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joined Aug 1, 2011

Meh. I can't say I was particularly fond of this one. The art was decent, but not great, and the poetry didn't say anything insightful. More annoyingly, it seemed to switch between addressing the reader as the second girl (you) and referring to the second girl as someone else entirely (her/she).

joined May 24, 2014

well...that was different

joined May 17, 2014

Well if anything it was relatable.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Well if anything it was relatable.

My first thought was 'how?', then I realised why I thought that, and now I'm wondering if my life is sad. Screw contemplation, to the beer!

joined May 25, 2013


joined Jun 6, 2014


My sentiments exactly.

joined May 22, 2013

Title = Nokia + Lumia??

joined May 22, 2013

2 years sgo, something like this might make me break down in tears. But now i can say i understand in hindsight, nod my head in agreement, and move on. it's different and a little sad, but it wasn't bad.

Tell us your story, whose aftermath have been shocking you so much that you forgot to correct that "sgo". XD

joined May 28, 2012

Then just move on with life and go find somebody else.

joined Sep 14, 2014


My sentiments exactly.


joined Mar 28, 2015


Cry me a river.

Or not.

joined Mar 30, 2012


joined Feb 24, 2013

I was distracted with Phryne, thought twas an alkyne and a pyridine and why the fudge is it used as a title for the magz but then oh wait asdsdasf more than 24 hrs of no sleep and counting, fudgy brain wanna sleep so bad

apparently Phryne was a famous ancient Greek courtesan, oooohh

And wew, 1995, imagine the context of that time, and in Japan to boot.
For me, this is like a short version of Shakespeare's and the like's long angsty drama novel shiz.

joined Aug 1, 2011

I was distracted with Phryne, thought twas an alkyne and a pyridine and why the fudge is it used as a title for the magz but then oh wait asdsdasf more than 24 hrs of no sleep and counting, fudgy brain wanna sleep so bad

apparently Phryne was a famous ancient Greek courtesan, oooohh

And wew, 1995, imagine the context of that time, and in Japan to boot.
For me, this is like a short version of Shakespeare's and the like's long angsty drama novel shiz.


joined Aug 9, 2013

I wonder if this really sucks or we just think so because the translator did not gave justice to the original Japanese dialogue. Hmm....

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, isn't it a cliche story of "I thought we would be together forever, but now, she's with someone else and I bawl some bad poetry to show the world I'm depressed as fuck and lonely" ?

joined Nov 29, 2014

Clichés get way more hate than they deserve. Somewhere along the lines everything becomes a cliché, it's how you present those clishés that makes a story stand or fall.

Girl Friends is five volumes of clishés and it's still awesome, for example.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I don't have anything against clichés, except when they are badly done.

Girl Friends is well done.

Not this.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Girl Friends is well done.

Not this.

Yeah, I agree. I'm just saying, it's not the clishés that make this story bad.
I guess I missunderstood your criticism.

joined Feb 5, 2015


joined Jul 26, 2013

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

joined May 11, 2012

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

S-Salad Fingers!? is that still being made? I watched three or four episodes years ago, I think I was 13 our 14 at the time, although it wasn't a nightmare I had a not very good dream after watching that, let's just say that I didn't want to hear or see anything about Salad Fingers again, I need to watch it now that I'm older...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

S-Salad Fingers!? is that still being made? I watched three or four episodes years ago, I think I was 13 our 14 at the time, although it wasn't a nightmare I had a not very good dream after watching that, let's just say that I didn't want to hear or see anything about Salad Fingers again, I need to watch it now that I'm older...

I like it when the red water comes out....

and seriously, you didn't get to the REALLY disturbing bits

joined May 11, 2012

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

S-Salad Fingers!? is that still being made? I watched three or four episodes years ago, I think I was 13 our 14 at the time, although it wasn't a nightmare I had a not very good dream after watching that, let's just say that I didn't want to hear or see anything about Salad Fingers again, I need to watch it now that I'm older...

I like it when the red water comes out....

and seriously, you didn't get to the REALLY disturbing bits

I probably watched the first three episodes, it get's worse!?

joined Feb 4, 2015

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

S-Salad Fingers!? is that still being made? I watched three or four episodes years ago, I think I was 13 our 14 at the time, although it wasn't a nightmare I had a not very good dream after watching that, let's just say that I didn't want to hear or see anything about Salad Fingers again, I need to watch it now that I'm older...

I like it when the red water comes out....

and seriously, you didn't get to the REALLY disturbing bits

I became intrigued.

I am no longer. That voice is grating.

Thank God I saw this today. Any other wouldn't have had Area 11 album 2 pre order to cheer me up.

last edited at Apr 29, 2015 3:44PM

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