Forum › The Magical Girl and the Cage of Lesbianism discussion

joined Feb 28, 2013

Sooo, yeah. This was... a thing.

joined Mar 14, 2014

Alright that was some bread and butter there. Nothing wrong with the classic formula. Even if the writing was corn in its most pure form.

joined Dec 9, 2015

But are the witches made of wood?

Anyone got a duck? Or a church.


But I think its more magical babies than science :p It was overall...a pointless read. I am more interested in the world setting tbh. Also, LWB is alive?

joined Apr 27, 2014

Hmm.. ok was ok, but come on, I won't even comment on the nonsensical premise because I've seen much much worse, like this one with a demon or something and everyone turned into like sex addicts and this poor girl just kept having babies who also raped her while being born and super weird ass shit.

Still, could be worse so it's okish.

joined Mar 6, 2012

Where is the comedy tag? :p

joined Jul 20, 2014

what the actual fuck

joined Feb 14, 2016

Delicious garbage

joined Dec 27, 2014

Honestly the comments are the best part

joined Sep 28, 2015

I mean, it is a solid plan.

Impregnating your friend so she doesn't get knocked up by a witch. It's flawless logic. Makes you wonder why they just don't have an all pregnant anti-witch force.

Now to sit here and await patiently for the other chapters of the yuri impregnating series. These have been great lol.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Lmao. The fuck is this?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

kanonchan posted:

Lmao. The fuck is this?


joined Dec 20, 2015

I'll just sit in the corner now and think about my life...

joined Mar 28, 2015

And what are they gonna do with the babies if she plans on keeping her pregnant permanently?

joined Nov 30, 2015


Ghost in the Shell
joined Jul 30, 2013

And what are they gonna do with the babies if she plans on keeping her pregnant permanently?

Scientific experiments...

joined Jul 3, 2015

I expected way worse from the tags and the comments. I hope at least they will be good moms?

joined Apr 18, 2013

:D This was really bad - but it was so bad, that it made me laugh few times and that counts for something. :D

joined Jan 13, 2015

As long time follower of LWB, I expected something much more from this, this is actually quite mild. lol.

joined Apr 28, 2016

As long time follower of LWB, I expected something much more from this, this is actually quite mild. lol.


joined Nov 6, 2013

As long time follower of LWB, I expected something much more from this, this is actually quite mild. lol.


Little White Butterflies. The group that translated this.

joined Apr 28, 2016

As long time follower of LWB, I expected something much more from this, this is actually quite mild. lol.


Little White Butterflies. The group that translated this.


joined Jul 10, 2015

It's lacks depth and with the way it was drawn you can tell that the artist is semi-noob, it seemed as though there were pages missing because of the low quality transitioning. If the artist included some explanations such as a more in depth description of the witches, some backstory would also be appreciated (how they met, why they hunt witches, ect). I would like to see this story revisited when the artist becomes more skilled. It has a lot of good stuff and I feel it could be so much more.

last edited at Sep 7, 2016 11:37PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

As long time follower of LWB, I expected something much more from this, this is actually quite mild. lol.

very true. the third story looks like it could be just as quirky as this one. will have to wait for the translation to know for sure. tho i still think "the heir of the curse" is the best of all three stories in the anthology.
joined Apr 19, 2012

Lol, I feel like the mangaka who wrote this just didnt want to make the magical girl a fully realized masochist....if they had just been open about their kinks it wouldve been better

Have we've gotten to the point where we've begun talking about the artist's closeted kinks? Because I felt that way too.

Also, getting her pregnant seems like a very inconvenient and weird roundabout way of protecting someone, especially if you end up doing the same thing the witches planned on doing???? The safety net is short lived and it also seems dangerous to run around capturing witches while you're pregnant??? I think I ultimately felt confused, is all.

joined Jul 26, 2014

Am I the only one who enjoyed this? Impregnation between girls is like so hot.

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