Forum › Hana and Hina After School discussion

joined Apr 28, 2016

Hinako's two friends are becoming one of my favorite parts of this series.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Hey, someone's working on Soukaku Kankei, nice! I've been waiting for that to be translated ever since it was announced; I mean, more Tachi's never bad. Himitsu, Hitotsu was ehhhh, but I'm sure that the other stories will be better.

As for this story... it was good, it was good. It's nice to see that Hana has finally realized that she's in love. Kinda sad that there's only one volume of this goodness left, but, eh, I suppose it's better than being dragged out for too long.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Chapter 12 drinking game: Take a shot every time you read the word "staple".

joined Apr 12, 2016

Reading one of Morinaga Milk's works again with that discussion from her thread still sort of fresh in my mind made me realize how hilariously ridiculous that discussion was to begin with.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Reading one of Morinaga Milk's works again with that discussion from her thread still sort of fresh in my mind made me realize how hilariously ridiculous that discussion was to begin with.

What was that all about anyways? I saw the thread being bumped again, but when i clicked to see what it was, i just saw a bunch of people calling names to each other and what not, so i just nope out of there.

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 1:39AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

Vol. 3 is the last one right?

Thanks for your amazing work btw.

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Hey, someone's working on Soukaku Kankei, nice! I've been waiting for that to be translated ever since it was announced; I mean, more Tachi's never bad. Himitsu, Hitotsu was ehhhh, but I'm sure that the other stories will be better.

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

And don't worry! The other chapters of the Himitsu, Hitotsu anthology are much more enjoyable than the first!

Chapter 12 drinking game: Take a shot every time you read the word "staple".

Poor Faust begged us to change this, lol, but the redundance is intended as a running joke.

Reading one of Morinaga Milk's works again with that discussion from her thread still sort of fresh in my mind made me realize how hilariously ridiculous that discussion was to begin with.

...Don't remind me... T^T

joined Apr 12, 2016

What was that all about anyways? I saw the thread being bumped again, but when i clicked to see what it was, i just saw a bunch of people calling names to each other and what not, so i just nope out of there.

The quickest way to sum it all up is a completely one-sided match where one person got dunked on by everyone else. I would feel sorry if not for the fact that they were the one who escalated it + it was too hard to resist not to comment since it was, as I said, a pretty ridiculous statement to begin with. Anyway, I'm glad it was over.

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 1:52AM

joined Aug 3, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

Vol. 3 is the last one right?

Thanks for your amazing work btw.

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Do you know if vol 3 is another six chapters? That would really be a perfectly fine length to complete the story... provided, as you said, she had notice. Might even be a good thing, if it saves us from unnecessary chapters of frustrating MC density and drama. I actually assumed it was always intended to be three volumes just based on the pacing thus far.

Looking forward to volume 3. Thanks so much for your work. Seeing a new chapter of this manga pop up on the site always makes that day better :)

joined Oct 15, 2016

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Lets hope so, i really like this series a lot since its a lot of fluff with little to no actual drama, but i could see why this isn't popular in Japan. And just like cyricc say, this could be a good thing too since Hana is your typical thickheaded girl who doesn't notice someone else's feeling until its too late and we're spared from that if Morinaga doesn't rush things.

BTW, if you don't mind me asking, whats Futakaku Kankei or Soukaku Kankei all about?

The quickest way to sum it all up is a completely one-sided match where one person got dunked on by everyone else. I would feel sorry if not for the fact that they were the one who escalated it + it was too hard to resist not to comment since it was, as I said, a pretty ridiculous statement to begin with. Anyway, I'm glad it was over.

Sounds like that person got angry over nothing then. I'll check it out sometime just for sheer amusement.

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 2:09AM

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

A wonderful chapter and a great job scanlating. But I'm curious; are you planning to add text to the afterword? It looks like the editor mostly cleaned it in preparation. It's no big deal, but I like reading Morinaga-sensei's afterwords.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Chapter 12 was super cute!

By the way, not to sound ungrateful, but why weren't the last pages translated?

joined Feb 23, 2016

Yes!! She finally discovered she is in Love!!! (≧∇≦) that blush and bodies though (//∇//)\

joined Jan 8, 2014

Ahhh, doki-doki

I need more! Lol, here's hoping we get an update soon!

joined Jun 12, 2015

Why is afterward not translated?

joined Jan 11, 2015

...And with this, we'll focus on other projects while we await the release of vol. 3. =]

Vol. 3 is the last one right?

