just
scream into the void for a couple seconds

adorable and frustrating, kind of a predictable plot but those images hng

joined May 9, 2017

Tsk... you can't change someone. Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that.

Yuu doesn't want Nanami to change. She just want her to change the way she see herself, which is imho different.

This chapter is a great one and a good progress into the story. Yuu acknowledges her feelings (for real), Nanami-sempai start suspecting Yuu's feelings (she start to kiss her just to stop Yuu from saying thing she doesn't want to hear), and at the end, Yuu wants to change the end of the play. I can't wait to see what her plan is! I suspect something like "the different faces you showed to everyone are all real. You are not one or the other but an addition of all these faces."

joined Apr 7, 2017

"I hate myself"

:( You can do it Nanami-senpai!

joined Apr 6, 2017

Hmm latest chapter never got added to bato.

joined Sep 18, 2015

snip I suspect something like "the different faces you showed to everyone are all real. You are not one or the other but an addition of all these faces."

My thoughts exactly, nobody is "a single person", we all act differently depending on the situation.
Nobody talks and acts the same way they do with their mother, as they do with their girlfriend/boyfriend, or at something like a job interview.
We adapt depending on the situation.
I'm pretty sure that is how this is gonna play out.

EDIT: Post kept getting detected as spam so had to snip out a lot. :P

last edited at May 10, 2017 12:35PM

joined Apr 7, 2016

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Sayaka & Yuu are almost two sides of the same coin. They both know about Touko's situation and both have to hide their feelings & remain at a certain distance from her in order to stay by her side. But unlike Yuu, Sayaka is comfortable with the distance. It's good to compare last chapter with this latest one. While Sayaka initiated the conversation and even got Touko to talk about her worry with her, that confrontation just ended without ever going anywhere far, unlike Yuu's confrontation this chapter, which was really up close and personal. "I'm fine with you knowing," & that's good enough for Sayaka. She's fine with just knowing, unlike Yuu who decided that Touko shouldn't remain in her self-destructive behavior. Always the first one to learn, never the first to take action.

Your point just made me notice something about Yuu and Touko's relationship. Someone brought up to me that Yuu is changing Touko, but I don't think that's the case. Touko pointed out to Yuu a while ago that she loves her just the way she is, and Yuu has already realized the reasons why. However, that isn't the case with Yuu to Touko. She wants Touko to realize and understand that she loves Touko just the way she is, as well, and that for her to hate herself is to be unfair to the both of them.

And I feel like that's what Yuu is going for with this whole "changing the ending." Whether or not Yuu has fully admitted it to herself yet, she wants Touko to be in this relationship on equal grounds with her. She wants this relationship to be mutual, and if Touko is going to be in it hating herself, then Yuu wants Touko to realize that that isn't fair and healthy to the both of them.

It's so, SO good how there's this stress on relationships being an equal, loving partnership, and I'm so glad that Yuu has finally realized this to be the case and is doing something about it. Also, her doing something about it just shows that she WANTS this relationship to work. She WANTS to keep being with Touko, and she wants the BOTH of them to be happy. She has a strong sense of self-respect (that, in my opinion, a lot of shoujo and yuri protagonists don't have) and love for another person that it's making me feel so many fluffy things <3

(Also, I hope all of this made sense. I've been working all day @_@)

joined Apr 6, 2017

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Sayaka & Yuu are almost two sides of the same coin. They both know about Touko's situation and both have to hide their feelings & remain at a certain distance from her in order to stay by her side. But unlike Yuu, Sayaka is comfortable with the distance. It's good to compare last chapter with this latest one. While Sayaka initiated the conversation and even got Touko to talk about her worry with her, that confrontation just ended without ever going anywhere far, unlike Yuu's confrontation this chapter, which was really up close and personal. "I'm fine with you knowing," & that's good enough for Sayaka. She's fine with just knowing, unlike Yuu who decided that Touko shouldn't remain in her self-destructive behavior. Always the first one to learn, never the first to take action.

Your point just made me notice something about Yuu and Touko's relationship. Someone brought up to me that Yuu is changing Touko, but I don't think that's the case. Touko pointed out to Yuu a while ago that she loves her just the way she is, and Yuu has already realized the reasons why. However, that isn't the case with Yuu to Touko. She wants Touko to realize and understand that she loves Touko just the way she is, as well, and that for her to hate herself is to be unfair to the both of them.

And I feel like that's what Yuu is going for with this whole "changing the ending." Whether or not Yuu has fully admitted it to herself yet, she wants Touko to be in this relationship on equal grounds with her. She wants this relationship to be mutual, and if Touko is going to be in it hating herself, then Yuu wants Touko to realize that that isn't fair and healthy to the both of them.

It's so, SO good how there's this stress on relationships being an equal, loving partnership, and I'm so glad that Yuu has finally realized this to be the case and is doing something about it. Also, her doing something about it just shows that she WANTS this relationship to work. She WANTS to keep being with Touko, and she wants the BOTH of them to be happy. She has a strong sense of self-respect (that, in my opinion, a lot of shoujo and yuri protagonists don't have) and love for another person that it's making me feel so many fluffy things <3

(Also, I hope all of this made sense. I've been working all day @_@)

I think one the things that does make this manga so great is Yuu's personality. Unlike alot of female mc's in general she isn't particularly shy or insecure. She isn't overly emotional and generally doesn't freak out over things or break down crying. She is a more logical level headed thinker than emotional. Top it off she is stubborn and not afraid to state her opinion and what she is thinking even if it means talking back to her sempais. Then to finish it off she is caring and a bit of a caretaker who isn't afraid to take charge of a situation when someone needs help like Touko during the election speech and when it was raining and told her friend instead going home with her to go with the guy she liked who didn't have a umbrella. Even this chapter where she is the one holding touko as they laying on the bed where normally you'd expect the older girl to be the one doing that.

joined Dec 18, 2016

It's so, SO good how there's this stress on relationships being an equal, loving partnership, and I'm so glad that Yuu has finally realized this to be the case and is doing something about it. Also, her doing something about it just shows that she WANTS this relationship to work. She WANTS to keep being with Touko, and she wants the BOTH of them to be happy. She has a strong sense of self-respect (that, in my opinion, a lot of shoujo and yuri protagonists don't have) and love for another person that it's making me feel so many fluffy things <3

Yup yup yup. Up until now, their relationship has never been between equals & has always existed in conditions (so it's like a contract between the 2).

In the beginning, Touko was the one who (kinda) chased after Yuu when she couldn't feel anything for her so Yuu was the one who had more power in the relationship. Eventually, Yuu starts to develop feelings for Touko, but Touko doesn't want that, so Touko is now the one with more power in the relationship. Ch 3 & 10 are different points in the establishment of their relationship contract that reflect these relationship dynamics, respectively.

joined Jun 18, 2016

Has anyone ever seen these (chinese) RAWs?

I never saw them translated anywhere, so I thought that this thread would be a great opportunity to share them. I've no idea where or when I found them, but they're very similar to the first Toranoana Extra. So maybe another one of those?

Chronologically it seems to be a part of Chapter 8, but I'm not entirely sure. Though one thing's definitely for sure: Yuu ist the best.

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ I do remember reading this before (have the pics of tiger Yuu saved) & I think you're right about it being from Toranoana. Tho yeah, it's not on here. Thanks for bringing this back up. This reminds me I need to set chibi tiger Yuu roaring as my ava somewhere...

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