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Relapse is a fitting name. I wonder if the announcement is that somebody got stabbed, because that'd be pretty compelling. Shiina's growth is pretty awesome and she looks so done with it in that last panel, which is justified

joined Nov 7, 2022

Ho, hey vice prez. Thanks for reminding me that the other half of the stupid murderous duo is still around, I'd actually forgotten.

joined Jan 3, 2020

The obvious conclusion is that she's about to announce Minazuki killed the prez.

That said, it is so obvious, it is possible the author will subvert it. Vice prez could try to tell them the prez is dead but Minazuki tried her hardest to save him, so she's telling the truth and they should run.

Not sure which of the two ways it will go.

joined Oct 19, 2020

Damn she's pretty hot when she's crazy, Satsuki that is

joined Aug 16, 2014

The obvious conclusion is that she's about to announce Minazuki killed the prez.

That said, it is so obvious, it is possible the author will subvert it. Vice prez could try to tell them the prez is dead but Minazuki tried her hardest to save him, so she's telling the truth and they should run.

Not sure which of the two ways it will go.

It would be cool to see her back up Satsuki and try to save everyone. Even if she's only doing it because she wants to subvert Seo's plans.

Also poor Satsuki, she's had a rough go of it these past few chapters

Komachi is the grim reaper and is pissed she didn't get her death on time, and is basically tormenting her crush/enemy by showing her the butterfly effect of her actions before reversing time and letting Satsuki make the 'right' choice in order to let everyone else live who have died so far. Satsuki will save her again (worst ending is she dies in her place after spending the day helping Akira and co), and there'll be some big, dramatic faceoff where somehow one of their ideologies is forced to stand down.

If I don't get some kind of an ending like that, I'm going to be so pissed because Seo's shit makes absolutely zero sense, and the story is tailspinning into absolute shitsville now.

Kokosara Truther
joined Feb 23, 2023

Wait, where’d the yuri tag go?

Is this like Mute Girl and Her Friend where they backed off on it so hard it doesn’t even get subtext anymore?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Wait, where’d the yuri tag go?

Is this like Mute Girl and Her Friend where they backed off on it so hard it doesn’t even get subtext anymore?

I think it's more a case that the series was mis-tagged to start with. I would say at most it's subtext but I doubt it will go full into yuri because romance just isn't the focus of the manga.

joined Jan 3, 2020

If there will ever be Yuri in this, it'll be whenever they handle Akira's new situation I guess.

But I support untagging it for now, I think that's smart. If it turns out to be Yuri later, it can just be retagged then, no harm done.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Komachi is the grim reaper and is pissed she didn't get her death on time, and is basically tormenting her crush/enemy by showing her the butterfly effect of her actions before reversing time and letting Satsuki make the 'right' choice in order to let everyone else live who have died so far. Satsuki will save her again (worst ending is she dies in her place after spending the day helping Akira and co), and there'll be some big, dramatic faceoff where somehow one of their ideologies is forced to stand down.

If I don't get some kind of an ending like that, I'm going to be so pissed because Seo's shit makes absolutely zero sense, and the story is tailspinning into absolute shitsville now.

Been hoping the author has planned something like this since the beginning but I kinda doubt it

joined Oct 21, 2019

I'd say that Ryouko went too hard on making Seo a psycho to break Satsuki's ideals. I was fine with it when it was just her killing Kai since at that point it actually did seem like she tried to be a better person but wasn't left with any other choice because he kept on trying to kill her despite that. It's not as if Satsuki wouldn't be dealing with the moral dilemma of what if the person you saved went on to kill other people. Her turning the school into a death trap just to spite the one person that believed her is jumping the shark. It feels as if it's trying to say that Kai was right all along with he was just an asshole high on his own farts.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Feels like we traded an interesting antagonist for a boring one.

I'm all for pure evil villains, but they still have to be entertaining to watch. Seo just isn't.

joined Jun 3, 2014

i guess the Vice Prez is about to announce that the Prez is dead

joined Jun 8, 2020

this is not a yuri manga then?

joined Mar 11, 2020

this is not a yuri manga then?

It never was pulls trigger

She's come to make an announcement...

Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitchass motherfucker

joined Mar 4, 2018

this is not a yuri manga then?

It never was pulls trigger

Did it used to have the yuri tag, or am I imagining that?

joined Apr 10, 2023

It used to, yeah. And it used to really feel like it was going to have actual gay romance going on what with the scene from when Akari spent the night at Satsuki's house and how Satsuki kept blushing. But then I guess the author decided he'd rather pull a Lycoris Recoil on us lol rip.

joined Jun 3, 2014

They've needed to call the police like 5 chapters ago, there's just a dead body rotting in a classroom right now

joined Jun 3, 2014

chap 75 spoilers
When did Seo even have the time to research, plan, and set up all these kill traps????? And how did these get setup unnoticed?

joined Apr 10, 2023

chap 75 spoilers
When did Seo even have the time to research, plan, and set up all these kill traps????? And how did these get setup unnoticed?

This has been a pretty huge question for a while now, given she was, even as far as we saw of her own thoughts, trying to be nice right up until the Prez almost strangled her. It's like her choice to give up being good somehow magically retroactively made her evil the whole time, which makes zero sense unless they're gonna get into alternate dimensions or timelines or something.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I really hope this isnt gonna try to pull a "maybe they had a point all along, killing (or trying to) all those misbehaving kids" lmao

joined Jul 15, 2016

I really hope this isnt gonna try to pull a "maybe they had a point all along, killing (or trying to) all those misbehaving kids" lmao

Ditto. I can sympathize with the Vice Prez's grief, but regardless of her justifications of his actions, her boss was still a serial murderer. And Satsuki should really put some points into her social skills, so she at least have a retort ready in such a situation apart from "Killing is wrong!" or just glaring silently at her critics.

joined Oct 20, 2017

The comments saying Seo was playing nice right up until Prez attempted to strangle her are incorrect. She's been planning this a while. At least since her talk with Komachi. Seems she decided to kill the Prez during the second attempt on her life.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I'd say that Ryouko went too hard on making Seo a psycho to break Satsuki's ideals. I was fine with it when it was just her killing Kai since at that point it actually did seem like she tried to be a better person but wasn't left with any other choice because he kept on trying to kill her despite that. It's not as if Satsuki wouldn't be dealing with the moral dilemma of what if the person you saved went on to kill other people. Her turning the school into a death trap just to spite the one person that believed her is jumping the shark. It feels as if it's trying to say that Kai was right all along with he was just an asshole high on his own farts.

Right? Idk why the author want us to sympathize with the Prez and Vice Prez so much that you have to give Seo a dumb reason to attempt mass murdering.

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