Forum › My Unrequited Love discussion

joined Mar 22, 2014

That is part of my thinking, Kaoru's circumstance but Ritsuko's as well. She can only say these words and I quote, "such a big difference compared to your brother." She can say this because she had been in relationship with Reiichi in the past. And please take note of this thought bubble which is in black before she said the comparison to Uta:

"she seems like the person who would say, "I would not forget your kindness."

Edit: That is why, at this point, I can't paint Reiichi or Ritsuko as "cheaters". Ritsuko's thoughts held weight for me as to ascertain my theory on Reiichi and their relationship before.

The original line in the raw was: 「この御恩は一生忘れませんとか言いだしそう」

Which would actually read to something like: "She seems like she wants to say "I will never forget this favor for the rest of my life!"" (as in Uta will forever be grateful towards Risako for calling the ambulance for Kaoru). I don't think it was meant to have any relevance towards Uta's reliability/Reiichi being unreliable and it was just kind of a silly passing thought.

EDIT: Ah, reading the next page of the raw, and the first dialogue bubble where Risako says:

Chaosteam: "Leaving that aside, you're such a reliable girl. I'm really impressed by your attitude."
Raw: 「それよりウタちゃんこそしっかりしててお姉さん感心しちゃう」
What I would've written: "That aside, you're quite the reliable girl, Uta-chan. Onee-san (Risako referring to herself - explained below) is impressed."

Risako actually refers to herself as "onee-san" in that text (sometimes slightly older women will refer to themselves as such towards children), and she calls Uta "Uta-chan". Although it's a normal way for her to address herself in front of Uta, she also refers to Reiichi as "onii-chan" (also normal) and then calls Uta "imouto-chan" (normal as well).

Normally, I wouldn't point it out because all of those things are nothing out of the ordinary, but given how Risako suddenly refers to Reiichi and Uta using family pronouns AND her next line:

Chaosteam: "It wouldn't seem odd even if I were her sister at this moment."
Raw: 「今ごろ私がお姉ちゃんになっててもおかしくなかったのよね」

I'm not so sure about anything anymore, LOL.

(I was a little confused at first reading this line, but I can confirm Risako is trying to say that it wouldn't be strange if she was Uta's older sister had things gone differently in the past and she ended up with Reiichi instead.)

I don't think there's anything concrete regarding Reiichi cheating on Kaoru with Risako, but Risako sure feels like she's hiding something.

last edited at Dec 26, 2017 10:00PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

@Ackerman, everything you're saying could work but it seems a little bit too far-fetched to really hold together. The simple thing would be that Reiichi is indeed cheating. I mean, there's innocent until proven otherwise, but that does seem like the soundest option story wise.

What about lying about the fact that he's back? If he's not cheating, he clearly doesn't really want to see Kaoru that much, at the very least. Not really trying to defend the guy, he doesn't need though, he seems affected enough by her accident : that reveals some kind of affection, maybe not love but at least some thing.

joined Mar 22, 2014

@Ackerman, everything you're saying could work but it seems a little bit too far-fetched to really hold together. The simple thing would be that Reiichi is indeed cheating. I mean, there's innocent until proven otherwise, but that does seem like the soundest option story wise.

What about lying about the fact that he's back? If he's not cheating, he clearly doesn't really want to see Kaoru that much, at the very least. Not really trying to defend the guy, he doesn't need though, he seems affected enough by her accident : that reveals some kind of affection, maybe not love but at least some thing.

Oh hell, I'd be worried about anyone if I saw or heard them fall down a set of stairs and bleed profusely from their head (even though the head bleeds easily and all).

joined Jul 17, 2016

Geez at this point I think the people who are trying hard to prove it may not be cheating after all are just in denial

he seems affected enough by her accident : that reveals some kind of affection, maybe not love but at least some thing.

She's his childhood friend, and there's the guilt about being injured because of him

joined Oct 16, 2013

Still crossing my fingers for a non-cheating plot line. Pleeeease let it be some other shitty reason for their secrecy.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Okay, one point I feel compelled to make loudly.


joined Dec 11, 2017

So looking at comments here, there's a lot I want to comment on...

If you still don't think he's cheating, or that this chapter didn't conclusively demonstrate that he is, you are in a deep state of denial.

