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joined Jan 30, 2013

What is happening to my cheerful slice of life manga, shits getting weird and nasty in places.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What is happening to my cheerful slice of life manga, shits getting weird and nasty in places.

Most of it I don't mind, considering much of the background world has been pretty complex to start with. I mean we're only a handful of generations after centaurs were slaves, after all, and if memory serves they still might be in some places.

What really jars me is the interaction between Prez and her father, and her apparent conning of an old woman for donations. That's something that upsets the story dynamic in a big way, I think.

joined Feb 17, 2013

I noticed today that glasses go over both sets of ears in this manga.

The little details that make the world better.

Also, all of the social commentary in it... The GMO's and blatant distaste for the unhealthier systems of keeping livestock by larger companies, conning people to earn extra money for the family... Cool stuff.

last edited at Jan 22, 2014 3:37PM

joined Apr 4, 2012

wow from earlier chapters i got the impression that class prez had a pretty good relationship with her father. turns out she hates him for being unreliable. and the conning. it's not really conning cuz it seems like the old lady was the one who went crazy and called class prez to exorcise and tama just went along with it. you can't reason with a superstitious person. crazy old lady was able to relax and tama got money for doing so. it's just business. mutual benefit.

last edited at Jan 23, 2014 2:07AM

joined Jul 20, 2011

Ch 42: what is this I don't even.

joined Jul 23, 2013

What is happening to my cheerful slice of life manga, shits getting weird and nasty in places.

Most of it I don't mind, considering much of the background world has been pretty complex to start with. I mean we're only a handful of generations after centaurs were slaves, after all, and if memory serves they still might be in some places.

What really jars me is the interaction between Prez and her father, and her apparent conning of an old woman for donations. That's something that upsets the story dynamic in a big way, I think.

Yeah, she flat out states she hates him and just etherizes him. Then there's the whole business of centaur!Obama hanging people to make examples out of them, the tigermen graphically slaughtering people, Antarcticans being shady, the fucking aliens ect. I mean, that's very unlike what tone was like in the beginning.

Like I said before, I have no idea where the author is going to go with all of this. Maybe we're seeing the writer going through a breakdown in realtime, or it was all planned out and the manga is going to end in one gigantic clusterfuck.

joined Feb 15, 2013

I thought the story played it out really well? A dark grim background world does not prevent SOL cute girls doing cute things. In someway, you can say that this series match its seinen tag and is the deconstruction of SoL genre itself

I don't think Tama was conning the old lady btw. In fact (a bit of a guess here) but i thought it was actually a legitimate business model of modern East Asia? Like how they sell charm and fortune telling and such. Here they also provide exorcise service, and sometime pray and atone someone's sin (especially dying people) so they can be forgiven/ go to heaven

No Hime x Nozomi.... I'm disappointed :(

last edited at Jan 23, 2014 1:42PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

At first I thought to myself "This manga seems boring as hell.." but guess what? I got hooked from the first chapter XD This thing's REALLY addictive so be warned young soldier T^T

joined Oct 15, 2013

Worldbuilding of this manga is pouring out of pores, all over the place!

joined May 21, 2013

Wow, those aliens are seriously creepy-looking. Reminds me of cordyceps somehow.

joined Jan 30, 2013

That nursery chapter was so cute, plus some insight into Maki-chans family.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Hnnnnng, adorable.

joined Mar 23, 2011

Kei Muramaya sure draws the cutest toddlers! they are so cute!

joined Jan 31, 2013

That awkward moment when people who are "gone" aren't actually dead.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Oooh, a TamaxKoma date. :3 Hopefully, there will be another "lesbian sidecouple" forming. ^^

That chapter felt like it happened before 41, somehow, as if it was Koma's advice who led Tama to chastise her father about painting. Unlikely, I guess, as he's painting in this one.

joined Jun 22, 2013
joined Jan 30, 2013

Leaving the kids with only their father...oh wait, he's a Big Kid too...

wow, dat history lesson.

joined May 9, 2013

I feel like there should have been a bit more of a transition from the story of Hime's ancestor being enslaved and raped to the joke about how Hime isn't as great as her other ancestors who terrified the Spanish. The TamaKoma date was nice though.

joined Mar 23, 2011

Chp 46 finally shoujo-ai. date! date!

joined Jul 19, 2013

Wow. Chapter 47 ended on a dark note.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Chapters 46 and 47 are all over the place in terms of tone... Personally, I think the gist of the end of Chapter 46 was to show the Class Rep reconciling with her father. Though I really liked the fact that Tama and Koma seem to be involved in some kind of unspoken relationship- a sort of 'well known secret'. However, by comparison, Chapter 47 is very flippant about a really dark topic- simplifying this tale of kidnap, rape, revenge and murder to whimsical shenanigans.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Chi-chan are OMZG so HNNGGG.... God, i can't handle their cuteness

They can make a whole series out of these triplets

last edited at Feb 22, 2014 12:20AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

So much cuteness in this manga.

joined Oct 16, 2013

I'm loving the universe more and more with each update.

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