Forum › Nanashi no Asterism discussion

joined Dec 15, 2013

So... Nothing interesting happened... Again. A thing that bothered me about this chapter was, why did Tsukasa said that glasses guy made her feel something only Washio have ever made her feel and then she goes and turns him down? Isn't it better to explore those new feelings since you're pretty certain your old feelings aren't reciprocated?

I think Tsukasa decided that even though she felt her heart race a little, she feels a lot more for Washio and that her feelings for Washio are more important, even if she never confesses or that it's not reciprocated.

joined Jan 11, 2016

Friendship tag would be nice too c:

I love their friendship! (for now)

joined Oct 15, 2016

Nooooo!!! Give up please! Let this crap be over with!

I'm starting to get the impression that this Asakura crap is not just an arc or some shit but rather the entire deal of this manga

You might be right. I was kinda hoping that the glasses kid was just a gay person who hasn't come to terms with his own sexuality and was just trying too hard to suppress his actual emotions in order to appear "normal" in front of his friends. But, it might be something else entirely and completely boring like the usual "Good looking guy who could totally get with any girl he wanted, but obsesses over this one girl who rejected him."

So... Nothing interesting happened... Again. A thing that bothered me about this chapter was, why did Tsukasa said that glasses guy made her feel something only Washio have ever made her feel and then she goes and turns him down? Isn't it better to explore those new feelings since you're pretty certain your old feelings aren't reciprocated?

I think Tsukasa decided that even though she felt her heart race a little, she feels a lot more for Washio and that her feelings for Washio are more important, even if she never confesses or that it's not reciprocated.

Well, its not like those feelings would actually dissapear if she tries to pursue her new feelings. I know this was just a way to prolong the "Would they, should they" crap, but even so, it feels like she just enjoys feeling like shit everytime Washio fawns over Kotooka.

I think she was happy being liked rather than actually liking him.

Yeah, it feels like she doesn't actually liked the guy, but she liked how forward the guy was with his feelings? I don't know, i really hope we get some sort of actual development soon.

last edited at Nov 18, 2016 12:26AM

joined Jun 20, 2014

The bro...a future yandere siscon? xD

joined Mar 6, 2014

Well, its not like those feelings would actually dissapear if she tries to pursue her new feelings.

Thing is she never said she had feelings for the guy, just that he made her heart race, and until that point Washio was the only one that has ever done that so she got confused but it's not like her heart raced for him for the same reason it does for Washio, i mean my heart raced a bit when Godzilla atomic breathed the fuck out of King Ghidorah's head but it's not like i want to date the monster because of that... I think... ...Well, maybe a little bit

joined Oct 15, 2016

Well, its not like those feelings would actually dissapear if she tries to pursue her new feelings.

Thing is she never said she had feelings for the guy, just that he made her heart race, and until that point Washio was the only one that has ever done that so she got confused but it's not like her heart raced for him for the same reason it does for Washio, i mean my heart raced a bit when Godzilla atomic breathed the fuck out of King Ghidorah's head but it's not like i want to date the monster because of that... I think... ...Well, maybe a little bit

Godzilla looks quite dreamy doing that tbh. In all seriousness though, i re-read the chapter and came to the conclussion that her heart probably raced because of how forward the guy was with his feelings and how he expressed them without hesitation. She probably felt some sort of admiration for him due to that.

joined Feb 15, 2013

60 pages felt like nothing....

I don't know, maybe each chapter is too long that the author could not manage the story properly? Because feel like it's going all over the place right now.

I means I'm not saying that it is bad. But considering the quite unique cast and awesome art, the pace and story direction are kinda holding this manga back

joined Mar 27, 2016

I just feel like this manga is archaic in how it approaches the genre. Most of the ideas just feel like they're 10 years late. At least the brother dresses as a girl because he knows his sister is into girls, I think? That would be kind of interesting.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, its not like those feelings would actually dissapear if she tries to pursue her new feelings.

Thing is she never said she had feelings for the guy, just that he made her heart race, and until that point Washio was the only one that has ever done that so she got confused but it's not like her heart raced for him for the same reason it does for Washio, i mean my heart raced a bit when Godzilla atomic breathed the fuck out of King Ghidorah's head but it's not like i want to date the monster because of that... I think... ...Well, maybe a little bit

Godzilla looks quite dreamy doing that tbh. In all seriousness though, i re-read the chapter and came to the conclussion that her heart probably raced because of how forward the guy was with his feelings and how he expressed them without hesitation. She probably felt some sort of admiration for him due to that.