He apologized for "the things that happened during the accident". You don't lead with "I'm sorry." when you're afraid your wife has misunderstood the situation.

He goes outside, out of earshot, to answer a call from Risako, and shows obvious guilt after even just talking to her about the current situation. That "What am I doing??" is as damning as anything.

Risako shows up like the cat that ate the canary, probably having heard from Reiichi that Kaoru doesn't remember what happened, and on the way out of the scene, she muses that It's more like Uta is her sister rather than Kaoru's (since she's closer with Reiichi than Kaoru is.)

That's on top of all the previous evidence piled up. Reiichi's "business trips" (companies do not spring surprise business trips on employees. That crap is worked out far in advance.) His lack of interest in his relationship with Kaoru (He didn't just forget a wedding anniversary, he forgot their FIRST wedding anniversary) and the fact that he was walking around town under a single umbrella on HIS BIRTHDAY shortly after telling his wife he was going to remain out of town for awhile yet.

He has been cheating on her.


Full stop.

Please stop making excuses for him, or trying to imagine how any other situation could explain these circumstances. This is the reality we are dealing with.

What is the more interesting question here is -why-.

Reiichi seems to have married Kaoru because of some kind of trauma involving their families. The dream/flashback last volume seems to have implied that she has been heartbroken over him before, due to Risako no less. So he and Risako have history, and his marriage to Kaoru is on some kind of foundation of guilt more than love.

On top of that, Kaoru can't even enunciate what she loves about him, and I'm willing to bet that the mental block there is that what she loves about him is -Uta-. I think Reiichi knows that Uta loves Kaoru, and I think he suspects that Kaoru isn't really that into him, or at least is also into his sister. So it really isn't that surprising that he'd be drawn to his old ex flame, who probably resents the hell out of the circumstances that took him away from her, and who is legitimately interested in him and him alone.

joined Oct 18, 2017

I don't think there's anything concrete regarding Reiichi cheating on Kaoru with Risako, but Risako sure feels like she's hiding something.

Seira, THIS, I am with you all the way. :) Thank you for the effort of writing in detail your version of translation. I admit my "idiot" level in Japanese language depends on the translation. That is why I am very impressed and grateful to people here in Dynasty for giving us quality works.

@Ackerman, everything you're saying could work but it seems a little bit too far-fetched to really hold together. The simple thing would be that Reiichi is indeed cheating. I mean, there's innocent until proven otherwise, but that does seem like the soundest option story wise.

Would it be also, prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is cheating?

What about lying about the fact that he's back? If he's not cheating, he clearly doesn't really want to see Kaoru that much, at the very least.

Klice, all these points have been threshed out in my previous points.

Geez at this point I think the people who are trying hard to prove it may not be cheating after all are just in denial

Scarlet128, please no AD HOMINEM. Attack the issue, not the commenters. For whatever you point out to others, it will go back to you. They are not in denial. They are just not quick to judge or condemn people until concrete facts are there. IRL, that is, consideration. :)

Okay, one point I feel compelled to make loudly.


LOL... you can point it out directly to me... I made a mistake, thank you for pointing that out. :)

joined Apr 23, 2015

Still don't find either cheating or a misunderstanding any kind of interesting. Would be immensely happy if this was never part of the story. Guess I still need to see where Uta ends up and it probably won't be until after we see what is going on with the brother. So I look forward to that. Wonder if it will be close to the end of the series.

As for the "cool chill" guy thing. I like character variety. So yeah. Not too many males that are ever made to be particularly interesting in yuri so I wouldn't mind seeing some.

last edited at Dec 26, 2017 11:38PM

joined Apr 23, 2015

Remember when everyone praised this manga after Vol.1? Yeah...

you want us to blindly praise something even if the quality (in our opinion) drops? cause I know people that do that on other sites I go to and they are given hell for it. damned if you do . . .

joined Oct 18, 2017

So looking at comments here, there's a lot I want to comment on...

If you still don't think he's cheating, or that this chapter didn't conclusively demonstrate that he is, you are in a deep state of denial.

He apologized for "the things that happened during the accident". You don't lead with "I'm sorry." when you're afraid your wife has misunderstood the situation.

