Forum › Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni! discussion

joined Nov 14, 2013

Kaede is juuust oblivious enough to have plausibly not caught on. Micchy knows the score thought.

joined Feb 23, 2014

sigh this is getting REALLY repetitive and boring now, every chapter has the same jokes, the same conflict and the same ending only not ending.
Just end already! I dont even care if they get together just have AN ENDING

joined Sep 18, 2014

I really enjoyed this chapter and all the references :) I feel the TL notes though shouldn't have just covered shrine visits but mentioned WHY the Washinomiya shrine is an otaku pilgrimage (most people wont go to check a website) -

The Washinomiya shrine is the shrine Kagami's family run in Lucky star - (And she & Tsukasa sometimes help out at as shrine maidens).

P.s coincidentally the author of my favourite lucky star fanfic talks about this shrine is his notes last chapter - they really do have tons of otaku go there - they even have prayers from Kagami & Tsukasa as though they really worked there :)
He even managed to find Kagami's house number lol if you want to see it in street view! The shrine is right next door.

Adding to this.

The Suwa Grand Shrine is a real life shrine and like the Washinomiya shrine, a pilgrimage for otaku, specifically Touhou fans. ZUN used this shrine as the basis for the Moriya Shrine in Touhou 10 - Mountain of Faith. The gods residing in the Moriya Shrine, Yasaka Kanako and Moriya Suwako, have roots towards the shrine as well.

Kanako might be named after Princess Yasakatome, one of the gods of the Suwa Grand Shrine while Suwako might be named after the shrine itself.

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 1:53PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

sigh this is getting REALLY repetitive and boring now, every chapter has the same jokes, the same conflict and the same ending only not ending.
Just end already! I dont even care if they get together just have AN ENDING

I agree with this. Akina in particular is very irritating now with her poor attempts at "saving face" is like she does one step forward and three backwards

joined Mar 15, 2016

sigh this is getting REALLY repetitive and boring now, every chapter has the same jokes, the same conflict and the same ending only not ending.
Just end already! I dont even care if they get together just have AN ENDING

Did we read the same chapter? Because I was under the impression that Akina finally acknowledged that her friends being Otaku isn't just acceptable, but that it's a good thing.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I need after 34 some serious Yuri, like a kissuu 030
Neh, it's okay & cute

joined Apr 20, 2013

This has enough yuri to keep me quiet for a while =w=

joined Apr 27, 2013

In this chapter, Lucky Star. Is it just me, or has Precure become a lot less important lately?

joined May 28, 2012

Ah,now I remember the Hatsuyume from Hell Teacher Nube manga where the hawk was just a print on the big buff man's speedo.Good time,good time.

And this manga could be a much better anime adaption than Watamote.

joined Jun 4, 2015

I"m still lovin it, a bit repetitive indeed with how she freaks when otaku are mentioned but the story is still progressing if not albeit a bit slowly. Goin to the wind priestess shrine instead of Reimu's will make her sad though lol

joined Sep 18, 2014

In this chapter, Lucky Star. Is it just me, or has Precure become a lot less important lately?

Akina is going from Precure stuff to general otaku stuff. Plus, Kaede keeps getting sidelined.

joined May 20, 2013

Whenever I see Micchi playing games, it makes me want to get back into Monster Hunter >_>

joined Sep 18, 2014

Whenever I see Micchi playing games, it makes me want to get back into Monster Hunter >_>

Why not just go back? It's still incredibly popular in Japan and it's starting to get popular outside Japan as well. MHGen is coming soon for the 3DS.

joined May 27, 2015

I'm familiar with itasha (anime-wrapped cars) but I'm not familiar with ita-ema. Otaku have such a huge inferiority complex, slapping the word for "painful" onto anything anime-related.

joined Feb 11, 2014

It's not exactly an inferiority complex. If I remember correctly, it's kind of a play on the fact those cars are decorated in such an absurd and overdone way it kind of "hurt your eyes". So it's a way to say those are "too much".

joined May 20, 2013

Whenever I see Micchi playing games, it makes me want to get back into Monster Hunter >_>

Why not just go back? It's still incredibly popular in Japan and it's starting to get popular outside Japan as well. MHGen is coming soon for the 3DS.

Well cause I achieved max rank in MH4U. All that's left is cleaning out the Caravan 10 missions, which I'm afraid will leave a bad taste in my mouth...

joined Jan 8, 2014

Latest ch has some awesome yuri, what a great way to start the year ^_^ heres hoping that it leads to mpre yuri moments...tho waiting for her to accept her inner otaku may have to be a first step before she admits her yuri love

joined May 28, 2012

"A Wish Only God Knows"
I just noticed this title is probably the parody of "The World God Only Knows".

joined Jan 18, 2016

hmmm yes

joined Aug 11, 2014

An entire chapter about girls randomly fawning over some mediocre otaku dude? Was anyone even asking for this?

joined Mar 15, 2016

Oh look, is a Nico

An entire chapter about girls randomly fawning over some mediocre otaku dude? Was anyone even asking for this?

You're new to the concept of projection, aren't you?

Oh look at me talking about projection and then having a massive overreach of assumption o3o

last edited at May 16, 2016 3:34PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

This was by far the worst episode in the series yet.

joined Mar 6, 2012

Leave znorlax alone .. it's just 1 chapter about him. I think you can survive that :[

joined Oct 12, 2013

I thought it was alright

joined Dec 18, 2013

Leave znorlax alone .. it's just 1 chapter about him. I think you can survive that :[

The problem wasn't Makoto, he was on point as always, the problem were his "buddies" and how shallow Amy was.

Konatsu also has strated to grind my gears with the way she pushes a lot of stuff over everyone else.

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