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joined Apr 28, 2015


joined May 22, 2014

"let's stay friends forever".

^No please, BFF?
Perhaps, Friends with benefits or the polygamy route?

joined Aug 26, 2015

Okay add "Neo-Yandere" also.

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 3:29AM

joined Aug 26, 2015

WaitWaitWait! So...Ch 5. Page 36: Kotooka forces herself to be "normal". Baka.

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 3:47AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

Tsukasa has carried this manga during the first 6 chapters, but since this chapter, Kotooka is out to share the burden.

So yeah currently I am in Kotooka and Tsukasa ship.

From neutral perspective, Kotooka x Tsukasa is the weak link of the triangular relationship. Because Tsukasa do has her brother to support her if things don't work out for her. And Kotooka can suppress her feelings as long as it can keep all 3 to be friends.

From the manga perspective however, Washio x Kotooka is the weak link. As the story was told in both Tsukasa and Kotooka POV so far. So it is easier for up to ship them

joined Mar 12, 2014

Yesssss Kotooka! A character who isnt outright oblivious to her surroundings and has actually caught on that all of them are in one big crushing mess. I don't really agree with her POV on things (and I think deep down she isn't convinced that "falling in love with guys" is gonna be the real answer anyway) but I'm thankful that we have a character who can actually put the pieces together and is worrying about the state of their friendship, because lets face it the whole thing is a mess.

I even liked the detail that she didn't want Tsukasa and Washio to go off together, even if that would've tied it all up nicely - because of her own feelings towards Tsukasa. It shows that she's not really trying to let go of her own feelings at all, and really she doesn't want to fall for a guy, but wants Tsukasa to fall for her

Its getting goooooood. I'm so glad Tsukasa ditched the guy, though I'm sure he'll be back

joined Feb 10, 2013

Loving this series.

Deepening without hurry, stopping in introspection, taking care of the gestures, the looks, the silences, the double intentions in what is said.
Long ago I don't read a story that conveys so much love and concern among the characters in that way, without forcing it.

It may be weird but ... well, I suppose it's a perfect cup of tea for me. ^^

joined Dec 27, 2015

I am loving this manga!
But it also makes me a bit sad to read it. I had a similar situation in high school. So it hits close to home. I know I chose "friend" over lost love.

But this is three. It hurts because it feels like in the end, no one gets together. From my experience it's both sad and satisfying. To put friendship above all else. There will always be a little bit of hurt. But the satisfaction of being a close friend, is worth it too.
So I think this is the route we end up with. They will all choose friendship over lover. With Katooka's guidance.

joined Nov 4, 2016

For the people interested in the zodiac reference:

Final Fantasy Tactics Zodiac

It's from Final Fantasy Tactics, but it's based on real astrology. Best/Worst compatibility means people of the same sex have Worst compatibility, people of the opposite sex have Best compatibility. I dunno if zodiac compatibility is as big a thing in Japan as blood type is, but there you have it.

joined May 24, 2015

What kotooka said was true. You're not allpwed to fall in love to a friend coz if you do everything will be messed up

joined Aug 22, 2016

this is gonna be long long sails, everyone~

joined Aug 22, 2013

Since we've only seen the story from Tsukasa's point of view, my impression of Kotooka was that she was kind of the airhead/oblivious of life going on around her/was purposefully ignorant so she wouldn't have to deal with what was right in front of her. But I'm glad we got a chapter from Kotooka's point of view as it shows not only how perceptive she is, but how she also understands the weight and consequence of having these feelings. Going back, her seemingly distanced facade carries more weight to what is going on.

Also, Nadeshiko seems to have had an "ah-ha" moment and I hope we can see a chapter from her perspective as well.

joined Nov 20, 2016

I had low expectations for this manga before this last chapter. Kotooka is an interesting character. She is able to very clearly see the feelings of everyone except herself. In fact, she's the only character whose true feelings are left unclear. "My secret is I know both of their secrets." However, this chapter seems to hint that she has feelings for Tsukasa which would be nice.

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 2:07PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

However, this chapter seems to hint that she has feelings for Tsukasa which would be nice.