Thanks for your amazing work btw.

Unfortunately, yes. It got cancelled because of lack of popularity. Hopefully Morinaga got enough of a heads-up that she still managed to properly wrap up the story. :/

Do you know if vol 3 is another six chapters? [...]

I do believe so, although I can't remember for certain. Considering vol. 2 was released in January this year, and the last chapter is published now in November, it seems likely.

BTW, if you don't mind me asking, whats Futakaku Kankei or Soukaku Kankei all about?

It's about a pair of identical twins, and one day when the main character (one of the twins) is filling in for her twin at her part time job, a senpai confesses to her. Love dodecahedron ensues. It might not sound very exciting, but I personally found it extremely enjoyable.

@Yuri and Kayo Edit: and h3x .__.
We'll add them later. I was working on translating other stuff. x)
(It's mostly just Morinaga gushing about schoolgirls though...)

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 2:22AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

It's about a pair of identical twins, and one day when the main character (one of the twins) is filling in for her twin at her part time job, a senpai confesses to her. Love dodecahedron ensues. It might not sound very exciting, but I personally found it extremely enjoyable.

It does sound extremely enjoyable. There's not enough twin hijinks in yuri manga, in fact, i can hardly recall a single series where the twins are not in love with each other, so i'm actually excited to see it.

@Yuri and Kayo Edit: and h3x .__.
We'll add them later. I was working on translating other stuff. x)
(It's mostly just Morinaga gushing about schoolgirls though...)

Classic Morinaga.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Well, if vol.3 is the last, might mean we'll avoid the whole "ex-girlfriend drama" part and go right to them confessing then dating.

Also that chapter kinda gave me a feeling of "is he a lolicon ?" "No, I'm a lolicon !". XD

joined Jul 31, 2013

Amazing chapter!

joined Nov 23, 2014

Color me surprised that the ex did not walk in on them being all snug there together.

... yet.

joined Mar 22, 2014

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

Just wanted to clarify that it is actually "Soukaku Kankei".

「双」 can most definitely be read as "sou". You are probably more accustomed to seeing the character being used in more common words like 「双子」 for "futago" or 「双葉」 for "Futaba" (the name).

EDIT: Oh never mind, found the promotional image that says otherwise, LOL. Since that's the case, I'm assuming it was named as "Soukaku Kankei" on all of these sites before the proper reading was revealed or something.

Yeah, it should be Futakaku Kankei, but I guess it might too late to change the romanized title now if readers are already used to seeing Soukaku?


last edited at Nov 23, 2016 3:43AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

Just wanted to clarify that it is actually "Soukaku Kankei".

「双」 can most definitely be read as "sou". You are probably more accustomed to seeing the character being used in more common words like 「双子」 for "futago" or 「双葉」 for "Futaba" (the name).

I know that 双角 is generally read as "soukaku", however the wordplay here is combining 双子 with 三角関係, and more importantly, the furigana on the cover says Futakaku ... >_<

Edit: NVM my post either then. :p

last edited at Nov 23, 2016 3:43AM

joined Mar 22, 2014

Soukaku Kankei is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on it! I believe it's actually called Futakaku Kankei, however. I'm not sure why it it's come to be called "Soukaku"... >.<

Just wanted to clarify that it is actually "Soukaku Kankei".

「双」 can most definitely be read as "sou". You are probably more accustomed to seeing the character being used in more common words like 「双子」 for "futago" or 「双葉」 for "Futaba" (the name).

I know that 双角 is generally read as "soukaku", however the wordplay here is combining 双子 with 三角関係, and more importantly, the furigana on the cover says Futakaku ... >_<

Edit: NVM my post either then. :p

You know what.

I think it should be Futakaku Kankei.
It's probably what Tachi wanted anyway ; ^ ;

joined Jan 11, 2015

One thing I do know, is that I'm gonna have a hell of a time writing the translator's note, explaining the pun/wordplay...

joined Mar 22, 2014

One thing I do know, is that I'm gonna have a hell of a time writing the translator's note, explaining the pun/wordplay...

I have never heard of Futakaku Kankei until now, but I'm assuming there's a looot of wordplay involved? :P

joined Jan 11, 2015

One thing I do know, is that I'm gonna have a hell of a time writing the translator's note, explaining the pun/wordplay...

I have never heard of Futakaku Kankei until now, but I'm assuming there's a looot of wordplay involved? :P

The tough part is that there is no way to translate the wordplay, so I'll have to go into glossary and compound words and all that. =A=

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