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joined Feb 3, 2013

I feel really depressed after reading this... I can't believe that such an already weak plot (seems like there was nothing supertatural, just psychological attacks) is being extended by the cliche of locking the competition in an abandoned building.

last edited at Nov 16, 2014 9:28PM

joined Feb 5, 2013

awww, shiet... >_< Kishibeno, u better make it! I wish this will get updated in the next few weeks at least... starting to really like it...

joined Oct 27, 2013

I feel really depressed after reading this... I can't believe that such an already weak plot (seems like there was nothing supertatural, just psychological attacks) is being extended by the cliche of locking the competition in an abandoned building.

I wonder how many Mangakas think there are people really this stupid?

Like "Oh a letter from X but with different handwriting then them. Must be them. But why a dark room on the opposite side of the school from where everyone is? Must be my imagination. Oh look a trap door! She must be down there! Ah WTF someone pushed me down here and locked the door! WHAT A SURPRISE!"

I swear these characters are born without a brain or some faulty connection that causes them to make stupid decisions. Like hiding behind the wall of chainsaws.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I've always had trouble taking these enclosed-universe-uber-classy-girls'-boarding-school yuris seriously.
But since at least as far back as in Girl Friends when Mari is looking at her friend's yuri manga and it has this girl moaning "Oh, onee-sama . . . you're revolutionizing my cosmos!" it's been basically impossible for me to see one of these without snickering. (Morinaga Milk is a goddess at writing both heartfelt emotion and comedy)
But it's entertaining to read the comments.

last edited at Nov 17, 2014 2:38AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I feel really depressed after reading this... I can't believe that such an already weak plot (seems like there was nothing supertatural, just psychological attacks) is being extended by the cliche of locking the competition in an abandoned building.

I wonder how many Mangakas think there are people really this stupid?

Like "Oh a letter from X but with different handwriting then them. Must be them. But why a dark room on the opposite side of the school from where everyone is? Must be my imagination. Oh look a trap door! She must be down there! Ah WTF someone pushed me down here and locked the door! WHAT A SURPRISE!"

I swear these characters are born without a brain or some faulty connection that causes them to make stupid decisions. Like hiding behind the wall of chainsaws.

To be at least a little fair, why would she know the other girl's handwriting? It's not like they'd been corresponding with each other.

joined Aug 5, 2014

Ugh, anyway...were there mising speech bubbles? Did the translator change partially through the chapter? Anyone notice this? Smh, either way hope next ch. Is scantalated in a more timely manner ^_^

Ugh. It must be the changing font size that must have been annoying. I am so sorry T_T
I'll make sure it doesn't happen again next chapter I promise :D
No there weren't any missing bubbles, I have checked 50 times through :)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm just gonna swim against the tide just a little and say this is the first time in this whole series I've cared about the actions of any of the characters. I am a bit intrigued, if only a bit, although I'm pretty sure I know how the story is going to go.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well now, that was very dissapointing.

joined Jun 12, 2012

I thought the plot would eventually thicken, but this is so damn thin and weak. I read this with probably the most deadpan expression to surface on my face

joined Mar 9, 2013

hmm its nice to see them blushing.. I am all for it as long as they get together lol I dont mind happy ending cliches XD waiting for the next update

joined Mar 13, 2014

The only thing I want at all out of this manga is for Sekai to end up with Yozora. Anything else is a bonus. Don't you dare Nobara no Mori me this time around ;_;

Anyway, about the fall that Sekai took in chapter 3 from the push I assume was from Kagami. That was literally a whole flight of stairs she fell down. At the very least that looks to be a broken leg or something...

joined Oct 18, 2014

Chapter 4, so damn kawaii i ship yozora sekai forever!!!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I rather liked it. Especially since it didn't conform to my expectations that somehow the piano playing would be transmitted to the stage because magic or the power of love or something.

joined Aug 16, 2014

The only thing I want at all out of this manga is for Sekai to end up with Yozora. Anything else is a bonus. Don't you dare Nobara no Mori me this time around ;_;

Anyway, about the fall that Sekai took in chapter 3 from the push I assume was from Kagami. That was literally a whole flight of stairs she fell down. At the very least that looks to be a broken leg or something...

Yeah, definitely don't Nobara no Mori us here. I really liked that one too..

joined Jan 13, 2014

I want an anime for this even if it would look like a strawberry panic rip-off.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I rather liked it. Especially since it didn't conform to my expectations that somehow the piano playing would be transmitted to the stage because magic or the power of love or something.

ditto. however IIRC, wasn't there some type of bet involved? (meh, need to reread the last chapter) depending on the terms, all may not be rosey and gay in the upcoming chapter(s).

joined Dec 27, 2014

Awesome; thanks for updating ^^

joined Jan 8, 2014

glad for an update...but, meh hope it gets better

joined Jun 6, 2014

The plot is a bit holey and confusing, but maybe that's just the curse of the first few chapters. We shall see I suppose. Not entirely too convinced by much other than Yozora and Sekai deserve each other and that Kagami is a bitch.

joined Mar 9, 2014

It's still too much for me, everything is overdone...
What I see : Kagami has been seduced by Umiyuri-sama and is a jealous bully
The manga's version : Kagami can't bear the weight of the music and Umiyuri-sama cry like she hasn't done anything

(+ the power of Yozora's singing made Kagami unable to continue strangle/bully her

The author should stop bringing up music everywhere

last edited at Dec 28, 2014 11:23AM

joined Jun 12, 2012

It's still too much for me, everything is overdone...
What I see : Kagami has been seduced by Umiyuri-sama and is a jealous bully
The manga's version : Kagami can't bear the weight of the music and Umiyuri-sama cry like she hasn't done anything

(+ the power of Yozora's singing made Kagami unable to continue strangle/bully her

The author should stop bringing up music everywhere

But..the power of FRIENDSH- I mean music!

joined Dec 18, 2013

what do you know? This chapter was actually good!

joined Feb 3, 2013

Might someone remember what was supposed to be the reason for this music competition, or if there was some sor of punishment for the loser? I mean, it would be perfectly normal that nothing happened, but this being a manga with several people acting all creepy and misterious for no good reason, I feel like I'm missing something.

last edited at Dec 28, 2014 6:24PM

joined Feb 5, 2013

When's the weeding? xD lol and mygawd why are all boyish character so damn cool... they're to melt for xD fangirling*

joined May 22, 2014

i like this so much , it reminds me of strawberry panic. not sure why everyone hates shizuma though, that woman showed that poor sick girl what love is before she passed on , once Karori died it was extremely painful and hard to move on for shizuma too move on, thats not something to dislike a charater over, it be hard for anyone , but the fact she found love for nagisa showed that her heart was not completly ice cold

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