She does. It's pretty clear. Reread chapter 1 and the last chapter

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 2:10PM

joined Feb 3, 2013

i look calm but i'm actually screaming inside

joined Mar 24, 2015

Funny seeing everyone suddenly change their minds from "Kotooka is so annoying omg!!" to her suddenly being the favorite... She's been the most interesting one from the start. Not sure how y'all didn't see it ;]

Though now I want her with Nadeshiko, since she's smart too and seems to have caught onto how Kotooka feels. They can date and be all introspective together, yay

joined Jul 19, 2015

Like always, I wish for this to end up being something more, but I seriously doubt it will close off with anything other than "the three of us will be friends no matter what! Forever!"

joined Feb 7, 2014

My my..... I was so excited reading that I had many freak outs my parents looked at me like i was a weirdo , maybe I'm

The series must end in polyamore for the three girls and yaoi for the bro and asakura

joined Aug 24, 2015

This is going in circles my gosh. Wake me up when something happens, please :/

Okay, I spoke 3 days too soon. Chapter 7 finally brought development, and its pretty interesting too. I'm curious to see how Kotooka will navigate their relationships knowing everyone's feelings. It's a tough spot she's in.

joined Jun 8, 2016

orz Kotooka.... I'm so sorry doubting you and your gayness, it's never gonna happen again

joined Oct 15, 2016

Funny seeing everyone suddenly change their minds from "Kotooka is so annoying omg!!" to her suddenly being the favorite... She's been the most interesting one from the start. Not sure how y'all didn't see it ;]

Though now I want her with Nadeshiko, since she's smart too and seems to have caught onto how Kotooka feels. They can date and be all introspective together, yay

She was annoying and the worst for the first 5 chapters without a doubt. She acted like she knew what was best for Tsukasa by almost forcing her into dating a guy she clearly wasn't interested and she was extremely nosy during her date as well. BUT, once we saw why she was so annoying at first, everyone warmed up to her since she's probably the one who's hurting the most out of the whole group since she knows the girl she likes is into the person who likes her and none of that can't happen, according to her.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Wow! Just... WOW! That chapter was freakin' amazing! Possibly one of the best chapters of manga I've read in a long while. Kotooka is, in essence, a tortured soul. She perceives the pattern of everything. Has known for a long time that the girl she fell for longs for another. Suspected that the feelings might be mutual only to discover that the girl her crush is crushing on actually has a thing for her. All the while feeling that relationships like theirs would never work in the long run because in their society nobody ever talks about same-sex relationships openly, particularly between women. (There is a reason Yuri Kuma Arashi used "The Invisible Storm" as an analogy for the exclusion of lesbians from Japanese society. It is possible to be marginalized simply by being entirely ignored. Young women who don't know that it is alright to feel the way they do end up like Kotooka, confused and, sometimes promiscuous with men because they think that is what they need to do to get along. Others allow their parents to push them into arranged marriages. When the culture simply doesn't acknowledge the existence of your sexual preference as a group, or considers it a "phase" to be grown out of, it is just as bad as being actively discriminated against.)

joined Jul 1, 2014

They way I'm seeing this now:

Nadeshiko has feelings for Kotooka, but doesn't act on them because she believes Kotooka is heterosexual.
Tsukasa has feelings for Nadeshiko, but doesn't act on them because she knows that Nadeshiko likes Kotooka.
Kotooka is slowly growing feelings for Tsukasa, but doesn't act on them because she wants everyone to remain friends.

Knowing nothing about the raws: I suspect we may soon get a chapter (or chapters) about Nadeshiko's perspective. Incidentally enough: I think she's becoming aware of Kotooka's feelings.

The only one who may continue to stay out of most of the loop is Tsukasa, but Subaru will fill her in, no doubt.

joined Mar 9, 2013

Kotooka is slowly growing feelings for Tsukasa, but doesn't act on them because she wants everyone to remain friends.

No Kotooka DOES have feelings for Tsukasa, it's the main reason she was trying to push her towards dude bro. Because if she's taken she won't have to/won't be able to act on her feelings for her.

joined Jul 1, 2014

Kotooka is slowly growing feelings for Tsukasa, but doesn't act on them because she wants everyone to remain friends.

No Kotooka DOES have feelings for Tsukasa, it's the main reason she was trying to push her towards dude bro. Because if she's taken she won't have to/won't be able to act on her feelings for her.

I got the impression that, at first, she was pushing Tsukasa into this to keep all her friends normal because she knew that Tsukasa liked Nadeshiko. If she could make Tsukasa 'normal' then the friendship between the three would continue. Maybe different interpretations?

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