Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Jan 9, 2017

Damn, I'm even more confused by this last chapter. Is it a cultural thing? is prostitution that different in Japan? I know like Geisha's are not really prostitutes for sex, but Sato is "lady of the night", are they different as well? Is the main character really oblivious that Sato is nice to her because she is a prostitute/"pay for gay"?

Get the feeling the main character is after more than just satisfying her lust, though I guess it could just be she is just after fun with person that looks like her favorite anime character or whatever. Can't see how this will end well if she is serious about her "love".

Also Sato said she had a clear goal in mind, doubt the main character fits that goal in any way except for her money. I dunno in my culture wasting money is like worse than sin lol. Don't get this perplexing relationship at all.

Scummy is starved for affection

joined Oct 30, 2021


joined Jul 11, 2019


Nah, I think she just got rubbed around, at most (basically foreplay). Otherwise, the series woulda made a bigger deal outa it

last edited at Apr 1, 2022 6:51PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Did I get double pranked? It seems like just a normal chapter…

Dynasty staff is messing with us

joined Apr 23, 2021

scummy student gonna get her blackmailing busted.

I bet 2 grains of salt on the next chapter being a 'temporary breack up' chapter

joined Feb 14, 2018

please tell me the scummy student has the potential to have positive character development

joined Nov 12, 2020

I mean,getting stimulated thoroughly by the one you desire is a pretty positive character development.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Normally, cliffhangers in a manga are not a big deal—because the Japanese aren't really into suspense and anyone can guess what's going to happen after the so-called cliffhanger.

But this time I'm stumped. What could Sena possibly want to talk about?


Don't tell me she's going to say "You extorted money from my bae! Bitch Ima kill you!!"

joined Aug 14, 2021

Did I get double pranked? It seems like just a normal chapter…

Dynasty staff is messing with us

I don't think it's an April Fools chapter... it just got posted on April 1.

joined Oct 1, 2014

hahi ❤ hahi ❤

joined Dec 18, 2021

But this time I'm stumped. What could Sena possibly want to talk about?


Don't tell me she's going to say "You extorted money from my bae! Bitch Ima kill you!!"

That would be great. Because consequences. The scumbag has been getting away with everything so far, shit just slides off her. Karmic retribution, hello? Ever heard of that? Her bad actions should have consequences.

joined Dec 13, 2020

But this time I'm stumped. What could Sena possibly want to talk about?


Don't tell me she's going to say "You extorted money from my bae! Bitch Ima kill you!!"

That would be great. Because consequences. The scumbag has been getting away with everything so far, shit just slides off her. Karmic retribution, hello? Ever heard of that? Her bad actions should have consequences.

Maybe you should stop reading fiction with realistic figuration of characters.
Maybe you should stick to religious tracts and books of pious sermons.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ooooh wonder if she’ll now start feeling guilty for taking the money since Maron thinks she keeping the secret out of good will towards her sister. Also, me thinks Maron may have had an issue with coming out to her parents or friends based on her crying. Guess we’ll find out.

joined Oct 14, 2014

hahi ❤ hahi ❤

Yo why does Makino moan(???) like that anyway

joined Aug 29, 2019

Thinking about how your sister found happiness after so many hardships...

So Maron and Makino's sister have some history I take it? Maybe it's just that Maron's known about her and Sena for a while, but that sentence does lead me to believe that there's more that's been going on.

joined Oct 1, 2014

hahi ❤ hahi ❤

Yo why does Makino moan(???) like that anyway

because she's useless


La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

That would be great. Because consequences. The scumbag has been getting away with everything so far, shit just slides off her. Karmic retribution, hello? Ever heard of that? Her bad actions should have consequences.

Maybe you should stop reading fiction with realistic figuration of characters.
Maybe you should stick to religious tracts and books of pious sermons.

joined Nov 24, 2016

Were some of those last few pages out of order? Sure seemed like that might be the case.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Anyway the author's afterword was super cute as usual. Brightens my month every month. i love them.

joined May 29, 2021

Ooooh wonder if she’ll now start feeling guilty for taking the money since Maron thinks she keeping the secret out of good will towards her sister. Also, me thinks Maron may have had an issue with coming out to her parents or friends based on her crying. Guess we’ll find out.

Nah it sounds like the thing she cared about was Maron crying and what she meant, not feeling any kind of guilt.

joined Feb 11, 2022

String of consecutive oofs

joined Jan 9, 2017

Ohh dear, waifu is sad

joined Mar 25, 2021

Anyway the author's afterword was super cute as usual. Brightens my month every month. i love them.

Maybe the real waifu was the author all along

joined Feb 9, 2019

Anyway the author's afterword was super cute as usual. Brightens my month every month. i love them.

Maybe the real waifu was the author all along

Lmao, so true

joined Jun 6, 2013

I relate with scummy gap student so much... :') As such, I feel scammed not being shown any heavy petting/kissing. If it's anything lap dancers do though, hahi yesh indeed.

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