Forum › Pajama Party discussion

joined Apr 18, 2016

KaguMokou and YukaRei fill me with life.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

SakuyaxMeiling completes my life! Yay!

joined Aug 10, 2016

I'm judging the hands on head and going to bed together as Reisen x Tewi and nobody can convince me otherwise.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Lots of Tagging

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Tonight...Kagerou sleeps with the fishes.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

All that's missing is the Suwako x Sanae x Kanako tag. I'd suggest it if I were able to.

I do remember seeing this a while ago on Danbooru, and it's just as cute now as it was back then

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yay, YuuParu!!

joined May 30, 2013

Wow, Tewi is so cute in this. Despite the lack of Tewi shipping in this, the cuteness is making me ship Tewi x Reisen.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Somebody help me out, what's the Fellowship of Freelancers credits page from? Because I know I've read it before.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Welp, I've learned enough about Touhou Project to be able to recognize Mokou (and by extension Kaguya), Flandre, Remilia, Kagerou, and Wakasagihime.

I thiiink the very first page is Reimu (and therefore Yukari)? I think Page 12 is Cirno (and therefore Daiyousei)? Page 16 is Meiling and Sakuya? Page 23 is Patchy (and therefore Koakuma)?

Fellowship of Freelancers
joined Oct 11, 2010

Somebody help me out, what's the Fellowship of Freelancers credits page from? Because I know I've read it before.

I thiiink the very first page is Reimu (and therefore Yukari)? I think Page 12 is Cirno (and therefore Daiyousei)? Page 16 is Meiling and Sakuya? Page 23 is Patchy (and therefore Koakuma)?

3 and 4 are Cirno and Daiyousei (though you can't see their give away wings well); 12 and 13 are Seija and Shinmyoumaru. 16 and 17 are Marisa and Alice while 21 and 22 are Meiling and Sakuya. 23 is, indeed, Patchouli and Koakuma.

last edited at May 31, 2017 11:48PM

joined Feb 28, 2013

What's written on Shinmyoumaru's shirt?

Ghost Shogun
joined Dec 4, 2015

It was cute, I guess my fav in this was the MariAli.

I'm judging the hands on head and going to bed together as Reisen x Tewi and nobody can convince me otherwise.

I'm just agreeing

What's written on Shinmyoumaru's shirt?

According to Danbooru: Bowl.

joined Feb 17, 2013

It's basically just an art book but very nice it is :)

Trust Yukari to be the only one of the lot to have sexy sleep wear.

Felloffalot - it's this -

unless you are just thinking of seeing their credit page in the past and forgot :)

last edited at Jun 1, 2017 7:52AM

joined Nov 25, 2016

I came baited with Futo x Miko x Tojiko tag. The others are cute as well, though.

Fellowship of Freelancers
joined Oct 11, 2010

Tonight...Kagerou sleeps with the fishes.

Yay, YuuParu!!

Tonight... YuuParu don't sleep.

joined Apr 20, 2015

A lot of pairing tag.

joined Jul 13, 2015

All this girls had a busy bed life.

joined Apr 11, 2016

Aprove, approved all of this is approved!
Mentions of honor go to implied TewixReisen, heart-stopping bed ready Okuu, best tsundere Seija, happy Mroiya familyand AliMari, YuuParu and Meisaku which are wins on their own.

joined Aug 12, 2020

Soo cute... I wish there’s could be some sort of “sequel” to see more characters in their sleepwears...

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

i lot ships hope theres no one sinks em...

joined May 16, 2021

I hate to that one guy that has to points this out but how is it that Sakuya is stacked in this??

joined May 16, 2021

But still this is full of moe!!

joined Jul 28, 2021

So adorable~
This one just makes me happy!
joined Apr 14, 2022

cute cute

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