He goes outside, out of earshot, to answer a call from Risako, and shows obvious guilt after even just talking to her about the current situation. That "What am I doing??" is as damning as anything.

Risako shows up like the cat that ate the canary, probably having heard from Reiichi that Kaoru doesn't remember what happened, and on the way out of the scene, she muses that It's more like Uta is her sister rather than Kaoru's (since she's closer with Reiichi than Kaoru is.)

That's on top of all the previous evidence piled up. Reiichi's "business trips" (companies do not spring surprise business trips on employees. That crap is worked out far in advance.) His lack of interest in his relationship with Kaoru (He didn't just forget a wedding anniversary, he forgot their FIRST wedding anniversary) and the fact that he was walking around town under a single umbrella on HIS BIRTHDAY shortly after telling his wife he was going to remain out of town for awhile yet.

He has been cheating on her.


Full stop.

Please stop making excuses for him, or trying to imagine how any other situation could explain these circumstances. This is the reality we are dealing with.

What is the more interesting question here is -why-.

Reiichi seems to have married Kaoru because of some kind of trauma involving their families. The dream/flashback last volume seems to have implied that she has been heartbroken over him before, due to Risako no less. So he and Risako have history, and his marriage to Kaoru is on some kind of foundation of guilt more than love.

On top of that, Kaoru can't even enunciate what she loves about him, and I'm willing to bet that the mental block there is that what she loves about him is -Uta-. I think Reiichi knows that Uta loves Kaoru, and I think he suspects that Kaoru isn't really that into him, or at least is also into his sister. So it really isn't that surprising that he'd be drawn to his old ex flame, who probably resents the hell out of the circumstances that took him away from her, and who is legitimately interested in him and him alone.

Heavensrun, please read before commenting. You are quick to correct others just like Ritsuko to be Risako(btw, thank you for correcting me) but you don't point it out directly to me.

I read your aboved statement twice. It is arguable. It doesn't hold any CONCRETE ground. It leaves a lot of loopholes and even to the point that you don't read much of others' opinion that is not in resonant with you. Just like this.

These and more, I hold still that cheating is not conclusive. But I do not shun the possibility of it. To that, the author outright must show or tell or even just insinuate physical coupling or even just "kissing lips" or anything that doesn't leave room for doubts. If anything else other than cheating, I consider human frailty. Emotions are so fluid. It comes, some stays, some goes. But what is within our control is whether to act or not upon it. And I believe the author used this to his/her characters as an advantage to tell the story.

Since, you have pointed out your ABSOLUTE argument and hell-bound to stick with it after reading posts that doesn't agree on "ABSOLUTE CHEATING", then I will respect your opinion. But please no AD HOMINEM like commenters are in denial. Talk about the story and the issues at hand, not the commenters. Commenters are NOT part of the story. I hope, at least, we can agree on the definition of "forum".

last edited at Dec 26, 2017 11:55PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

The whole cheating argument aside, I'm actually interested in Uta's past.

It was mentioned very early on that Uta used to be unable to trust adults. I wonder why Uta adopted that mindset and how Kaoru played a role in Uta's past. Perhaps Uta's parents divorced due to some big conflict like... cheating? And perhaps, parents that have been unfaithful might have some sort of influence towards their children? There's no evidence whatsoever pointing towards that, so I'm blindly speculating for the heck of it!

Also, I found the short character biographies that came with the release of chapter 10. I'm not sure if it was translated or not (I don't see it under chapter 10 or any of the volume 2 extras), so I'll give it a go.

Uta: A girl who realized she had fallen in love with her childhood friend and now sister-in-law, Kaoru, during her older brother's wedding. Ever since Uta kissed Kaoru while the latter was asleep, she finally mustered up the resolve in order to get over her first love.

Kaoru: She is always caring for Uta and has wanted them to become more like family ever since she married Reiichi. She sells handmade goods, such as hats and accessories online.

Reiichi: A company employee and the older brother to Uta. His mind is a bit dull at times, to the point where he has even forgotten about his first wedding anniversary with Kaoru, but he treasures his wife and Uta a lot. It seems that he might be aware of the feelings Uta has for Kaoru...? (This line is loosely translated, but it is 100% implying that Reiichi knows more than he lets on.)

