I really can't see someone actually going through this kind of issue . It seems so unreal and full of overly stimulated anxiety .
You truly are a detestable piece of garbage
This isn't even the worst of what anxiety can do to a person
But keep living in your bubble
She's a "detestable piece of garbage" because she can't relate to someone else's depression or anxiety? Because she's never experienced that herself? Wow, that's a pretty narrow-minded perspective. Do you realize how absurd that sounds? "You're a detestable piece of garbage because you don't suffer from anxiety like I do/like other people do." Or "You're a detestable piece of garbage because you don't understand what anxiety is like." Well hot-dang girl! Be patient and teach her, then. Many people are fully capable of learning and growing. No need to write them off as a "detestable piece of garbage."
And just because someone doesn't deal with anxiety or depression doesn't mean they live in a bubble either, it just means they were made differently. Everybody has their own unique struggles and perspective that not everyone can relate to - and that's okay. So chill, fam. And be patient with those who are different than you.
EDIT: Just noticed Staff and Moderator addressed your comment... but I'll still leave mine so as to elaborate why it's an over-reaction. I apologize if it's a little inciting.
last edited at Sep 19, 2016 6:52PM