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I love Ryou! She's such a cutie pie.

joined Nov 14, 2015

I wonder when we will going back to the protagonists Shimakaze & the others xD

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm probably going to hell for this but…

^^^ I sure it's not the latter, it would just be sad. Hiruma at least seems ready to accept that side of her, although she may not exactly share her philosophy yet... Nina's problem might be that she thought she could accept it, but now realizes she's not quite willing to share.

What intrigues me is this page. She says she loves both Nina and Ryou equally... but she's looking at Ryou in the eyes on one side, looking away with Nina's face hidden on the other. Amane and Nina's relationship might not be that stellar behind the scenes…

There aren't actually that many characters, but I'm having trouble keeping track of them.
Uwaahh, even though they're all cute in their own ways.

Here, to help you keep track.

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 7:15PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

Definitely getting the vibe that Shinya is Nina.

joined Dec 14, 2014

Here, to help you keep track.

Oh, that's pretty nifty! Thank you.

I'm looking forward to how Amane's 'strategy' is going to be portrayed. I'd be rather disappointed if she fails to pick up on Nina not being too happy or if she is just unable to take Nina's perspective at all. What Amane has said about their relationship so far seems to be pretty off the mark. It always takes two (or more, in this case) to put effort into a relationship.

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 7:49PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Wait a minute, who're Ayaka x Yurine? Are they characters in this thing? ;)

joined Feb 15, 2016

I don't really believe Amane when she says she loves people, since she says it very, VERY easily. Like, she interacts with two girls in this series for a brief period of time and says she loves them. That CAN happen...not often. Well, guess I'll wait and see.

Definitely getting the vibe that Shinya is Nina.

No doubt in my mind about this.

joined Dec 14, 2014

It struck me as odd when Ryou said that she had had considerably less interaction with Amane ever since her hand healed.

joined Sep 25, 2013

I like the way the mangaka draws the pony-tail girl.

I struggle to keep up with names in a series so full of different characters, tbh.

joined Sep 28, 2011

"And thus we have a-"
" NO! "
"...And thus we have a love tria-"
" OH GOD NO! "
"......And thus we have a love triangle in this yuri you like so-"

Oh Yatzhee, thank you for helping me always knowing what to say and how to say it

joined Oct 15, 2016

So everyone agrees that Shin'ya is Nina, but she realized too late that the other girl was her "love rival" and she was helping her out getting close to her. I have a feeling that Amane might be the odd one out after Ponytail girl realizes Nina was Shin'ya all along. She strikes me as the kind of girl who won't have an actual partner until later on in the story.

joined Jan 20, 2015

I'm willing to bet that maybe this relationship dynamic will end with a all of them together

The story has a nice vibe, can't imagine Amane getting rejected again
Ryou has already accepted her

...and possible interest in Nina

joined Dec 21, 2015

sirens in the background
Help that was too cute
But hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a cliched love triangle thing. I wouldn't be surprised, but I still have my hopes up........maybe polyamory..? Highly unlikely though ;_; dammit.

last edited at Jan 3, 2017 10:36PM

joined Aug 31, 2014

remember when there used to be main characters in this manga? ┐(‘~` )┌

joined Oct 15, 2016

I'm willing to bet that maybe this relationship dynamic will end with a all of them together

The story has a nice vibe, can't imagine Amane getting rejected again
Ryou has already accepted her

...and possible interest in Nina

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying Amane would get rejected again, i'm saying that she won't be the one ending up with someone in this arc. I feel like once she learns Nina was behind Shin'ya all along, she might try to bring her and Ryou together. She looks like the type of girl who likes to play matchmaker.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Five cookies say the kind hearted cat lover is the roommate.

joined Mar 26, 2016

Really liked the design of the black haired character.

joined Sep 10, 2015

"And thus we have a-"
" NO! "
"...And thus we have a love tria-"
" OH GOD NO! "
"......And thus we have a love triangle in this yuri you like so-"

Oh Yatzhee, thank you for helping me always knowing what to say and how to say it

But cliche is the engine that runs yuri. Cliche is what makes yuri so enjoyable. If you don't like cliche, why are you reading yuri? Cliches are an easy way to pack in a ton of meaning into one small spot because they're easily recognizable. They're what make pop fiction and romance fiction, well, popular. They're great to use in writing, regardless of what your creative writing teachers say. And besides, experimental fiction is a chore to read and pretentious. Innovation isn't always fun when you're seeking out derivative romance fiction. Even Takemiya Jin, the revolutionary queen of yuri style, uses love triangles (The way she picks apart and nukes older yuri conventions in the first chapter of Fragments, though, is exquisite).

And as long as the writer can breathe some new life into the cliche, like here with interesting characters and a fun story, rather than just mindlessly use old tropes, it's fine. And good yuri doesn't even have to do that.

Calling a love triangle cliche is rather odd, though. It's a standard story archetype. Like, you wouldn't say it's cliche to end a chapter with a hook, or to have a rising action followed by a climax, would you?

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 12:33AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

I like that Amane stayed true to her beliefs and feelings, despite that others generally don't share nor understand them. What crosses Himura's mind is similar yet different from Izumi's however, when they both received her offer. Sure, both thought "ay, this isn't what I wanted", but from Izumi's side, she already had someone she gave her heart too. Hiruma however, hm... She gave Amane's expression of love some thought, and clearly she respects her feelings, and values her happiness.

