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joined Feb 24, 2023

Yuni continues to be completely repulsive, I hope she’s left with nothing. Nanase please get with your best friend already you don’t deserve this.

Reading the comments I cannot believe Nanase even has haters, the completely insane narrative’s people craft in their heads about her is impressive I’ll say that

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 7:55PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

It's not insane to point out that Nanase has been a feckless, forgetful, and inconsiderate girlfriend; that's right there in the text.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It's not insane to point out that Nanase has been a feckless, forgetful, and inconsiderate girlfriend; that's right there in the text.

When reading a story equals serving as the judge and jury in Personal Behavior court, one character must be found guilty, which de facto means the others are innocent.

Doesn’t make much sense to me, but it apparently means the world to some people.

joined Jan 3, 2022

Why are these two even still together?

Literally wanna know this too.

Oh wait, it’s cuz of the P L O T.

Smh why did they even start datin in the first place? They got no chemistry

joined Feb 14, 2016

Why are these two even still together?

Literally wanna know this too.

Oh wait, it’s cuz of the P L O T.

Smh why did they even start datin in the first place? They got no chemistry

They were young and, presumably, horny

joined Jan 3, 2022

Nanase imo is the weakest character in the manga. She seems to exist just to give Yuni a reason to cheat.

She’s the weakest but they’re all weak. Just poor writing all around

She's the only character that's shown no reason for loving someone else. She's the only character that never takes any action.

She HAS taken action, with her friend, Yuki and then she DID show interest in wanting to spend more time with Yuni + wanting to have matching accessories

Yuki has done more for her relationship in regard to the cheating than Nanase herself. She just comes across as such a bland character.

Eh, I’ll have to disagree on that one. Having a character struggle to balance their relationship with their responsibilities would be interesting to see them overcome, it’s just poorly executed here because the whole point of Nanase’s character is to be lame

If you think Nanase is bland, then you must think that Yuni is JUST as bland, she’s JUST as inactive as Nanase, except Yuni whines to everyone BUT her lover and the only communication that happens comes in the form of ranting, shouting, and not even listening to her Gf, so it can’t even be considered proper communication. They both run away from real confrontation.

You can't feel bad for her because you never feel like she ever tries to really be with Yuni.

I’d say you can’t feel bad for anyone in this manga (except Yuki)

No one tries to put their foot down, no one is genuine. There is no real attempt at making a serious change.

Yuni can’t stop cheating and she can’t communicate with the person who’s supposed to be her GF about her issues

Nanase for the longest time didn’t even think about communicating her feelings, and now that’s being considered, she decides against it for whatever reason??

Fuuko hasn’t really done anything other than be a side piece, and when she DID take action, Yuni chose Nanase over her. Like, do something? Stop being a side piece, confront Nanase and come clean, tell her that y’all fucked.

This chapter is the perfect example. Instead of talking to Yuni she runs away and decides to hang out with someone else.

Which is EXACTLY what Yuni has done— instead of talking with Nanase, she goes and cheat on her.

She's the dumb lover in an ntr story


that's so pathetic you can't feel bad that their lover is cheating.

Can’t agree on that. Every character in this situation is pathetic, we haven’t even seen why they’re even together, have we? How’d they get together? These characters lack any chemistry, why are they even dating to begin with?

Maybe if the author show3d Nanase being more proactive i would've cared a bit more.

Too bad the author won’t because Nanase is written in such a way that her being a lame is a way to excuse Yuni’s cheating

I wouldn’t even be so pressed if the story actually went somewhere.

We went from

Yuni cheating in secret -> Yuni not communicating properly -> Yuni exposed for cheating ->
Yuni picking Nanase over Fuuko -> Yuni cheating in secret

So back to square one. Nothing changed except it’s even MORE apparent that they aren’t compatible and shouldn’t be dating. Nanase shouldn’t have even been in a relationship in the first place.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Yuni is JUST as bland, she’s JUST as inactive as Nanase,

but Yuni's cuter

Like, do something? Stop being a side piece, confront Nanase and come clean, tell her that y’all fucked.

Fuuko did exactly that.

...did some people criticizing the series miss the infill chapters?

joined Jan 3, 2022

Yuni is JUST as bland, she’s JUST as inactive as Nanase,

but Yuni's cuter

Yeah, I agree, I straight up hate Nanase’s haircut.

Like, do something? Stop being a side piece, confront Nanase and come clean, tell her that y’all fucked.

Fuuko did exactly that.

...did some people criticizing the series miss the infill chapters?

