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joined Sep 21, 2014

I wonder what it'll entail. I wonder what a collab specifically is actually. Will the characters meet? Interact? Is it canon? Very different themes in both series too, it's not like we'll get Nanami and Sato chilling and grabbing a cup of tea together and discuss how they figuratively or literally keep someone captive as their beloved

joined Nov 2, 2015

Chapter 8-11 is volume 3, someone please fix.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Oh, no Satou is baiting lolicon-kun. Now I am really worried for his safety...

Satou does not look like someone who willlingly share her loli through

joined Nov 22, 2016

I'm worried of what'll happen with Taiyou-kun xd
I hope for Sato don't kill he
But if Taiyou hurt Shio or anything, Sato'll be free to do whatever she want

joined Sep 6, 2016

Well that was a short chapter.

joined Aug 25, 2015

You know, even though I see the flaws in the manga, Satou is the kind of character that I love and is pretty rare, even more in yuri works.
I hope she gets her twisted happy end.

last edited at Nov 27, 2016 1:44PM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Wtv posted:

O hope she gets her twisted happy end.

Or even just a legitimately happy end. Despite how fucked up she is she still manages to feel a lot less fucked up than most of the other characters so it's kinda hard not to root for her. And even if she's fucked up, while we still only have bits and pieces of Shio's back story it still seems like the current situation is overall an improvement for the both of them. Though still not a healthy situation it's at least a start.

joined Sep 9, 2016

She's gonna kill him. It's obvious

joined Dec 21, 2015

This is so creepy and fucked up yet I find myself keep reading it...I will say that this series is not bad

joined Sep 21, 2014

I'm expecting her to kill him tbh, which I wouldn't mind. He tried taking Shio-chan home once, practically drooled all over her. He worries me, I don't like him. It's annoying that he accuses Sato of abducting the girl, that it's something "unforgivable" but that's totally what he tried to do, barely weeks ago. *rolls eyes*.

Edit: What's up with the chapter organisation? Chapter 8 marks the start of V3, and V4 starts with chapter 12.

last edited at Nov 27, 2016 6:19PM

joined Sep 2, 2013

Handing your stalker a possible severed head is a pretty effective way of unnerving them tbh, i wonder if he ever looked inside?

joined Dec 7, 2013

risingstar3110: Satou does not look like someone who willlingly share her loli through

I think this line basically sums up the whole series.

joined Apr 12, 2016

Despite how fucked up she is she still manages to feel a lot less fucked up than most of the other characters so it's kinda hard not to root for her.

This is basically it. Not really hard to root for her when everyone else has the potential to don the crazy eyes.

joined Sep 18, 2016

Satou has become my favorite yandere, she's so different from the others. She resolves things (most of them) with logic and in a pacific way; she seems to have good sense (she does wrong things but understands it, she isn't delusional) and is so unpredictable. How many times we thought that she was gonna kill somebody and she does something totally different (like the teacher or the girl who wanted to become like her)? But what makes me really like Satou is that despite that I find her much more creepier than the crazy psychotics yanderes, maybe is because she's so realistic.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

SuffererFangirl posted:

Satou has become my favorite yandere, she's so different from the others. She resolves things (most of them) with logic and in a pacific way; she seems to have good sense (she does wrong things but understands it, she isn't delusional) and is so unpredictable. How many times we thought that she was gonna kill somebody and she does something totally different (like the teacher or the girl who wanted to become like her)? But what makes me really like Satou is that despite that I find her much more creepier than the crazy psychotics yanderes, maybe is because she's so realistic.

Being more pacifist about how she handles things is actually a very logical way to deal with problems. Murdering everyone who gets in your way is going to get you caught eventually. Someone is going to notice them missing even if you manage to dispose of the body properly and eventually you're going to get tied to all these disappearances. On the other hand subtly manipulating or blackmailing people is much easier to get away with.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Sorry but I am so overwhelmed about this manga!

joined May 26, 2011

Well, this chapter just feels like it ended rather abruptly, maybe just because it didn't have any 'to be continued' at the end. Still, really enjoying this series as more chapters come out.

joined Apr 14, 2015

I wonder how this will end for sato

joined Dec 21, 2015

Aand the plot thickens, with another possibly yandere/pervert thrown into the mix. I wonder where her character development will go

joined Sep 6, 2016

Wait so that hoodie guy was actually that little girl's brother? Damn.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

UlquiorraSchiffer1 posted:

Wait so that hoodie guy was actually that little girl's brother? Damn.

Hasn't that been known for quite awhile now?

joined Apr 28, 2016

Man, after this chapter i kind of ship Sato X Shyoko

But i don't think that's a good idea.

joined Sep 22, 2014

So we're caught up on the teacher, the best friend, the coworker, the lolicon...
I'm a little worried that we haven't seen Shio yet in these two chapters.

Judging by the disappearance of the girl that Sato "sinned" with, is it safe to say that she's probably killed again?

Man, after this chapter i kind of ship Sato X Shyoko

Me, too!

last edited at Dec 6, 2016 5:33PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

Ah, that suspicious bag Sato had the teacher dispose of last chapter, I feel like it was probably Suu/the stalker being disposed of.
I feel like the best friend could be the foil to Sato.
Sure we have all these creepy ppl obsessed with Sato (and legit being a threat to her, but they were sloppy and Sato brought them all to their knees), but as of now, BFF is seemingly the most sane person of them all, as well as how she low key has a hunch and recently started to pay more attention to Sato-chan. She'll probably notice something others wouldn't ever have, with their tunnel vision. She's getting signals and hints that somewhere's off with her, and that's probably enough, as it's all slowly building up. It feels like one day, she'll see that one big "DANGER" sign, (whether Sato realises she's noticed or not), and then maybe actively try harder to interfere/do something about it.
Or not. Either way, she's the only not-yandere character in Sato's life rn, and she's already wondering about the aunt/Sato's current lifestyle, heard the lolicon's accusations (she doesn't believe him, but ofc, it'll still be on her mind), aware of the existence/disappearance of Shio-chan, and now interacted more with the brother (+sees Shio-chan again. If Shio-chan keeps coming back to mind like this, BFF will really be weirded out). I don't remember who else she's talked to, or what else she's thought of, but those are already some of the main pieces. She isn't really doing anything rn (unless she continues talking to the lolicon I guess? Hearing him out?) but she's been casually observing Sato and hasn't alarmed her; that's a big enough deal I find. (Alarmed her, in the sense that Sato currently doesn't have a reason to be cautious of her, and isn't on her guard/seeking to terminate her, so BFF can continue unknowingly poking around)

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Faust posted:

She's getting signals and hints that somewhere's off with her, and that's probably enough, as it's all slowly building up. It feels like one day, she'll see that one big "DANGER" sign, (whether Sato realises she's noticed or not), and then maybe actively try harder to interfere/do something about it.

I'd like to see her try to help Sato become less of a murderous and underhanded person instead of working against her. I could sort of see it happening too where she learns about Sato and Shio but also ends up learning about Sato's aunt so rather than turning her friend into the police or something she wants to help her become more normal.

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