^ This makes me wonder when Reiichi noticed Uta's feelings for Kaoru. Perhaps back when the struggle with their family occurred? Who knows!

Kuroe: A cat-like outlaw that dislikes being shackled down by the rules. She is the person Uta always comes to whenever she needs love advice. It seems that she is going out with Uta's coworker, Miyabi?

Also, from reading the raw, I noticed how difficult it is to make out the text on this page:

The candy says: "Candy that will cheer you up" and gah, that's so cute.

last edited at Dec 27, 2017 12:31AM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Heavensrun, please read before commenting. You are quick to correct others just like Ritsuko to be Risako(btw, thank you for correcting me) but you don't point it out directly to me.

I don't believe you were the only person making the mistake, Although maybe I was getting my wires crossed between your posts and other people quoting your posts. I've definitely seen it a few times on different sites discussing this, which is why I didn't direct it at just one person.

I read your aboved statement twice. It is arguable. It doesn't hold any CONCRETE ground. It leaves a lot of loopholes and even to the point that you don't read much of others' opinion that is not in resonant with you. Just like this.

I read the entirety of every post since my last post. I disagree emphatically with your perceived loopholes, which is why I believe that you and others are literally in denial, because the degree to which you must stretch the evidence to fit your narrative is not rational.

Since, you have pointed out your ABSOLUTE argument and hell-bound to stick with it after reading posts that doesn't agree on "ABSOLUTE CHEATING", then I will respect your opinion. But please no AD HOMINEM like commenters are in denial. Talk about the story and the issues at hand, not the commenters. Commenters are NOT part of the story. I hope, at least, we can agree on the definition of "forum".

I have not made any ad hominems. Suggesting that someone's argument isn't realistic or that they are in denial is not an ad hominem. Argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy whereby you attack someone's character to discredit their argument, and I'm not doing any of that. My argument that Reiichi is clearly cheating is based on the evidence which I cited in my post.

What I am doing is suggesting that you are bending over backwards, beyond reason, to continue avoiding a conclusion which the facts have demonstrated to be inescapable.

The author should not have to draw Risako and Reiichi banging to get across the message that Reiichi has been unfaithful to his wife.

joined Oct 18, 2017

I have not made any ad hominems. Suggesting that someone's argument isn't realistic or that they are in denial is not an ad hominem. Argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy whereby you attack someone's character to discredit their argument, and I'm not doing any of that. My argument that Reiichi is clearly cheating is based on the evidence which I cited in my post.

It is, Heavensrun, AD HOMINEM.

So looking at comments here, there's a lot I want to comment on...

If you still don't think he's cheating, or that this chapter didn't conclusively demonstrate that he is, you are in a deep state of denial.

joined Mar 22, 2014

I'm like, making a billion posts, but I'm noticing more little details from the raws that were missed.

I don't think these points mean much, but I think not including these details kind of misses out on portraying the type of person Reiichi is to us readers.

last edited at Dec 27, 2017 12:47AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

It was mentioned very early on that Uta used to be unable to trust adults. I wonder why Uta adopted that mindset and how Kaoru played a role in Uta's past. Perhaps Uta's parents divorced due to some big conflict like... cheating? And perhaps, parents that have been unfaithful might have some sort of influence towards their children? There's no evidence whatsoever pointing towards that, so I'm blindly speculating for the heck of it!

I am very intrigued of the past. So your speculation is mine as well. LOL.... Kaoru's mother and what lead to the sickness... What it has to do with Uta and her family...The answers are in the past. It is like a domino effect.... if that is the case... Tap one truth and everything will unravel. Tsk, tsk...And I refrained to write any speculations since it is an on-going series...

last edited at Dec 27, 2017 1:01AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I guess now that this story has come out as a gutter-tier garbage soap opera, I can stop expecting more and just enjoy it as such.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I guess now that this story has come out as a gutter-tier garbage soap opera, I can stop expecting more and just enjoy it as such.

At least the characters have traits and arnt walking drama devices as simple and few as they may be.

joined Apr 16, 2012

So he is really cheating, it seems 2 hurt him. still really a bad thing 2 do

joined May 3, 2016

So looking at comments here, there's a lot I want to comment on...

