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joined Nov 16, 2015

Omg what is that sticker that Gunj sent to Petai in chapter 22 QoQ? ITS SO CUTE!!!

Asked 1st-Kuro :D it's "MAIRO the Corgi" :D

Thank you so much!!! ;u;

joined Dec 23, 2015

My heart skip a beat. This is amazing. If I had girlfriend like that...I would so die from heart attack. ....well if I get girlfriend

joined Jun 30, 2017

I want so bad to read the next chapter!! It has a really good plot.

joined Dec 4, 2013

ninja moves

joined Dec 4, 2013

ninja moves

joined Jun 12, 2015


joined Mar 7, 2017

Whew what a rollercoaster

joined Dec 13, 2013

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible. The author makes it sound as if she’s a serial killer rather than just sadist

joined Oct 16, 2013

Story just went back to wtf levels.

"We need to learn more about each other!"
"Ok let me explain everything-"
"But not right now and I dont know when!"

joined Jan 22, 2017

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible. The author makes it sound as if she’s a serial killer rather than just sadist

While I had the same initial thoughts, we're not totally familiar with the setting/background of both the characters. So for all we know, this sort of thing might be VERY taboo. Though I won't deny the fact that the drama is super ridiculous + blown outta proportion, which would probably still apply in this case...

joined Jun 23, 2017

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible.

Yep, it's just a hardcore sexual practice, nothing to see here, I'm sure she always talk about how she made that man squeal and lick her a boot while whipping that girl over there at family meals or during coffee break!

I think the problem is that, despite the fact that it's not something you enter right away when you were a virgin two minutes earlier, the mistress has feelings for the puppy girl. I think that in her mistress role, she just enjoys herself and doesn't care much about the receiving end. But deep down, she knows that what she does is frowned upon and can very much be scary.

It's like, you know you do something bad but you don't care much about people knowing, except for that one person which view you value a lot and that you don't want to disappoint, a part of shadow you don't want to reveal. Also, it's not only BDSM, she abused the puppy girl to the point of not remembering it and hurting her badly. I think one big point of BDSM is to have consent on both parties, right? Otherwise, it's an aggression.

I roll my eyes when people claim rape or rape attempt each time a character is a bit forceful, but there well.. I can't deny there was something wrong. Hard for the mistress to not feel guilty after doing that to the person she loves.

last edited at Oct 17, 2017 8:34PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible. The author makes it sound as if she’s a serial killer rather than just sadist

BDSM without a safe word is just abuse.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible. The author makes it sound as if she’s a serial killer rather than just sadist

BDSM without a safe word is just abuse.


joined Mar 26, 2014

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible.

Yep, it's just a hardcore sexual practice, nothing to see here, I'm sure she always talk about how she made that man squeal and lick her a boot while whipping that girl over there at family meals or during coffee break!

I think the problem is that, despite the fact that it's not something you enter right away when you were a virgin two minutes earlier, the mistress has feelings for the puppy girl. I think that in her mistress role, she just enjoys herself and doesn't care much about the receiving end. But deep down, she knows that what she does is frowned upon and can very much be scary.

It's like, you know you do something bad but you don't care much about people knowing, except for that one person which view you value a lot and that you don't want to disappoint, a part of shadow you don't want to reveal. Also, it's not only BDSM, she abused the puppy girl to the point of not remembering it and hurting her badly. I think one big point of BDSM is to have consent on both parties, right? Otherwise, it's an aggression.

I roll my eyes when people claim rape or rape attempt each time a character is a bit forceful, but there well.. I can't deny there was something wrong. Hard for the mistress to not feel guilty after doing that to the person she loves.

On the money Klice! Soooooo right. Preach yo. I mean shit if it's that bad for her to have a regular check up with a personal therapist then she's really trying to change but at the same time it's an issue that requires outside help. Which means it's more than she can handle alone. Shit blacking out like that must've been awful.

joined Jul 30, 2015

Hmm one of the best love scenes I see :> And intereting that Ms Gunj lost control again. Need more of it now!! :S

joined Dec 13, 2013

It’s just BDSM i rlly don’t get the whole “secret” thing, “true self” as if its something horrible.

Yep, it's just a hardcore sexual practice, nothing to see here, I'm sure she always talk about how she made that man squeal and lick her a boot while whipping that girl over there at family meals or during coffee break!

I think the problem is that, despite the fact that it's not something you enter right away when you were a virgin two minutes earlier, the mistress has feelings for the puppy girl. I think that in her mistress role, she just enjoys herself and doesn't care much about the receiving end. But deep down, she knows that what she does is frowned upon and can very much be scary.

It's like, you know you do something bad but you don't care much about people knowing, except for that one person which view you value a lot and that you don't want to disappoint, a part of shadow you don't want to reveal. Also, it's not only BDSM, she abused the puppy girl to the point of not remembering it and hurting her badly. I think one big point of BDSM is to have consent on both parties, right? Otherwise, it's an aggression.

I roll my eyes when people claim rape or rape attempt each time a character is a bit forceful, but there well.. I can't deny there was something wrong. Hard for the mistress to not feel guilty after doing that to the person she loves.

They’re in a relationship, she could’ve said that she’s into BDSM and all the other fetishes and ask if its ok... instead of keeping it a secret as if its something awful. the lack of communication between them is a big issue. Simples things here just get too deep and honestly it’s not that deep. like petai discovering she’s into bdsm and need to “think abt it” and leaving like wtf. she can just straight out say that she’s not into it and don’t do it to her, THEN probably Gunj would struggle and learn how to not do bdsm with her or break up.

joined Jun 23, 2017

They’re in a relationship, she could’ve said that she’s into BDSM and all the other fetishes and ask if its ok...

