Forum › She loves me so much it bothers me discussion

joined Feb 23, 2014

Mira has an issue where some of their characters blend together, aside from that this was good though.

joined Oct 20, 2014

It's not the choice I would have made, just playing because I'm not Mira anymore than you are.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Sheesh 40mins of sex... Where do ppl get so much stamina?

joined Nov 10, 2013

Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

joined May 10, 2014

^ I don't usually talk about blush stuff...but I think that is possible it all depends on the person and the way stimulate each other.
This is pretty good I like it.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Sheesh 40mins of sex... Where do ppl get so much stamina?

Ain't nobody got time for that!

joined Jan 8, 2014

Best adult story ever! So romantic AND sexy! Good balance ^_^

joined Feb 10, 2013
 Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

..your wrong, because I know this two couples that still together since high school. I was amaze by their strong relationship until now. I think it's been almost 13 years and they are both pretty ladies. They are supported by their families and friends and me, of course. Thanks to Mira, I was reminded by them, right now I'm celebrating new year with them. Love it!..

joined Jun 6, 2014

Sheesh 40mins of sex... Where do ppl get so much stamina?

As corny as this sounds, from their love. You get super overtired afterwards but the adrenaline feed and rush of hormones from being near someone you romantically care about can cover a lot of ground.

And also obviously girls can go a long time, and kinda have to if they want to...yeah. If guys want to train endurance they aim for like 20 minutes as a golden dream. It's just physically impossible. it hurts us if we try to go near that long.

Plus they did this almost daily it seemed like. They outta be able to run at least a half marathon by then.

joined May 17, 2014
 Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

..your wrong, because I know this two couples that still together since high school. I was amaze by their strong relationship until now. I think it's been almost 13 years and they are both pretty ladies. They are supported by their families and friends and me, of course. Thanks to Mira, I was reminded by them, right now I'm celebrating new year with them. Love it!..

Man It's kinda reassuring to know someone like that, I might still have a chance with my one sided feelings :) I'm happy for them :D

joined Nov 19, 2014

Actually not one of my favorites from Mira. It seemed a bit overwrought, and felt it needed to be longer. As for 40-minutes ... two girls can easily go that long (although when you reach my age and 16 years together, it's 30 minutes of 'are you sure your back is ok?' and 'The door is closed, right? Don't want to scar the child.' followed by 10 minutes of the blush blush. When my wife and I were younger though ...)

joined Nov 2, 2013

Actually not one of my favorites from Mira. It seemed a bit overwrought, and felt it needed to be longer. As for 40-minutes ... two girls can easily go that long (although when you reach my age and 16 years together, it's 30 minutes of 'are you sure your back is ok?' and 'The door is closed, right? Don't want to scar the child.' followed by 10 minutes of the blush blush. When my wife and I were younger though ...)

I have found a new otp

joined Oct 15, 2013

Sheesh 40mins of sex... Where do ppl get so much stamina?

As corny as this sounds, from their love. You get super overtired afterwards but the adrenaline feed and rush of hormones from being near someone you romantically care about can cover a lot of ground.

So corny, but so true :p

And also obviously girls can go a long time, and kinda have to if they want to...yeah. If guys want to train endurance they aim for like 20 minutes as a golden dream. It's just physically impossible. it hurts us if we try to go near that long.

Plus they did this almost daily it seemed like. They outta be able to run at least a half marathon by then.

Even if it is joked around about I know that ppl can go all night, probably taking breaks / doing it multiple times. Quite something xD

joined Nov 19, 2014

I'm afraid to ask but ... what is an otp? Perhaps I should say oops, my bad, in advance.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm afraid to ask but ... what is an otp? Perhaps I should say oops, my bad, in advance.