Yeah. I mean, having someone relatable tell you something like that in a fairly charming way--even if they're not the person you're specifically into, it's an exciting thing in itself.

joined Jul 3, 2015

Very meh and dragged out. Dropping this.

joined Jul 1, 2014

Well, negative comments aside, I like it. It's got nice introspection that is less about 'how can I love a girl' and more about 'am I really in love with someone even though I know they don't love me back?' It may be tried and true, but it's cute and I, personally, think it has a good pacing. Not much to say until a little more develops. I do think Washio has feelings for Tsukasa, but she doesn't realize them, yet. As for Kotooka, I dunno what is going on there. Too many unknowns to even hazard a guess. It's obvious she has some inclination towards Tsukasa, but whether it is because she has feelings for her or maybe (possibly) is aware that Washio has feelings, it's up for grabs. In the end:

I'm not dropping this. Look forward to more!

joined Jan 27, 2016

Nooooo!!! Give up please! Let this crap be over with!

I'm starting to get the impression that this Asakura crap is not just an arc or some shit but rather the entire deal of this manga

Seriously, this killed any good will he had garnered with me up to this point. That shit is not cool if someone turns you down you respect their decision full stop, you don't try to manipulate and wear them down until you get the answer you want.

joined Dec 20, 2015

I sometimes feel that the author is dragging this on for so long to make as much money off of this as possible. I know that I am wrong hopefully, but I can't but feel this way from how drawn out it is. I mean the story could be finished in like 4-7 chapters and it would be a lot better than it is now.

joined Jul 6, 2013

Dodged a bullet there.

It's pretty clear how glasses guy is gonna keep trying but the brother will cross-dress and meet him instead...

joined Mar 28, 2015

Why do I feel like both Kotooka and Washio are relieved she turned him down?

joined Aug 22, 2016

loved this chapter.
I don't know why there many negative comment here.

joined Sep 21, 2014

I wonder what Washio was gonna say before Kotooka cut her off like, twice

joined Oct 15, 2016

Why do I feel like both Kotooka and Washio are relieved she turned him down?

Kotooka definitely did. Her reaction when Tsukasa told them she was going to give the guy a chance was priceless. I think Washio just felt that she forced Tsukasa into something she didn't want to do it.

I wonder what Washio was gonna say before Kotooka cut her off like, twice

The first time she was going to say what she told Tsukasa by phone. I didn't know there was a second one though.

last edited at Nov 18, 2016 12:00PM

joined Mar 9, 2015

I like Shiratori so hope she gets her girl!

joined Sep 21, 2014

I wonder what Washio was gonna say before Kotooka cut her off like, twice

The first time she was going to say what she told Tsukasa by phone. I didn't know there was a second one though.

twice for the same line
are you sure tho? i dont think she couldve said that in front of kotooka

joined Oct 15, 2016

I wonder what Washio was gonna say before Kotooka cut her off like, twice

The first time she was going to say what she told Tsukasa by phone. I didn't know there was a second one though.

twice for the same line
are you sure tho? i dont think she couldve said that in front of kotooka

Thats what i'm assuming. Either that or she was going to give her a half-assed congratulation.

BTW did anyone else noticed that they brought up the Takoyaki shirt once again? I think its obvious that Tsukasa owns or used to own that shirt. But with the pace the manga has, we'll know for sure by chapter 80.

joined Sep 21, 2014

I would read a soccer manga starring Tsukasa.

same. I'd be one of her fangirls

joined Mar 28, 2015

4noki posted:

I would read a soccer manga starring Tsukasa.
Argh, bishie glasses, please give up though.

I read "Mai ball" about soccer and the girls are pretty gay with each other.

joined Oct 15, 2016

4noki posted:

I would read a soccer manga starring Tsukasa.
Argh, bishie glasses, please give up though.

I read "Mai ball" about soccer and the girls are pretty gay with each other.

I just google it and the art style looks fine, but it also looks like theres a male love interest right? Please tell me the girls don't fawn all over him like in your typical harem manga. Might give it a shot if thats not the case though.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Kal3d posted:

4noki posted:

I would read a soccer manga starring Tsukasa.
Argh, bishie glasses, please give up though.

I read "Mai ball" about soccer and the girls are pretty gay with each other.

I just google it and the art style looks fine, but it also looks like theres a male love interest right? Please tell me the girls don't fawn all over him like in your typical harem manga. Might give it a shot if thats not the case though.

Well, it's somehow a harem manga, and yeah, he's the "love interest". But strangely, the story is more about the relationships between the members of the harem than about the harem king, who's actually a minor character. And it's mainly about soccer too, not really focused on romance.

If you can't stand the presence of a male love interest, then I guess you can forget Mai Ball.

But the MC (Mai) has serious lesbian delusions. And the girls are drawn with hips and thighs fit for soccer players.

The presence of the male character is so light, it doesn't bother me. It's almost never about him at all.

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