Well yeah but maybe Gunj doesn't want Petai to know because she doesn't think the puppy girl is ready or it's not something she'd want to do to somebody she loves. Or she just wanted to distance herself from this world and have a lovey-dovey relationship.

[...]instead of keeping it a secret as if its something awful. the lack of communication between them is a big issue.

Well, if everything was going smooth and every one was reasonable - what would be interesting? Miscommunication, dramatic reactions and clashes are the core of those kind of stories. Otherwise, either it's just a fluffy sweet stuff or a boring story. Also, the logic of the readers may not apply to the logic of the characters. It's a critic I don't like when people go "but it doesn't make sense!" Well, maybe not for you...

That said, you realise Gunj attacked Pieta? That she physically abused her without consent?

like petai discovering she’s into bdsm and need to “think abt it” and leaving like wtf.

As I said, it's hardcore stuff, something that can be seen as sick or degenerate - disclaimer, I don't think it is as long as everybody is consenting. Petai just had her first time which was almost traumatic (she was hurt physically and probably mentally, again, I want to emphasize on that). Then she sees all these hardcore sexual practices and is shocked by it... I don't think it's unthinkable to want some times to think things through.

So yeah, drama could have been avoided in a perfect world, but it happened there. And considering how the events unfolded, I don't find the character's reaction are that unreasonable or illogic. I can understand though why you could be frustrated if you don't like melodramas or dramas.

last edited at Oct 18, 2017 4:20PM

joined Dec 13, 2013

That said, you realise Gunj attacked Pieta? That she physically abused her without consent?

idk i didn’t see that as “abuse” more like she was just kinda aggressive? then again, if she had told Petai she was that type of person who likes hardcore stuff from the beginning or at some point, the puppy wouldn’t be so traumatized now lol

the bad part is that the author cut the whole sex scene so we can’t really tell if she tried to stop Gunj/had a big rejection or was just that trope where the girl says “no” but likes it. If I were Petai rn i would feel a little sad bc that means Gunj doesn’t trust me enough to share important stuff that actually affects me as well

joined Jun 23, 2017

idk i didn’t see that as “abuse” more like she was just kinda aggressive?

I reread the chapter and realised I was almost paraphrasing Gunj's own thoughts unconsciously, especially this page which I had forgotten/passed over real quick.

then again, if she had told Petai she was that type of person who likes hardcore stuff from the beginning or at some point, the puppy wouldn’t be so traumatized now lol

I still think the mistress didn't want to bring Petai into this kind of plays, at least not right away. I mean, right from the first chapters, I remember Gunj rejecting Meen because she didn't want to be associated with this world any more (isn't that the reason she engaged Petai?) and was afraid of Petai discovering her suitcase.

the bad part is that the author cut the whole sex scene [...]

Yes, that is a pretty bad move I can agree on, we can only speculate because of that. My interpretation is that Petai was afraid and not ready, tried to refuse but couldn't resist the assertiveness of an experienced dominatrix.

If I were Petai rn i would feel a little sad bc that means Gunj doesn’t trust me enough to share important stuff that actually affects me as well

They didn't show it, but I think that beyond the shock of learning of Miss Gunj's dark side, there is a problem of trust between the two that they'll have to figure out.

last edited at Oct 18, 2017 5:58PM

joined Jul 15, 2016

the bad part is that the author cut the whole sex scene [...]

Yes, that is a pretty bad move I can agree on, we can only speculate because of that. My interpretation is that Petai was afraid and not ready, tried to refuse but couldn't resist the assertiveness of an experienced dominatrix.

That's exactly why safewords are a thing. Also, there is such thing as talking the play through beforehand so that both the sub and the dom have an idea of what's happening and agree to it.

That said, chapters 25-26 contain strong indications that Gunji has some kind of a mental disorder, causing her to flip into a different personality without remembering it. Petai clearly sees a difference in her behavior when she flips, and Gunji even has a personal psychiatrist, whom she hasn't visited in a while. To me, it all spells that she has been treating a disorder and thought it went away, but strong emotions invoked by Petai have re-triggered it all over again. If I may speculate, the cause of this disorder may be the plain old self-repression, given how Gunji seems to come from a very conservative family and thinks that her kink is something shameful and has no place in "normal" relationships, like the one she wants to have with Petai.

joined Dec 12, 2016

That said, you realise Gunj attacked Pieta? That she physically abused her without consent?

idk i didn’t see that as “abuse” more like she was just kinda aggressive? then again, if she had told Petai she was that type of person who likes hardcore stuff from the beginning or at some point, the puppy wouldn’t be so traumatized now lol

the bad part is that the author cut the whole sex scene so we can’t really tell if she tried to stop Gunj/had a big rejection or was just that trope where the girl says “no” but likes it. If I were Petai rn i would feel a little sad bc that means Gunj doesn’t trust me enough to share important stuff that actually affects me as well

Except we know that the psychiatrist and Gunj agree that she was being violent. Petai also says that the whole experience makes her doubt her relationship with Gunj meaning that it wasn't consensual. We don't need to see the sex scene to know that neither character wanted it to go down like it did.

joined Aug 7, 2016

It's my first time reading a Yuri with BDSM.. Disturbing yet interesting. I really look forward for the upcoming chapters.

joined Feb 2, 2013

It took 22 fucking chapters to get to square 1.

joined Nov 9, 2017

I'm finding the omission of the event personally relevant, as I've had sex while dissociative and it's a surprisingly accurate rendition of finding out what you did when you weren't, um, "in the room". At least, if I extrapolate to violent urges being acted out. (My issues skew differently.) Gunj has been resonating with me the whole time, and I think this sheds some light on why.

It took 22 fucking chapters to get to square 1.

Didn't skimp on the foreplay at all, nope. ;)

joined Feb 24, 2017

When the next chapters? DX

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