Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.
That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.
Looks like somebody needs to take a Love, Lust and Intimacy course because it's not just 'same-gender couples' that have success jealously. My girlfriend is far more talanted than me at art, she can get perfects in expert mode on Love Live Idol Project game when she plays for the first time on that song. She makes more money than me. Am I extremely jealous? Yes. Am I going to stop dating her because of this? Hell no.
My problem with this manga is it presents issues that are a real problem but they conflict with my personal beliefs XD
If you didn't earn the money or have a share in it (joint bank account), it's none of your busniess what the person spends it own. That is why couples get 3 accounts, one for each of them and a shared one they add funds each pay check.
If you are going to buy something outrageously stupid expensive, at least warn said significant person. It's common curtsey and shows you are involving said person in important decisions.
Communication is key in all relationships and Mira tossed that straight out the window. Sure, Chika tried to tell her gf her spending habits were out of control, but I felt she seemed so pushy and mean about it. Worst way to get your point across is by being loud >.>
last edited at Jan 1, 2015 10:41PM