^hit your strike zone ...
Let's me see.....
- Sexual attrac... No definitely not.
- Desire to glomp... Not entirely, it will just get on her bad side
- Little sister... She will go all tsun on me anyway, no fun
- Daughter... Maybe, but I will hate to watch her growing up, so it fails as a father right there
So I guess she is just a character which I really enjoy to watch over as an outsider. Stalker , maybe? :)
Joking aside . I think most of other loli characters sell-point for me is their innocence or their energetic antic: Rin (Usagi Drop), Yotsuba (Yotsubato!), or Nina (Shirogane no Nina). Shima in this case actually was for her coming-of-age attitude. Like she is quite mature so her view point on everything is interesting. But she's also fairly childish and it's funny to watch.
last edited at Sep 21, 2015 11:42AM