I also mentioned that Yuni chose Nanase over her after the fact

And I when I said that that, I meant that I wanted her to double down again, do something that’ll actually leave a lasting impact. Present day, she’s STILL a side piece.

My point stands; NOTHING has changed since the beginning

Yuni is still cheating and doesn’t communicate properly
Nanase is pathetic and can’t communicate properly
Fuuko is a side piece who hasn’t done anything to make a serious change— cut Yuni out or actively cuck Nanase until she dumps Yuni

Yuki just exists on the side, and is literally the only normal person in this whole story.

A lot has happened but it hasn’t gone anywhere. There’s no big turning point in the story (maybe it’ll come up in the next chapter idk), it’s just running in circles

joined Jan 30, 2017

Please just break up and get together with the girl you're obviously more compatible with. Both of you.

My point stands; NOTHING has changed since the beginning

I disagree, the situation hasn't changed much, but the characters did. Yuni is now more proactive insted of bottling up her feelings, Nanase is at least aware that she's been emotionally unavailable, and Fuuko has.......... Uhm...... She's awakened to mommy kink!

joined Apr 10, 2023

Fuuko has been much more willing to dream big compared to her at the start being willing to be just a side fling for the girl she liked. She wants love, not just the leftover scraps of someone else's affection. This indicates that Yuni has been genuinely a pretty good influence on her, for improving her self esteem and hopelessness at least. Fuuko's history does not leave much room for a positive self image but she's getting there.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Now Yuni will run crying back to that nutjob for some momy role-playing. She's gonna suck on Fuukos breasts making baby noises. I wonder how far Fuuko's kink will go and if Yuni gets desperate enough to play along.

Nanase will do jack all since she's the cuck. Maybe she will get on with Yuki, that would be hilarious.

joined May 20, 2018

I want to see more Fuuko. She’s cute

Sarah of the Night
joined May 12, 2020

pretty serious in here huh.

yea uh--i think nanase shouldve cut this off a while ago since she doesn't understand how to properly have a girlfriend (partner + responsibility balance, and communication issues), and frankly, i dont even think she would object to the notion of wanting to break up if yuni proposed it; i think shes uninvolved and down on herself enough to accept it as for the best.

and yuni shouldve cut this off a while ago herself since she understands nanase cant give her what she wants + shes found someone else whos responding in the way she desires, and since shes cheating with that person, i mean..she should just break up and go with the more suitable partner. and naturally, she has communication issues as well.

theyre in high school, and i think (?) these are their first relationships; the issues i mentioned are also a consequence of this.

i really think its that simple....yea. >.>

last edited at Nov 23, 2024 3:39PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

pretty serious in here huh.

yea uh--i think nanase shouldve cut this off a while ago since she doesn't understand how to properly have a girlfriend (partner + responsibility balance, and communication issues), and frankly, i dont even think she would object to the notion of wanting to break up if yuni proposed it; i think shes uninvolved and down on herself enough to accept it as for the best.

and yuni shouldve cut this off a while ago herself since she understands nanase cant give her what she wants + shes found someone else whos responding in the way she desires, and since shes cheating with that person, i mean..she should just break up and go with the more suitable partner. and naturally, she has communication issues as well.

theyre in high school, and i think (?) these are their first relationships; the issues i mentioned are also a consequence of this.

i really think its that simple....yea. >.>

I agree with this that those choices would be the best choices. My best guess for why Yuni doesn't make that choice is guilt and self punishment, but I don't really have any strong idea about why on earth Nanase wants this relationship besides her weird competitive streak

joined Jan 3, 2022

My point stands; NOTHING has changed since the beginning

I disagree, the situation hasn't changed much, but the characters did. Yuni is now more proactive insted of bottling up her feelings, Nanase is at least aware that she's been emotionally unavailable, and Fuuko has.......... Uhm...... She's awakened to mommy kink!

The fact that the situation hasn’t changed is why I’m so salty.

A lot has happened— their mindsets have shifted, they’ve developed more as characters— but we have yet to see it really go anywhere

Either Yuni and Nanase need to break up or Nanase needs to become a full on cuck and enjoy being cheated on

joined Jan 3, 2022

pretty serious in here huh.

Sorry lol. Seeing them go at each other only to STILL be together is hella annoying. It feels like the story hasn’t progressed at all

And I’m too invested to just drop… also the art is 10/10

yea uh--i think nanase shouldve cut this off a while ago since she doesn't understand how to properly have a girlfriend (partner + responsibility balance, and communication issues), and frankly, i dont even think she would object to the notion of wanting to break up if yuni proposed it; i think shes uninvolved and down on herself enough to accept it as for the best.

and yuni shouldve cut this off a while ago herself since she understands nanase cant give her what she wants + shes found someone else whos responding in the way she desires, and since shes cheating with that person, i mean..she should just break up and go with the more suitable partner. and naturally, she has communication issues as well.

