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Forum › Stretch discussion

joined Nov 9, 2014

It's ironic that one of the biggest threads on this forum is about a non-yuri manga.

You know, I begin to wonder if the people calling this non-yuri, particularly after the last chapter, have even bothered to read the story.

After all, there's a lot there that points to Ran being gay as hell for Keiko. The honmei choco, the dream, the naked hug, a lot of little hints that get passed off as jokes. There's really no doubt about how Ran feels. As for Keiko, she's been very close with Ran all the way through, and says as much on several occasions. But most significantly in the last chapter she acknowledges the naked hug happened and doesn't make fun of Ran for it. In context, that's Keiko taking it seriously.

And now, while there hasn't been an actual confession they have made it clear they'll remain in touch and Keiko gets to have time separated from the situation to work it out in her own head. Exactly like she did with her other major issues, her ex and her mom.

I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it! Great point. Stepping out of a situation is the best way to gain insight. Keiko has the character type to not make rash judgments or decisions, this could very well be her way of processing her relationship/friendship with Ran. Who knows what we might get in the future.

Personally, I find it difficult not to see this as basically a standard yuri story, just with the last couple of pages missing. Sure, we didn't get a confession or a kiss, but the door's wide open. That's why I think the "It's not yuri, HA HA!" (insert Nelson Muntz gif here) crowd is at the very least more wrong than the "Why didn't they have science babies" faction.

But that ambiguity and subtext isn't what bugs me about the ending, as I've said several times before.

You do have a point. While there wasn't any blatant kissing or confession, subtext was deeply implanted in this series. Especially, the comments about them being a "married couple". Lol.

I actually feel better about it now.

joined Mar 25, 2013

All we need to do is wait for the vol 4 extra that is supposed to be more than the previous ones and hope that it gives some closure. If not, then wait for the possible sequel xD

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

All we need to do is wait for the vol 4 extra that is supposed to be more than the previous ones and hope that it gives some closure. If not, then wait for the possible sequel xD

I doubt it'll give very much in the line of closure. All the previous extras have been pure fluff, more like art sets than any actual story. It'll be nice to see, but if there's any actual progress it'll be in the as-yet-hypothetical sequel.

joined Mar 9, 2015

Disappointed with the ending.

joined May 19, 2014

I thought the ending was great. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. Sure, a lot of the issues like Keiko's boyfriend and Ran's father wasn't really resolved but even in reality, loose ends aren't always tied. The series never promised yuri but more of a bona fide friendship between the two MCs, so I think that the viewers who think the ending was mostly bad and/or rushed were deeply rooted on the idea of a "yuri end", it was the be-all and end-all but it sadly did not go this route.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Proof this is not yuri or subtext : Dynasty didn't tag it as such.


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Proof this is not yuri or subtext : Dynasty didn't tag it as such.


You win this round.

But next time...

Next time!

joined Apr 5, 2013

I thought the ending was great. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. Sure, a lot of the issues like Keiko's boyfriend and Ran's father wasn't really resolved but even in reality, loose ends aren't always tied. The series never promised yuri but more of a bona fide friendship between the two MCs, so I think that the viewers who think the ending was mostly bad and/or rushed were deeply rooted on the idea of a "yuri end", it was the be-all and end-all but it sadly did not go this route.

The series didn't promise yuri?


The Choco is a lie!! goes to cry in a corner

joined Mar 28, 2015

For me, there's a misunderstanding from some people here. Keiko just isn't gay. She's not going to change orientation just because Ran is cute. People complain when the opposite happens (lesbian falling for guy) so why is this different?

I think she knows and acknowledges Ran's feelings. She still like her and isn't about to call her disgusting, but it does not mean she has to have sex with her or pretend to love her that way.

I think they are true friends in the end even though Ran is hurt because of unrequited feelings

She will get over it.

That's life.

last edited at Oct 16, 2015 11:10AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Good thing that is a work of fiction and we can interprete the plot as we like.

joined Sep 25, 2013

even in reality, loose ends aren't always tied

Good job this isn't reality, then! Stretch is, in fact, a fictional story. So we should treat it like a story, and not like real life. Because it's not real life.

You know what else is realistic? Sleeping. Why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to repeated drawings of Ran and Keiko sleeping and the clock changing hours until they wake up? Why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to Ran and Keiko brushing their teeth and deciding their outfits for the day? Why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to Ran and Keiko lazing about watching random TV? Because that's not a good story.

You know what else is realistic? Working. So why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to watching Ran read off anatomical names from a textbook, waiting a bit, and then testing herself on them? Why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to Keiko being professional at her job? Why doesn't Shou dedicate entire chapters to Ran mixing drinks and interacting with every single customer? Because that's not a good story.

Honestly. Invoking "realism" isn't an automatic get-out clause for criticism of bad writing. Shou isn't making a documentary. He's telling a story.

joined Dec 16, 2013

nobody can escape criticism!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

For me, there's a misunderstanding from some people here. Keiko just isn't gay. She's not going to change orientation just because Ran is cute. People complain when the opposite happens (lesbian falling for guy) so why is this different?