One True Pairing, a match that's so good that no other will do. Like NanoFate, ShizNat or MakiRin. I'm such a stinker.

joined Nov 10, 2013
 Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

..your wrong, because I know this two couples that still together since high school. I was amaze by their strong relationship until now. I think it's been almost 13 years and they are both pretty ladies. They are supported by their families and friends and me, of course. Thanks to Mira, I was reminded by them, right now I'm celebrating new year with them. Love it!..

That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012
 Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

..your wrong, because I know this two couples that still together since high school. I was amaze by their strong relationship until now. I think it's been almost 13 years and they are both pretty ladies. They are supported by their families and friends and me, of course. Thanks to Mira, I was reminded by them, right now I'm celebrating new year with them. Love it!..

That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.

[citation needed]

joined Dec 14, 2014

I'm afraid to ask but ... what is an otp? Perhaps I should say oops, my bad, in advance.

One True Pairing, a match that's so good that no other will do. Like NanoFate, ShizNat or MakiRin. I'm such a stinker.

Out of those OTPs, only MakiRin makes me mad. And speaking about taking offense on the interbutts, 1/3 is basically not being mad at all.

But now that I'm reminded of the beauty that is ShizNat, I think I'm going to treat myself to some. Thanks, Nez-chan! :3

e: actually, now I'm reading some MakiRin. I'm so sorry, Nico! m(_ _)m

last edited at Dec 30, 2014 12:10PM

joined Jul 12, 2012

Sheesh 40mins of sex... Where do ppl get so much stamina?

In real life it's more than 40 minutes, well for some of us it's a few hours, it's an insatiable sex drive.

joined Jun 21, 2013

Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.

Looks like somebody needs to take a Love, Lust and Intimacy course because it's not just 'same-gender couples' that have success jealously. My girlfriend is far more talanted than me at art, she can get perfects in expert mode on Love Live Idol Project game when she plays for the first time on that song. She makes more money than me. Am I extremely jealous? Yes. Am I going to stop dating her because of this? Hell no.

My problem with this manga is it presents issues that are a real problem but they conflict with my personal beliefs XD

If you didn't earn the money or have a share in it (joint bank account), it's none of your busniess what the person spends it own. That is why couples get 3 accounts, one for each of them and a shared one they add funds each pay check.

If you are going to buy something outrageously stupid expensive, at least warn said significant person. It's common curtsey and shows you are involving said person in important decisions.

Communication is key in all relationships and Mira tossed that straight out the window. Sure, Chika tried to tell her gf her spending habits were out of control, but I felt she seemed so pushy and mean about it. Worst way to get your point across is by being loud >.>

last edited at Jan 1, 2015 10:41PM

joined Jul 26, 2013

Man I wish I had the guts to confess to my one-sided crush like that.

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

Mira's sex scenes are always hot, but the relationship-building tends to be hit or miss with me. I'm happy to say this one was definitely a big hit. I really loved it. Thanks Yuri-ism.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.

Looks like somebody needs to take a Love, Lust and Intimacy course because it's not just 'same-gender couples' that have success jealously. My girlfriend is far more talanted than me at art, she can get perfects in expert mode on Love Live Idol Project game when she plays for the first time on that song. She makes more money than me. Am I extremely jealous? Yes. Am I going to stop dating her because of this? Hell no.

My problem with this manga is it presents issues that are a real problem but they conflict with my personal beliefs XD

If you didn't earn the money or have a share in it (joint bank account), it's none of your busniess what the person spends it own. That is why couples get 3 accounts, one for each of them and a shared one they add funds each pay check.

If you are going to buy something outrageously stupid expensive, at least warn said significant person. It's common curtsey and shows you are involving said person in important decisions.

Communication is key in all relationships and Mira tossed that straight out the window. Sure, Chika tried to tell her gf her spending habits were out of control, but I felt she seemed so pushy and mean about it. Worst way to get your point across is by being loud >.>

Well said!!

joined Nov 8, 2017

Oh wow, this was nice. :O

joined Mar 18, 2018

This really deserves a continuation!
It had 'Miss Kobayashi' feel to it, and i loved it!

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