Forum › Furry Yuri Schoolgirls discussion

joined Jan 18, 2016

It was weird but cute

joined Oct 24, 2013


joined Feb 23, 2014

Not to derail the thread (anymore than they usually get derailed, anyways), but how was Zootopia? I've heard it was surprisingly good, but what do people think?

Really damn good, go watch it is all i'll say.

joined Sep 21, 2015

The yuri had no meaning in this "story"... meh.

joined May 28, 2013


joined Feb 14, 2016

hehehe those carnivores

joined Jan 27, 2016

Not to derail the thread (anymore than they usually get derailed, anyways), but how was Zootopia? I've heard it was surprisingly good, but what do people think?

It was pretty dang amazing.

joined Apr 24, 2015

Not to derail the thread (anymore than they usually get derailed, anyways), but how was Zootopia? I've heard it was surprisingly good, but what do people think?

it was ok. The hype killed it for me, like any other movie. It was not a bad movie by a long shot, but it isn't "holy shit that's like the best thing I've ever watched" amazing.

Animated films recently, from what I've experience had had that happen. Starting from Frozen I think. People kept lashing, and i mean LASHING at me about how good it is (reason why I still haven't watched it, but good god Have i read truck load of fanfics on it. On paper, i'd be like around 70 full length novels..anyway). Then Big Hero six came out, and again....people keep lashing at me about how it's the greatest thing in cinematic history (exagerating a bit here, but really everyone i talked to sang it like gospel). Not too long after Inside Out came out, and guess what, NO THIS, THIS is the best movie ever. I did a quick look on reviews and sure enough it was ripping the internet up like a new religion. But wait there's more, if you call 1-800, oh wait.....right, then Zootopia came out. AFTER the massive furry fiasco, Which I'm ok with but would have rather done without, Everyone is telling how it's EVEN BETTER than inside out, surprise eh? (yes i'm Canadian). So by a complete off chance I'm at this restaurant they were offering discounted movie tickets for a nearby theatre, so me and my friend are like, 'eh, why not, what on? oh Zootopia? couldn't hurt eh?" (no I'm not just putting those in there, we actually said that), so we watched it. If you would be so kind to go all the way back up, you'll see what i thought. about derailing a thread eh?

joined Jun 13, 2015

Psst...over here...I got somethin' for ya...

Little closer...I'll whisper it to ya...

...Zootopia isn't the first thing with anthropomorphic characters in it.

Psst...hey, listen... Get this, Nez...

Zootopia came out pretty recently... and is currently the new flag-bearer for furries...

...So it's not surprising... that lots of people would mention it... would you rather have us discuss... MLP? ...Or Fritz the Cat? ...Don't blame people... for living in the present...

(Also, in my defense, I never even suggested this was actually based on Zootopia, I knew this wasn't that recent, plus she didn't even mention it in the afterword, I was just making a joke. Happy belated April Fools!)

joined Feb 28, 2015

Another great reason to suicide.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Under all that furry stuff, it was really cute. Also those fucking puns killed me

Edit: randomly came to mind, but does anyone think that the mascot for your school is a furry? Because like 75% mascots are animals and the person is practically wearing a fur suit... My old high school mascot was actually a furry... idk

last edited at Apr 2, 2016 10:32PM

joined Oct 6, 2013

This is pawfully cute and interesting

joined Feb 2, 2015

Does anyone want to talk about the ending to this manga? That was an unexpected turn for a yuri manga.

joined Aug 4, 2014

That was fun. I like diversity in Shuninta's works. Her recent series were disappointment to me but I fancy her oneshots cause they are never your high school drama filled with cliches you've read hundred times before. And damn, she really can draw.

joined Jan 13, 2014

This is kinda like Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san.

joined Jul 22, 2015

This is kinda like Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san.

A feral version at that.

joined Jun 12, 2012

This is kinda like Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san.

Except that they're like, full blown bonafide animals (`・ω・´)

joined Jan 19, 2015

jesus fucking christ the puns are so cheap and that somehow adds to this mess

joined Sep 14, 2014

a new definition to bestiality

joined May 19, 2016

Wow good job for the team! The puns.. Thank you!

edit: Someday I hope I will have the willpower to create weird things as I like and publish it just to confuse the net.

last edited at May 23, 2016 3:09PM

joined Oct 25, 2013

When that bunny clung to her, i think i just got diabetes.

joined Oct 31, 2016

My general reaction upon seeing the 'Furry' tag.

wow XD

joined Dec 4, 2017

furries and yuri, what more could you possibly need in life X3

joined May 11, 2018

This was too freaking cute

joined Jan 13, 2021

This is one of the most adorable oneshots ever. Also the translation is exceptional.

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