Cars + Yuri = Yuri-Gear? -Holy shit -This series was literally designed for me, and proof that life is worth living.
Its written pretty funny, including the characters (Risa is my fav) and is just really "fun" to read. On top of that, its great how you can tell how much of a car junkie the artist/author is. They also did a phenomenal job on the art, especially for the backgrounds and vehicles.
I also can't help but constantly be reminded of Top-Gear. Anyone else get this vibe a bit? Seriously, this really feels like Yuri-Gear (which is freaking awesome). Both are about Three ridiculous Motor-heads with specific clashing personalities fixated around car antics. Except instead of 3 adult dudes on a show, you've got three gay chicks. Awesome!
Legit, this is probably my fav series so far. MOAR I NEED MOAR PLEASE MOAR!!
last edited at Jun 24, 2017 7:44PM