Nina also loves Amane, it's obvious, but unknowingly to Amane, Nina's agreement to her feelings/conditions is different; when she accepted her red ribbon, she had no 'rivals', so she didn't have to worry about it. Even if it was temporarily okay for her, on the long run though... She secretly rejects the principle behind Amane's feelings. It's easy to understand where Nina's coming from, but ouf, it's pretty sad for Amane. It's clear that at least from her side, she's been honest with Nina, and thought that she accepted her and her love.
This is why I appreciate Hiruma. Perhaps she didn't entirely accept Amane's love at first either, but at least she made the effort to understand that for Amane, it's what makes her happy. At least Hiruma went about her feelings in an honest way when she first answered them.

When Hiruma first refused, she was thinking of herself, her own feelings, what she wanted, which is fine of course, you have to be happy in your relationships after all. What I do admire however, if when she saw Amane again, and wondered about how she felt, and did it for her. Ofc, she didn't have to do it, she didn't have to accept and prioritise Amane's feelings (and it'd suck if Amane ended up with two girls being jealous and hating each other. Like Hiruma said, it'd make Amane sad) but she seemed genuine in accepting Amane for who she is, is conscious of Amane's love and what it entails and caring enough to want to make her happy.

I don't know if her own feelings about the reality of their relationship has changed, if she's fine with it now, or did she just wing it for the sake of Amane tho. But it'd be nice if she got Nina to accept her too maybe? Like, Nina and Hiruma don't have to feel the same way about each other, as they feel for Amane. Just accepting each other and their feelings for Amane, and Amane's sincere feelings for each of them is ideal, but Hiruma's gentle gesture of touching Nina's face surprised me, and made me wonder if perhaps Nina and Hiruma could develop a bond as well. She didn't react with outrage, confusion or anger, but just looked at this girl's anger and sadness and just felt sympathy for her and Amane. Hiruma's a kind girl, it's probably ideal that she is the one that accepted Amane, she might just help balance out the conflict. Given that chances are that Nina is Shin'ya, and that even when Nina confronted her, she mainly felt worry and sympathy, I feel like that it's likely that at the very least, Nina and Himura could get along, for the sake of Amane, or just for each other's sakes.

I've never seen polyamory as a real theme in a series before (except here and its sequel, but only one woman is polyamorous, her other partners aren't :/), I think it's super interesting that's actually actively questioned and it's so important, and not presented under the light of being "wrong". I'm eager to see where this goes, and I hope it turns out well tbh. I'm really happy with this arc actually, I'm glad Canno introduced Asakura, it's a really interesting theme. She looks a bit pushy when she first appeared, a bit antagonistic/an obstacle to the pair's plot, but she's a nice girl too, as we can see from this chapter. She's a kind and generous girl, this is simply how she loves, but sadly, it isn't commonly accepted. I had wondered what that sad smile in the Izumi/Chiharu chapter meant, but I suppose that seeing her with the same smile this chapter shows it isn't the first time that her love has been rejected, just for not being something that ppl reciprocated, or accepted at all. She mentioned that the love being acknowledged would have made her happy, even if they didn't return it. I'm sure that, as simple as that request seems, it was hard to accept and refused previously, even before Izumi. She seems like she has her mind made up, and perhaps have tried explaining it multiple times prior as well. It's a very simple thing, in a way, what would make her happiness, but she just can't reach it. Her smile seems smile, but brave. She isn't giving up her love, and I respect that.


This love triangle is probably the least cliché'd thing I've seen a quite a while, I'm not sure what you're complaining about tbh. It's legit the only love triangle I've ever seen written this way

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 12:58AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

ALSO I love Hiruma, she’s got major gap moe going on with how she’s actually a cute softie and a huge pushover, but she’s still extremely gallant and dashing too. Her character is legit that she looks cool, but her actual personality isn't more on the blushy type. However, being cute and blushy isn’t not 100% just how she is on the inside/ how she looks at times, being charming IS genuinely part of her behaviour as well ❤
Tl;dr: She looks cool, is actually a cutie, but is genuinely gallant too. DOUBLE gap moe. She obviously had difficulty/was clumsly about her feelings, but she thought about Amane, and took that extra step regardless for her, that’s pretty dashing :’)

Hiruma reminds me of Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh

joined Apr 25, 2014

bring on the NTR

joined Mar 12, 2014

Oooh, is this an attempt on the illusive poly relationship? Interesting!

joined May 26, 2015

And so we start I Await Your Reply and Sorry I'm Obsessed all over again, but this time with probably more chapters. Or maybe not lol, just the premise seems to be the same

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 8:16AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

OH NO not another couple... oh my god following the track of this series is a huge pain in the ass xD

Also... the blog girl MUST be one of the couple.. I bet on the short haired one.

Loving one person? Definetely.
Loving two? Can* happen... people normally just choose the one that suits them better, or the one that is required.
Loving three? Can* happen... but I guess it seldom would happen in a row, and much less at first sight... I can't feel that as love but as a "like".
Loving even more? Oh I wish, it would be paradyse.

last edited at Jan 4, 2017 5:46AM

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