Agreed, they’re not compatible at all

theyre in high school, and i think (?) these are their first relationships; the issues i mentioned are also a consequence of this.

How naive are high schoolers tho? It’s not like they’re in middle school and completely clueless. I’d think at least one of them would rethink their relationship or smthn. Idk. I can’t see why either of em would stay together when they both have someone they seem to enjoy spending time with more

joined Apr 10, 2023

You have a massive overestimation of high schoolers' emotional intelligence lol. There's plenty of grown adults who cheat on their partners and/or get cheated on, and yet choose to continue living in misery over the scary uncertainly of being single.

joined Aug 10, 2016

I've had a great time ignoring this manga since the day it dropped here (because of the dogshit that is Nanashi no Asterism), but it's always really funny to see people fight over it in the comments every chapter.

What? This isn't written by the author of Nanashi no Asterism, and this series couldn't be farther from that one of it tried lol.

I made the comparison since they both are a series where a love triangles drama is needed for it to even exist, and yeah I sure hope nothing ever comes close to being another Nanashi no Asterism, where the big ending is "ok I'm gonna go marry a man"

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 3:34AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I have no idea what you're thinking of but that's not Nanashi no Asterism, those characters are like 13 in that series and it's not written by CLAMP so they're not marrying anybody lmao
I've seen that series get hate in a few different threads here and I don't get it. Maybe the official localization, "Nameless Asterism," fixed some issues or something, cuz that's the version I read and really liked it as a story of young kids taking their first steps into queer identities. It's not much of a romance but I don't think it was ever intended to be and it's not how it came across in the official version, it's an ensemble coming of age queer drama instead. Something in the same subgenre as "Our Dreams At Dusk".

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 7:35AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I have no idea what you're thinking of but that's not Nanashi no Asterism, those characters are like 13 in that series and it's not written by CLAMP so they're not marrying anybody lmao
I've seen that series get hate in a few different threads here and I don't get it. Maybe the official localization, "Nameless Asterism," fixed some issues or something, cuz that's the version I read and really liked it as a story of young kids taking their first steps into queer identities. It's not much of a romance but I don't think it was ever intended to be and it's not how it came across in the official version, it's an ensemble coming of age queer drama instead. Something in the same subgenre as "Our Dreams At Dusk".

I’m not sure what you’re thinking of, but the Nanashi no Asterism I read here was at least mainly about a yuri love (or maybe “crush”) triangle with a rather wandering yaoi subplot and it definitely had a het ending for one of the MCs that was not justified by the initial, highly yuri, premises.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Yeah I don't think it was ever intended as just "yuri," if anything the relationship between that gender ambiguous little brother and that one guy was the most central relationship and it's the setup the author has gone back to repeatedly lol. And that girl didn't have a het ending, she was bi. I think it's okay for one character out of an ensemble to be bi.
It's hardly a perfect series, and it's not going to give you the romance you want, but if you go into it just thinking of it as something like Our Dreams At Dusk it is very good for what it is. It's just unfortunately frequently falsely advertised as a yuri romance, including by Seven Seas, even though they frequently don't remember to mention the LGBT content in some manga they license (mostly when it's trans and genderqueer stuff)

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 3:06PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

I re-read the whole thing from the start and I can say with certainty thal all four girls in this are bitches in their own way.

  • Nanase consistently treats her girlfriend like dirt she has to hide. And then when she learns that she dared pierce the ear of another girl she starts ignoring her, before somehow learning that piercing the ear of a friend is normal. Words and acts have consequences and she's clearly been a bitch. She refuses to really acknowledge her own flaws, even when others put her nose in it. She perfunctorily apologize, but persists in her ways and treats Yuki like her real girlfriend. i can't wait for Nanase to actually physically cheat on Yuni with Yuki (she's already emotionally cheating with her). That'll be the cherry on top. I'll call her "Narcissistic Bitch #1"