There's no evidence Keiko went out with guys because she likes them so much either. There's a lot of social pressure in Japan to date guys and a lot of disincentive to date girls. From what we've seen, Keiko's relationships with guys have largely been unhealthy attempts to stave off loneliness, which doesn't necessarily mean she's straight in the first place (for instance). The whole "I tried to date guys and have sex with them, but it never really satisfied me" is a trope in yuri for a reason. Plus of course the possibility that Keiko is bi.

There's really not a single thing in Stretch that closes the door on Keiko having a relationship with Ran.

Edit: Far as I can tell, the only male Keiko actually fell for was her ex, and we know how that turned out. However, she thought Ran was cute the moment she saw her and has retained that feeling to the present day. That seems, given the subtlety with which most information in the series has been delivered, a strong suggestion that Keiko is, indeed, bisexual. And probably prefers females.

last edited at Oct 16, 2015 1:04PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Edit: Far as I can tell, the only male Keiko actually fell for was her ex, and we know how that turned out. However, she thought Ran was cute the moment she saw her and has retained that feeling to the present day. That seems, given the subtlety with which most information in the series has been delivered, a strong suggestion that Keiko is, indeed, bisexual. And probably prefers females.

We can find someone cute without being sexually attracted to them.

When Keiko was with her boyfriend and when she got pregnant, she looked really happy as far as we can tell. I don't buy the fact that she hated being with a guy. Her first experience was probably painful but it was because of other issues, mostly with her mother.

I never saw any indication that Keiko had any romantic attraction to girls. She had a real interest in Ran, from the beginning, but it doesn't have to be romantic or sexual.

What should be noted also is that both Keiko and Ran have no sex lives to speak of. Only Saki seem to have boyfriends and a "normal" life.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Well, it's a not a terrible ending now that I've read it a few times. Not the one I wanted, but well, there's always hope for the extras. It was still a fantastic series whether or not it included yuri; after a while that wasn't really my priority or why I was reading the manga, just seeing Ran and Keiko's lives together was satisfying. Although a part of me wishes we had gotten much more than what was given, but I guess that's just up to us to imagine.

Based on the final two pages, it looks like Saki was texting them both, maybe inviting them somewhere or scheduling a get-together like usual. So that's probably what the extra is going to be about. Who knows.

joined Jul 15, 2015

I'm actually fairly satisfied with the ending, but a lot of things should've been processed..
But..., isn't this a perfect show of Show's (pun!) ability to write (and draw) something other than hentai!
This, and PRISM regardless of the issues with its art ;')

I'd really like to see a romance by him like prism, be it yuri or het.

last edited at Oct 16, 2015 3:05PM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

if anyone ever wants a real galpals only and BFFs 5ever story they always claim on other blatant f/f relationships, i will point them to this manga

Tomodachi no Hanashi is pretty much this ;x I actually thought about suggesting it. I probably should since this manga is amazing even though it never goes yuri no matter how much you think it could.

EDIT/ Nvm. Didn't see they have anti-uploading policy

EDIT2/ Lucky for me it was published in Poland ;x

I'd really like to see a romance by him like prism, be it yuri or het.

Or yaoi ;P

last edited at Oct 16, 2015 5:52PM

joined Jan 8, 2014

Good thing that is a work of fiction and we can interprete the plot as we like.

Lol! So true! Im over here like "am I the only one who brought their goggles?" ^_^

joined Aug 8, 2015

I stayed up until 6 am reading the whole series...
I wanna kill myself.
I think I'll try to do so with the pillow.
I feel empty! And sad! Why did it have to end like this? Arghrhgr...

joined Jun 17, 2014

I stayed up until 6 am reading the whole series...
I wanna kill myself.
I think I'll try to do so with the pillow.
I feel empty! And sad! Why did it have to end like this? Arghrhgr...

DO it kek

Yuri iz ded hurr

joined Dec 27, 2014

I haven't felt this dead inside since Clannad After Story... ... This manga better get some damn good happy ending extras or a mini sequel of how their future life looks like cause I can't live on like this I just can't..... WHYYYYYYYYYYYY T-T
I just wanna crawl in a corner and cry myself to sleep right now

joined Mar 12, 2014

pretty much the ending I expected

not really a good thing though

but what I expected

joined Aug 10, 2015

:( the Yuri is strong in this one

joined Nov 30, 2011

I really really loved this story up until the last few chapters and then it got really frustrating. There were so many loose ends to tie up and we didn't even get to see one of the most important ones that had buildup from almost the beginning! (Well, make that two if you count the ending bit about going the wrong direction.)

I hope that, maybe there is a sequel but I would rather see the loose ends tied up from this part first and not hear about them with shrug.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I really really loved this story up until the last few chapters and then it got really frustrating. There were so many loose ends to tie up and we didn't even get to see one of the most important ones that had buildup from almost the beginning! (Well, make that two if you count the ending bit about going the wrong direction.)

The ex was a huge one that was just like "I talked to him, wasn't a big deal, don't care any more", and talking to the mother seems to be treated in the same way, "I'll go see her but I doubt it'll be a big deal, not worth worrying about". Keiko's two biggest issues for the entire series, and they're gone with a handwave and a shrug.

See, that's the kind of thing that bugs me a lot more than not getting a definitive answer to their relationship.

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