This here everyone, is the face of someone who got some/laid.
^This. XD
I can sort of agree with the "this feels rushed" notion some have.
This chapter as a whole felt relatively unsexy except for one thirsty glance of Kase's in part 2, and then... and then... and then... Yeah, I squealed a lot and had to pause, go back and forth between the pages a few times, because Kase barely started undressing Yamada, but then Kase's almost entirely baredness took lead somehow...
Then again, yeah... before the timeskip, them moving to uni, we had several moments of Kase upping her game, inch by inch. Strawberry short-cake, anyone?
It's insunated both, that Kase kept her distance as well as being there to support Yamada. So for at least several weeks, they were likely not exactly dating and then they are alone and BOOM (or shall I say "bang"?). But the reasons for that were made rather clear, I think.
So, yeah, I am next to postive, that on re-read or for new readers that read everything til now in one sitting, it won't feel as "rushed".
last edited at Apr 1, 2017 5:41PM