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joined May 12, 2015

Well I've finally been turned off of this manga. Can't say I shouldn't have seen it coming. Contrary to what some people say about Kodama's work this is really the only one with a story that focuses on more depressing themes that I've read to this point though.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Ohh... If they're cheating each other that's even. But that's mean that they're s*x partner? For real?! If it's because the guy is blackmailing Hotaru, I won't forgive him...!! Really he's a b*star!!!

Looking forward for the next chapters if this manga has an ending... Hoping that Yuma-chan realizes her feelings toward Hotaru...and not saying again "huh? What? But we're both girls."... Anyway I'm dying to see that

joined Aug 6, 2015

I wonder if peoples' opinions of Takeda have changed regarding the events of chapter 5. We all know the other guy is a real douche, but I've read a lot of people lumping Takeda in with him before this, mainly saying he was only concerned with getting laid on the trip and didn't care about the protagonist at all. Personally, I can no longer say that's the truth, but I wonder if others have had their opinions swayed.

joined Mar 16, 2013

Heh, Hotaru is really a grade A emotional manipulator. And I'm afraid Yuma has no chance against her, if no one helps her. So I guess she will end up in an abusive relationship with Hotaru?
Fujiwara might be able to disrupt Hotarus plans a bit if he cared enough because it seems like she can't manipulate him exactly the way she wants, but he's not a nice person, so i doubt he will involve himself more then necessary. And so far he has played into her hands.
Takeda should just save himself and get away from them. Would be better for him. He's a decent person, but I doubt he can help Yuma because he is no match for Hotaru.

Not quite my kind of story but it's kinda fresh (at least for me) and this descent into darkness is interessting enough to watch^^.

joined Nov 9, 2014

Am I the only one that thinks this is Hotaru's own weird way to say she needs Yuma in her life and loves her in her own twisted way? I'm not saying I agree with Hotaru's actions, just saying. I don't think Yuma's boyfriend/ex is a jerk, I think he is stuck with his own feelings. I also think there may be some awareness going on that there was something between Hotaru and Yuma.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Am I the only one that thinks this is Hotaru's own weird way to say she needs Yuma in her life and loves her in her own twisted way?

No that's exactly what this story is about...and it cuts both ways. Yuma needs someone who'll treat her gently but firmly and not sway no matter which way the wind blows. It's clear, cut, and obvious they both are head over heels for each other, they're just caught in this awkward love polygon that's not so simple to climb out of until Yuma accepts her feelings completely.

I wonder if peoples' opinions of Takeda have changed regarding the events of chapter 5. We all know the other guy is a real douche, but I've read a lot of people lumping Takeda in with him before this, mainly saying he was only concerned with getting laid on the trip and didn't care about the protagonist at all. Personally, I can no longer say that's the truth, but I wonder if others have had their opinions swayed.

I've been on his side until I got substantial evidence to prove otherwise. Ultimately at best he doesn't understand the difference between love and lust.

But seriously? A fight because your girlfriend "didn't seem like she would like" sex with you? That's the tipper. Whether he likes her or not, he's not ready to be a good boyfriend.

Heh, Hotaru is really a grade A emotional manipulator. And I'm afraid Yuma has no chance against her, if no one helps her. So I guess she will end up in an abusive relationship with Hotaru?

That's too simple. Very well could be an option, but as far as I'm concerned if Hotaru eventually does get Yuma in a clear way, she'll chill with the control. I don't think she herself is an emotional manipulator, or for that matter is particularly trying. She just is doing what she wants in desperation.

Hotaru did finally speak openly that what she was doing with Yuma was cheating; moving forward Yuma will be aware of it too. Maybe then she'll finally understand and accept what her hearts says? I think it'll take an emotional moment of Hotaru finally speaking openly about what she feels.

joined Aug 11, 2014

This is why varied and open education about sexuality is important, kids. You got girls out here maxing out their lesbian meters without even realising that secret steamy makeout sessions with another girl would in fact count as infidelity, and you got girls who are completely aware that they're in love with another girl, but don't know how to say the words "Hey, BFF, instead of having dry, awkward, unfulfilling relationships with boys we don't love and will never love, why don't we, like, do the boyfriend-girlfriend thing with, y'know, each other? Like as a girlfriend-girlfriend thing instead?" And so she's compelled to create a live, working set of dry, awkward, unfulfilling relationships with boys to directly compare against, for lack of any existing narratives to work with. DIY isn't always the answer, girls!

Anyway, the plot is sad and all, but the true horror here is the terrifying insulated bubble they're apparently trapped in, where knowledge of The Gay is some arcane secret found only in the dream journals of madmen and/or fujoshi sketchbooks. Mere mortal men may touch upon these truths by chance, but their instincts will tell them to flee (thumbs up, Takeda!) lest they beckon disaster (looking at you, Fujiwara! Looking at you super hard!)

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 12:54PM

joined Feb 12, 2013

dayyuumm.... always can't get enough of this manga..

joined Nov 23, 2014

At first, she's all "Oh we're just playing around, so this doesn't really count (as a relationship)."
Then, "He's cheating on me so I'm getting back at him by cheating with you. Now we're even."

Hotaru you're full of shit.

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 1:13PM

joined Feb 17, 2015

At first, she's all "Oh we're just playing around, so this doesn't really count (as a relationship)."
Then, "He's cheating on me so I'm getting back at him by cheating with you. Now we're even."

