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joined May 28, 2013

This bear metaphor (kumaphor?) stuff is exhausting. I'm gonna have to come back and read this more than once to digest it.

How I feel. I'm really lost right now. Might just wait til it's finished.

joined Aug 30, 2013

This bear metaphor (kumaphor?) stuff is exhausting. I'm gonna have to come back and read this more than once to digest it.

How I feel. I'm really lost right now. Might just wait til it's finished.

Im not the only one totally lost its good to know.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Yeah, it took a WTF turn. We can't tell metaphor from reality.

joined May 25, 2014

My favorite part so far is when the student council bears say "But this is reality!"...

Lol, YuriKumaArashi and reality aren't exactly on speaking terms. :-)

joined Feb 3, 2013

Seems like this version is a lot more down to the ground than the anime, yet I can't really explain what the hell is happening outside her memories. A deam? Hypnosis? I don't really see the point of making this the result of a phychological trauma if the explanation of this memory trip is supernatural.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda digging the whole "Bear Princess" thing seems to be Lulu and Ginko's internal coping mechanisms.

"Seems". As in, we just recovered a memory in which the adults did not back up the daughter in blabbing to some little kid the secret behind their existence. I don't think that really establishes anything one way or another.

joined Jun 12, 2015

You people are really confused about bear metaphor in this manga?

last edited at Jan 10, 2016 5:12AM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

You people are really confused about bear metaphor in this manga?

How do you know it's a metaphor? They could all just be bears, and we're bringing all this "metaphor" nonsense to the text! :D

Mostly not about what it "means", just about whether the manga's reality involves it being real or some sort of delusion (and if the latter, whose). It functions pretty well the same whichever way, but it's still a valid question, and I'd say anyone who is certain sure at this point which is the case, has no real basis for their certainty.

joined Jun 12, 2015

You people are really confused about bear metaphor in this manga?

How do you know it's a metaphor? They could all just be bears, and we're bringing all this "metaphor" nonsense to the text! :D

Bears were explained in previous chapters. And mostly we know that these delusions have something to do with the childhood trauma and Reia's book.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Where the uploaders at? I submitted ch16 to the request list several days ago.

joined Mar 28, 2015

At last it's moving forward.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I'm having a hard time following the plot. Is there something I'm not getting here? What is the significance of Ginko seeing everything as bears? What exactly is the conflict? Sorry if I'm just being dumb.

last edited at Jan 19, 2016 3:33AM

joined Jun 12, 2015

At last it's moving forward.

It's started moving forward since the begining of this volume.

I'm having a hard time following the plot. Is there something I'm not getting here?

What are you not getting? It's easy to follow.

joined Aug 31, 2014

Oh Lulu...

joined May 19, 2015

Bears are bears, that's all you need to know.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I love near the end of Ch. 16 when they talk about Kale being a woman and Lulu just rips off the sheets covering her crotch and stares at it saying "You're right!"

joined Apr 30, 2014

Ha, Lulu had to double check.

joined Oct 18, 2015

AAAAAARRRRRRGGHHHHHH! Love can be painful sometimes. This is what happens between Kale and Kureha's mom. Ugh!

joined Jul 22, 2015

So Kale loved Reia intensely, but Reia only thought of her as a friend and got married to a man. It seems though that before that happened, Kale had already married and had Ginko. Gosh Kale thus far seems like a fucking hypocrite who killed Reia merely because she wouldn't be hers alone? Not to mention it appears history is repeating itself. Lulu I almost want you to kill Kale right there.

joined Jan 30, 2013

I'm just wondering how kale had her kid the same time a Reia... Unless they were besties and even had kids the same time. She probably reached the lowest point in her life and thought of ending Reia after the publishing of her book (because I mean why would the book be published before her death?). So, it could be that Reia didn't die because of Kale, but died of something else entirely. Maybe Kale just blames herself for her death...

last edited at Jan 23, 2016 6:46PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

I'm just wondering how kale had her kid the same time a Reia... Unless they were besties and even had kids the same time. She probably reached the lowest point in her life and thought of ending Reia after the publishing of her book (because I mean why would the book be published before her death?). So, it could be that Reia didn't die because of Kale, but died of something else entirely. Maybe Kale just blames herself for her death...

that does sound plausible but that makes Kale sound a bit psycho. i'd like to think (and soften the 'crazy factor') that Kale may have "killed" Reia in her mind to ease the pain of losing her and the book was just a coping mechanism to help her do that. otherwise, i agree with everything else you've written.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Guess we'll have to wait to find out in the third volume...thats already released? Or scantalations have begone.? Right?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So Kale loved Reia intensely, but Reia only thought of her as a friend and got married to a man. It seems though that before that happened, Kale had already married and had Ginko. Gosh Kale thus far seems like a fucking hypocrite who killed Reia merely because she wouldn't be hers alone?

Well, also because she's a bear. They do stuff like that.
If she really killed (not to mention ate) her, and isn't some kind of bear queen, then given her distinct lack of stealth about the whole thing I'd really wonder why the cops didn't put her away years ago.

last edited at Jan 23, 2016 11:11PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Well, also because she's a bear. They do stuff like that.
If she really killed (not to mention ate) her, and isn't some kind of bear queen, then given her distinct lack of stealth about the whole thing I'd really wonder why the cops didn't put her away years ago.

yes bears do do that. not to mention bears also like to go into hibernation. so maybe that's why the cops didn't nab her because she found a nice comfy cave and went into hibernation. only question is if she found a big supply of juicy fish to keep her satisfied before, during, and after hibernation? or asked Lulu to "play" with her... lol

joined Sep 21, 2015

I just wonder if she actually did EAT her... I mean, maybe it could mean that she just killed her but if she really did EAT her that would be hella sick and traumatic. But that would also be the reason for her not being in prison, I mean she's insane so maybe they left her with home-arrest with Yurika being responsable of keeping an eye on her.

last edited at Jan 24, 2016 12:03AM

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