You typing dumb shit and pretending that empty, shallow, long winded speeches have ever 'proven' anything proves what exactly?
Sorry, joke was too easy to pass up. Now a mod should clean this thread.
Oh, I think I've thoroughly proven the emptiness of your arguments in this thread. You can cry "lalala I can't hear you" all you like, but that does nothing to change the fact that you never got past the single counterpoint I made two pages ago. I haven't needed to "prove" anything for a long time now, just been using these posts to expose you for a hypocritical shitposter.
You realize its's hilarious watching you cry about being tired of the discussion or "cleaning up the thread" when here you are, a reply after each post just like clockwork? More importantly, none of them remotely attempting to answer the hooks addressing the actual argument, simply evasive shitposting trying to protect the pathetic image of your ego. You realize you've claimed to be "done" with this thread at least 5 times now? Since you've made it blatantly clear that you're not capable of holding civil or reasoned conversation, why don't you run along now and keep your promise to stay away.