First Yuri dosnt need kissing.
The Cat is really just and example Kaga uses for "goodness", its kinda sarcastic and shes basically asking her if Yuki saw Kaga doing something heroic or of the like and that's why she loves her. This is kind of important because at the end Yuki tells Kaga that when she called her beautiful she did it because its what she thought of Kaga as a person not based of a singular defining action showing Kaga again that her love is more developed (which is explained bellow). (Its like calling Neil Armstrong a great man for being the first man to walk on the moon when in reality he did a great thing but that dosnt make him a great man (or at least allow us to call him one)
Kaga is a popular girl who believes ones self value is found in others opinions of themselves, hence because she is popular she is very self confident. But Kaga sets her limit at "love" (almost) this isn't actually true because she also finds value in people loving her but she is very cynical about being told about it.
We see Kaga's opinion of love best when she talks about flowers and says "They all wither away anyways" (referring to peoples emotions as directly after she calls flowers feelings.) and when she says "they all selfishly leave me anyways" when Yuki skips the running. Which is essentially showing us that she dosn't like being told by girls in her school (or girls that dont know her specifically because when talking to Yuki she makes a comment about Yuki meaning nothing to her being her reason for not liking her confession) that they love her because their feeling just disapear anyways.
This is where Yuki comes in essentially to show Kaga that her love is different that she wont disapear, and then of course the heart warming ending in which Kaga tells Yuki she's happy that she threw the flowers out. While considering the end(the recital)and previous symbolism we can infer that this is just showing us that this is supposed to represent that Kaga is happy that she found somebody whos feelings didnt just wilt away.
Sorry if this is written badly its like 12 and Im tired asf but can't miss manga :)
last edited at Nov 23, 2016 12:59AM