Hotaru you're full of shit.


joined Mar 28, 2015

At first, she's all "Oh we're just playing around, so this doesn't really count (as a relationship)."
Then, "He's cheating on me so I'm getting back at him by cheating with you. Now we're even."

Hotaru you're full of shit.


What makes you think she's not lying again? We don't know yet how Fujiwara controls her, so she may not be able to tell the truth to Yuma.

joined May 12, 2015

Yeah Fujiwara is a dirtbag but Hotaru and Yuma, Hotaru particularly, are on a level of dumb that is frustrating. Yes, Hotaru was probably being manipulated by Fujiwara, but I don't think there was ever a point of which Hotaru couldn't've said she wanted to break up, but on the other hand it's likely it wasn't quite that simple. In the end, the only character that was worth anything was Takeda, because his intentions were clear and he was respectful of everyone around him, for the most part anyway. Based Takeda. Now that Hotaru went off the deep end and Fujiwara turns out to actually be a shit person I just can't be happy. Best case scenario is Yuma and Hotaru's convey their feelings are mutual and Fujiwara is removed enitrely from the picture somehow and ignored from there on. Even then, all the events prior make for a story about a dumb scenario where two girls either do or don't become lovers for mostly dumb reasons.

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 2:26PM

joined Jul 13, 2015

The first bed scene make me had full of flashback of back scene happend in mangas/doujins before so I was relieve
when nothing happend, but Hotaru scene was another moment to make me expelling smoke from the mouth
What anoying watch her friends pushing the idea of sleep with Takeda, i mean, boys of this age mostly are bland and stupid, that why I never had friends of my age until I go a job

joined Mar 6, 2012

I wanted to like this one.. But it feels.. Stupid? is that the word? i don't even know.

.. still.. I keep reading and hope that it will change

-*cough* Citrus cough

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 2:41PM

joined Mar 23, 2014

Never in my life I would have thought that I would like the male character in a yuri manga. But here I am.

joined Jul 8, 2013

I think I'ma start using this series instead as my standard for that level of stupid you just don't want to reach. Like I used to go "Well, at least it's not Citrus levels of stupid" or something like that but I think now I'm just gonna start going "Well at least its not Netsuzou Trap levels of stupid" lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

I wanted to like this one.. But it feels.. Stupid? is that the word? i don't even know.

.. still.. I keep reading and hope that it will change

-*cough* Citrus cough

No, that's the right word. Stupid is pretty accurate here lol. And I honestly think that not even Citrus reached these levels of stupid.

joined Oct 16, 2013

"So forceful. Nothing like when I'm with Hotaru."

Uhh what? Seriously?

joined Jun 6, 2014

I see we've reached the point in the Drama/Angst department where everyone starts venting in the comments.

In the words of the great sp4zie: IT BEGINS.

joined Nov 18, 2014

Man it's really hard to read this thread with all the stupid comment's from you guy's. I'm getting sad just reading it so i better stop before you ruin this great manga for me. :( Doooitz

joined Feb 4, 2015

All the Takeda love baffles me... :/

Hahaha. I'm so done, this made my day! XD

Really? People are still on the 'kill the girls off har har', yaoi trendy even if one of them is a massive asshole who isn't quite fit for proper society bandwagon?

yknow i dont say this alot but i kinda wish she ended up with the guy... he was forceful unlike her? really?! p.s. hope the other guy gets his ass whipped

Wish she ended up in a relationship that was wholly unfulfilling and made her uncomfortable? And he was forceful in a way unlike Hotaru. Yuma at least unconsciously wanted it, and played for some kind of consent. Takeda went straight for the pining her down route.

I wonder if peoples' opinions of Takeda have changed regarding the events of chapter 5. We all know the other guy is a real douche, but I've read a lot of people lumping Takeda in with him before this, mainly saying he was only concerned with getting laid on the trip and didn't care about the protagonist at all. Personally, I can no longer say that's the truth, but I wonder if others have had their opinions swayed.

Chapter 5 proved all he was out for was to get laid. It worsened my opinion of him. Fair enough he backed out when he knew she didn't want it, but then he sulks and doesn't talk to her again, jut because she won't provide the sex he was expecting.

Heh, Hotaru is really a grade A emotional manipulator. And I'm afraid Yuma has no chance against her, if no one helps her. So I guess she will end up in an abusive relationship with Hotaru?

Abusive is a bit of a leap.

Fujiwara might be able to disrupt Hotarus plans a bit if he cared enough because it seems like she can't manipulate him exactly the way she wants, but he's not a nice person, so i doubt he will involve himself more then necessary. And so far he has played into her hands.

... The injured eye was all part of her plan?

joined Jan 17, 2014

Man it's really hard to read this thread with all the stupid comment's from you guy's. I'm getting sad just reading it so i better stop before you ruin this great manga for me. :( Doooitz

they migrated from the Citrus school of ''can't shut the fuck up about the things I hate''- school of comentating and looks like they are spreading :>

joined Jul 27, 2015

plz no het ending.

joined Jun 17, 2014

dont see much of a problem ...yet

last edited at Aug 9, 2015 5:37PM

joined Nov 23, 2014

What makes you think she's not lying again? We don't know yet how Fujiwara controls her, so she may not be able to tell the truth to Yuma.

Personal preference. Just that Hotaru belongs to a group of peeps that I wouldn't associate with.

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