Forum › I Suspect My Childhood Friend to be a Lesbian ch01 discussion

joined Oct 5, 2016

Then one of them will suddenly get married. Lol

“I suspect my childhood friend to be my wife”?

“We wear white dresses and kissed in church. We had hot sex during our later vacation. My childhood friend greeted me with nothing but a naked apron when I return from work. Am I her husband or what?”

What is this nettaigyo now?

joined Jan 11, 2014

I suspect my childhood friend is a lesbian.... she does things like propose marriage to me, though I just go along with it. I guess that might make me a lesbian....

joined Jan 11, 2014

I have been fine with subtext... until now. This is just too damn subtle. Is this even yuri? I wish they would actually show us something to latch onto so we can even suspect they might be interested in each other. The conclusion of the MC at the end that she might be a lesbian is so totally not supported. I mean really? I just see no merit in this unless they at least 69 each other while shouting their marriage rites.

9/10. Not enough subtext.


Not enough subtlety in the attempt to troll.

1/10 the irony went over your head

joined Jan 6, 2017

A few years later she'll ask her childhood friend to go out with her and the childhood friend will be really confused, since she thought they were already dating.

joined Jul 21, 2016

Wow; this was something. I have never been too much of a fan of Mochi's artstyle. But her writting the plot and letting someone with such a nice artstyle make the drawings? claps


joined Feb 8, 2019

Did Mochi make some sort of breakthrough it what.

joined Aug 19, 2018

I enjoy both art styles. Maybe that's just me.
joined Jan 7, 2018

"she thoughtlessly holds my hand while we're walking like we're a couple"
whoo!! hold on there! you still SUSPECT she's a lesbo? obviously both of you are a bunch of hopeless lesbos. lol seriously those collabs are entertaining. I wonder what IRL circumstances lead to this unusual collab?? I checked Majoccoid in nhentai they seem to only do het. hope to see more of these interesting collabs tho.

joined Jan 20, 2019

I need more

joined Oct 30, 2018

the evidence is not enough
gay not found

joined Jun 25, 2017

Ha, I love it.

joined Jul 27, 2018

Then one of them will suddenly get married. Lol

i thought same, hiroyasu motoka firstly lol

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

These two really make a good team. I look forward to seeing more by them.

joined Jun 28, 2018

I love this so much !!!!

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Why is it tagged as Yuri? It should have Subtext instead.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Ah yes. Just accept it. Just accept that you are a lesbian too. Mmm. This was awesome.

joined Jan 20, 2014

omg the comments on this are even more entertaining than the manga XD

joined Feb 11, 2018

Why is it tagged as Yuri? It should have Subtext instead.

This isn't the subtext you are looking for.

joined Mar 16, 2019

Is this really mochi's manga? Like why none of the are sisters?

joined Feb 17, 2019

Even if it's not the artstyle, I see Mochi, I press like... What? We don't have a Like button? Oww-

PD: now I'm waiting for "I suspect my little sister to be a lesbian"

joined Aug 11, 2016


joined Jun 27, 2017

All childhood friends are gay until proven otherwise.

joined Jan 11, 2019

That's V E R Y cute OwU

joined Aug 17, 2014

Get a room! You both useless lesbian!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

What a bother she is. The worst part is you'll probably have to sleep with her a lot to know for sure.

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