Just finished Highway Blossoms and, wow, was that a great read! I absolutely loved the Midwest setting and the adult protagonists... well, adult compared to most yuri anime/manga protagonists at least. My opinions on the TRIO fluctuated a lot throughout the thing... at first, I was intrigued, then I got annoyed, then they caught my interest again, especially with the Mariah/Amber drinking session! It gave her a lot of depth which I hope Dusty Trails capitalizes on. Her outfit is still pretty ridiculous but, eh, I don't live in the Midwest, maybe some women actually do wear things like that? It was getting a bit ridiculous how much they randomly bumped into each other but oh well, they were interesting characters. I thought the sex scenes were tastefully done, even if they were probably written by a guy (I have no idea whether this Syon person is male or female). I guess it lacks the little things, but they still talked about consent and having no clue what the hell you're doing, which I thought was nice. I have to admit that I was a bit disturbed that Amber already had sex with girls when she was only 19... and then she said she hadn't been in a relationship in a while ever since Gramps got sick... eh, I guess she couldn't have been that young, but I still disapprove of underage sex. Yeah, I read 'em all the time here on Dynasty, but... it's different when it's porn and when it's an actual story, you know? That's what I think, at least. Amber and Marina were great characters and made a very cute couple... I'm a sucker for tomboys and I love cynic/idealist relationships. They counterbalance each other, you know? I thought there was a bit more to Marina given how she said she was used to disappointments at some point, but I think we learned enough about her. More's always welcome though! I just loved how Cassi fell for Amber within 30 seconds of meeting her. Such a chick magnet... Male chick magnets are just male power fantasies, but female chick magnets are... just female power fantasies. I'm okay with the latter though. Anyhow, it was a great read and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't picked it up already. Maybe I'll even pick up Human Reignition Project even though I don't usually read het stuff... I liked Katawa Shoujo though so maybe HRT will be good too. Might as well list some cons though... THE CONSTANT TYPOS AND WEIRDLY WORDED SENTENCES! Yeah, I'm overreacting cause they weren't that bad or frequent, but, still... That's pretty much all the cons I can think of though.
last edited at Dec 28, 2016 3:17AM