  • Yuni is a needy, high-maintenance girlfriend who find herself excuses for whatever wrong she does, because she's terrified of being alone. She wants her cake and eat it too. She was frustrated by her relationship with Nanase because it wasn't rewarding at all and she felt lonely. And feeling lonely has been a constant fear and trauma for her, so she hates it. Her venting account was a call for emotional help, which got answered by Fuuko. She got more than what she wished for. Her inability to reject Fuuko, convincing herself it was for the sake of Nanase, shows that she latched onto her because of her fear of abandonment, but also because she lusted after Fuuko. She was the one who initiated sex with Fuuko as a form of "revenge" against Nanase who refused to call her girlfriend "cute", but she was just making up an excuse. She was eyeing Fuuko's curves way before that. Everyone agrees that Yuni is a shitty person, selfish and cowardly. I'll call her "Lying Bitch #2"

  • Fuuko is a highly intelligent girl who's been constantly belittled by her family. Betrayed by her parents, her brothers, the next door girl she loved. She has no friends because she doesn't trust anyone anymore. She approaches Yuni because she got hold of her secret account. In the end, what Fuuko wants is to be the one CHOSEN. She hatches a whole plan for Yuni to cheat, get caught and then break up with her girlfriend and ultimately chose her, but this plan failed a first time when Yuni came back to Nanase. I guess she wasn't expecting Nanase to "forgive" (in appearance) the cheating and for Yuni to keep on lying to herself. But in the end, stealing someone's girlfriend, while rewarding for your self-image, is still a shitty thing to do. She obviously looks down on everyone else. I'll call her the "Sociopathic Bitch #3".

  • Yuki is, in appearances, the only innocent character in this, but she's actually the source of many of Nanase's troubles with Yuni. From dragging her around in the festival, indirectly kissing with her, constantly hovering around Nanase and meddling in her life, confronting Yuni about the cheating in Osaka, thanking Nanase loudly about the accessory, at every turn Yuki has been "innocently" breaking Nanase's relationship. I think it's been a while since she's been attracted to Nanase, but didn't acknowledge it to herself. In the guise of being the "best friend", she effectively participates in ruining Nanase's love life. I'll call her "Self-righteous Bitch #4".

So in the end, no one here is good, as intended by the author. It's a clusterfuck of relationships between girls with issues. All characters are indefensible in some ways, making bad and dumb decisions.

This train wreck is both ugly and beautiful and if you can't see it, then it's not for you.

joined May 9, 2017

I re-read the whole thing from the start and I can say with certainty thal all four girls in this are bitches in their own way.

Yuki is, in appearances, the only innocent character in this, but she's actually the source of many of Nanase's troubles with Yuni. From dragging her around in the festival, indirectly kissing with her, constantly hovering around Nanase and meddling in her life, confronting Yuni about the cheating in Osaka, thanking Nanase loudly about the accessory, at every turn Yuki has been "innocently" breaking Nanase's relationship. I think it's been a while since she's been attracted to Nanase, but didn't acknowledge it to herself. In the guise of being the "best friend", she effectively participates in ruining Nanase's love life. I'll call her "Self-righteous Bitch #4".

So in the end, no one here is good, as intended by the author. It's a clusterfuck of relationships between girls with issues. All characters are indefensible in some ways, making bad and dumb decisions.

This train wreck is both ugly and beautiful and if you can't see it, then it's not for you.

Thank you for pointing out that Yuki is a bitch as well in some way. Given how people are still defending Fuuko or Nanase, while they are obviously pretty bad in their own way, I didn't want to make a case for Yuki, but your summarized the situation pretty well (also, not relevant, but I also think she have a bitchy face a well).

To had on the "emotional cheating" of Nanase, I've also noticed that when Yuni sent her a picture of herself asking her is she was cute, Nanase answered "you look different". But when Yuki asked her how she looked, she directly answered "you look cute" with a warm smile. I think this was a call back as to when Yuni asked her, when she was in Osaka.

As you say, it's fun to read because this is a giant mess.

last edited at Nov 25, 2024 8:59AM

joined May 7, 2024

As you say, it's fun to read because this is a giant mess.

I completely agree, but this reads much better all at once. I bet the month wait between chapters for "more of the same" probably has people wanting something to happen

joined May 23, 2024

Yuni continues to be completely repulsive, I hope she’s left with nothing. Nanase please get with your best friend already you don’t deserve this.

Reading the comments I cannot believe Nanase even has haters, the completely insane narrative’s people craft in their heads about her is impressive I’ll say that

Honestly yuni comes off as salty nanase has a life . Nanase has friends . Nanase has hobbies and goals . Yuni has none of that Nd takes it out on nanase constantly . While also being completely unreasonable and unfair to nanase because .... She feels guilty about cheating and has to ration it somehow . If it's nanase fault she cheated then she's clearly not a bad person . But she never communicated and just expects nanase to drop everything for her .

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