Forum › Double Bind discussion

joined Jan 18, 2016

Ehh, not a fan of this kinda story. I personally needed more story where the character could stand up for her own sake when dealing with this kinda bullshit.

Like that scene in Aoi Hana, which cemented Aoi Hana as my top ten, in both anime and manga.

joined Jun 11, 2016

I actually think this was really fucking good, usually I hate these kinds of Oneshots but reading this felt different. I guess to me it just feels more realistic, er, I wouldn't say realistic but rather satisfying. Yeah, It's really satisfying to see this asshole gf get her comeuppance and get called out for her shit.

joined Dec 19, 2016

I mean, I guess it ended well, but Mayu was shitty to do that to Emi.

joined Feb 2, 2016

Mayu you are a blanked emit you stupid if go back with that blanked of trash

joined Apr 30, 2014

I'm sorry to say this to the artist, but what the fuck. Seriously what the fuck. this is beyond a "wtf am I reading thing" level of wtf.

the "Adult Life" tag is EXTREMELY APPROPRIATE.

last edited at Nov 1, 2017 2:12AM

joined Jan 17, 2017

Next is....

joined Oct 16, 2016

Something that is pivotal for me in any romance, yuri or otherwise, is for me to be able to look at both characters in a relationship and say "I can see why these people are in love with each other, despite their flaws".

I can't say that for this one.

joined Dec 9, 2015

I actually think this was really fucking good, usually I hate these kinds of Oneshots but reading this felt different. I guess to me it just feels more realistic, er, I wouldn't say realistic but rather satisfying. Yeah, It's really satisfying to see this asshole gf get her comeuppance and get called out for her shit.

Well, I don't know about "these kinds of Oneshots" but I particularly liked this one. Not like, its amazeballs or anything but as you said, it has a sort of realism to it. Not all relationships are fireworks or a chapter in life; something you can move on from. It was...a shit move but some of the excuses/reasoning made sense in a structured society like Japan. As for the relationship itself... its a good depiction of one that you keep going back to. Like, its a kin to one of those relationships where its just....bad but the love is so strong it becomes a mess. Or w/e

joined Feb 28, 2013

Holy shit... am I reading this right? Is this actually ending with two adults actually learning to communicate???

faints from surprise

joined Sep 28, 2011

oh man, this is my kind of drama.

Bisexuality ain't easy. People often think that being bisexual means double the fun. It's not. It's just being twice the confused, twice the anxious, twice the heartaches. And this portrays it pretty well. She was horrible, sure, but it's not like she's doing it out of malice. She's confused and anxious. She hurt her girlfriend pretty badly, but she was hurting too.

This feels realistic and I'm loving it

joined Oct 30, 2015

Well, that's... pretty real.

Good read.

Yes, Mayu makes me hate her in the beginning too but ... who never made a mistake? She realized she made a mistake about her feelings, she's probably regretted what she did right after start missing her ex-girlfriend.


She never cheated. She broke up first.

That's honest at least.

last edited at Oct 31, 2017 11:05PM

joined Jan 3, 2014

Damn man, I cried reading the end. I rarely ever see stories where they actually learn to communicate like that in yuri manga and it’s really refreshing to see something new. Personally, I think that while yes, what Mayu did was fucking shitty, feelings are weird and her thinking she fell in love with a dude and breaking up is something that happens in relationships. It’s realistic in how it portrays relationships and when Mayu realized her mistake, that was the turning point and I honestly really enjoyed the read.

joined Mar 7, 2012

This forum tends to get upset at works that aren't perfect fluffy love stories, and tends to be quick to conflate things they dislike with things that are badly written. I think Ohsawa Yayoi nailed this one. Love isn't always a good feeling.

joined Oct 16, 2016

This forum tends to get upset at works that aren't perfect fluffy love stories, and tends to be quick to conflate things they dislike with things that are badly written. I think Ohsawa Yayoi nailed this one. Love isn't always a good feeling.

I want to clarify that I definitely don't dislike this one, and I do think it's well written. Stories like this just... don't really resonate with me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined May 28, 2012

Hmm....this one is alright,I guess?

joined Dec 19, 2016

Thinking about it again after reading it again, I guess you could look at it like this. In the end, it made Mayu realize how much she loved Emi by doing this terrible thing to her.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Here I thought Mayu was just testing Emi to make her more assertive.

Nope, turns on thay Mayu is just a huge bitch, Emi needs to move on. Mayu is just going to do it again.

last edited at Nov 1, 2017 1:39AM

joined Sep 22, 2014

In this case the fact that there wasn't a "cheating" tag was a spoiler, haha.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Waste of time. Garbage.

joined Mar 21, 2016

Waste of time. Garbage.

first I hesitated, but now Im fairly certain to skip this one

joined Mar 20, 2017

Oh wait, turns out it's in the same collection of a manga that i hate from a same author. Well, from now on i should keep in mind the name Yayoi

joined Oct 15, 2013

I mean no offense. But can people "in love" be really Emi? Im sure there people like Mayu. Lots of them. So they need to be put in the purge and be skinned alive while conscious.

joined Mar 23, 2014

I was hoping for a slap because she deserves one

joined Mar 20, 2017

I was hoping for a slap because she deserves one

How about a high five? In the face? With a chair?

joined Oct 16, 2013


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