If you still don't think he's cheating, or that this chapter didn't conclusively demonstrate that he is, you are in a deep state of denial.

He apologized for "the things that happened during the accident". You don't lead with "I'm sorry." when you're afraid your wife has misunderstood the situation.

He goes outside, out of earshot, to answer a call from Risako, and shows obvious guilt after even just talking to her about the current situation. That "What am I doing??" is as damning as anything.

Risako shows up like the cat that ate the canary, probably having heard from Reiichi that Kaoru doesn't remember what happened, and on the way out of the scene, she muses that It's more like Uta is her sister rather than Kaoru's (since she's closer with Reiichi than Kaoru is.)

That's on top of all the previous evidence piled up. Reiichi's "business trips" (companies do not spring surprise business trips on employees. That crap is worked out far in advance.) His lack of interest in his relationship with Kaoru (He didn't just forget a wedding anniversary, he forgot their FIRST wedding anniversary) and the fact that he was walking around town under a single umbrella on HIS BIRTHDAY shortly after telling his wife he was going to remain out of town for awhile yet.

He has been cheating on her.


Full stop.

Please stop making excuses for him, or trying to imagine how any other situation could explain these circumstances. This is the reality we are dealing with.

What is the more interesting question here is -why-.

Reiichi seems to have married Kaoru because of some kind of trauma involving their families. The dream/flashback last volume seems to have implied that she has been heartbroken over him before, due to Risako no less. So he and Risako have history, and his marriage to Kaoru is on some kind of foundation of guilt more than love.

On top of that, Kaoru can't even enunciate what she loves about him, and I'm willing to bet that the mental block there is that what she loves about him is -Uta-. I think Reiichi knows that Uta loves Kaoru, and I think he suspects that Kaoru isn't really that into him, or at least is also into his sister. So it really isn't that surprising that he'd be drawn to his old ex flame, who probably resents the hell out of the circumstances that took him away from her, and who is legitimately interested in him and him alone.

I'm going to quote this to bring back up later.

joined Apr 5, 2015

He is 99.9999% cheating, unless the author does a bait & switch. All the hints are pointing toward that.

joined Jun 23, 2017

Oh hell, I'd be worried about anyone if I saw or heard them fall down a set of stairs and bleed profusely from their head (even though the head bleeds easily and all).

Too late probably, but I also wanted to make a reference to the moment he hit the wall with his fist, asking himself what he is doing. He knows he is doing something wrong, cheating is the most likely candidate.

On top of that, Kaoru can't even enunciate what she loves about him, and I'm willing to bet that the mental block there is that what she loves about him is -Uta-. I think Reiichi knows that Uta loves Kaoru, and I think he suspects that Kaoru isn't really that into him, or at least is also into his sister. So it really isn't that surprising that he'd be drawn to his old ex flame, who probably resents the hell out of the circumstances that took him away from her, and who is legitimately interested in him and him alone.

Still hoping for this interpretations, somehow. But we really need to wait for what happened in the past, I'm still thinking of an affair or something along those lines (because of the framed picture in the chapter I don't remember).

last edited at Dec 27, 2017 10:27AM

joined Nov 19, 2017

Talk about disappointing and leaving a bad after taste. I've already been burnt by that other series with the 3 friends and love polygon, so I've been a bit skeptical whenever a new series starts out "promising" and "refreshing." Can't have nice things at all. I want to abandon this train, but I would still like to see this salvaged somehow. If that's even possible at this point.

joined Jun 23, 2017

Talk about disappointing and leaving a bad after taste.


Can't have nice things at all.

It is pretty nice and not that bad. It's not reinventing the whole romance genre, but it has some new dynamics I haven't seen until now.

Also, I really don't understand the complaints about "guy's cheating = easy cop out" or whatever. The author is not competing in a fight or puzzle solving contest, nor aiming to win a prize or whatever. Why would the fact they don't make something really intricate diminish the quality of the story? Plus, it's not like it wasn't made clear from the start the husband wasn't really involved in the relationship. But I have the feeling we'll be going in circle soon enough with this debate.

Well expectations and what not, I guess. I've been there as well.

last edited at Dec 27, 2017 12:08PM

joined Jul 21, 2016

I can't wait for next chapter!

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