
Forum › Image Comments (October 2024)

joined Mar 20, 2012

^ Next year

joined Jun 12, 2023

Every year, I wait for the new yuri of the next season of Precure. Mayu and Yuki are lovely!

Way to go, Mayu!

joined Jul 21, 2024

^ I second that enjoyment :)

joined Apr 25, 2020

wow Official? guess i gotta get back to watching LLSS

joined Aug 21, 2020

Kita giving Hitori some encouragement

joined Aug 21, 2020

They look so happy~!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very nice. ^_^

joined Aug 21, 2020

Looks like important research

joined Oct 22, 2018

^^ Yep.

joined Apr 6, 2017

this is basically sakuya x meiling dot png. that's their dynamic right there

joined Feb 21, 2023

Genius bassist...

joined Apr 21, 2020

If I remember it went something like that:
- Selen wanted to make a cover of a song so she requested Niji to get permission,
- Niji took MONTHS to get them even if they could get them way, way faster (there is a rumor that Selen was for some reason hated by Niji Management),
- Selen meanwhile recorded a song and commisioned/made visuals,
- She relesed cover before ensuring she got permissions and told her fans to spread it in the Internet,
- She was told to delete that and got scolded by mangement,
- Niji decided to terminate her contract.
- Selen tried to kill herself,
- All information about harrasment from Niji Management, some Niji EN talents and overall toxic atmosphere in Niji came out and it's reputation plummetred (interesting enough for people who follow stocks - Anycolor (Niji) stocks and Cover Corp. (Hololive) stocks fell down pretty much the same. Their trajectories are going more or less the same since December 2023 even if Niji events are taken really badly and Holo is getting even more popular. It's weird)
- Instead trying to control PR by telling people that they will do something to fight bullying and toxic atmosphere in company like you ofter hear from other companies in which something bad comes to light they double down and tried to shift all blame to Selen.
- Niji reputation fell down even further and didn't really recovered since, which affect their talents, even these who could have nothing with bullying or perpetuating toxicity (and "just leaving" in not that easy like some people seems to think, it's not easy to build from scratch again if it's your only source of income and your working visa bears on it. There is a reason why these who left were either Niji most popular or people who had deals with other company earlier).

There are informations that overall atmosphere in Niji is really toxic on both EN and JP side (mostly stems from Niji idea that their talents should "compete" like idols not work together like Holo or VShojo does).
She and few other former Niji talents were also talking about bullying Selen was getting from other Niji EN talents (I'm not gonna tell who, there were rumors, but NOTHING was confirmed, not by Selen or other talents. I don't really give a damn if someone is "sure" it was this or that person, Selen herself told her fans not to harras Niji lives and try to "investigate" this, because she wants to start anew).

Both Niji treatment of her, bullying and termination caused her to break and try to kill herself (if i remember it wasn't her first attempt, making it even worse, not remember if her earlier one was before of after she joined Niji).

I'm not saying Niji isn't at fault here or that Selen and Niji Management were equally guilty at this, this is obvious that shit that Niji done to Selen was crazy, but I'm trying to clean a lot of missinformation that was going around after whole situation. I still watch some Niji talents i did for last 2-3 years and I wish they could have standing to be able to leave and go indie, but i also know how hard it could be for someone who brand was build after they joined (which gives boost to popularity, well, Niji "did" gave boost).

BTW. Niji as a whole don't really give a fuck about EN side (or at least they didn't until the whole situation happen) since their revenue model is greatly based on merch not Ads/Superchats/Subs/Donations and they got vast majority of their revenue from JP side where merch sells much better than in EN spheres.

Wonder if their stock prices are even that effected but what happened or market valued went down when people could go back outside after COVID, since Holo stock is not doing too great either.

Damn that a long one.

last edited at Oct 26, 2024 5:54PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

ShikiMei shippers eating good these days

joined Nov 8, 2017

^Her torso too

joined Sep 27, 2017

^The termination from what I remember sounded like the culmination of a lot of factors, the song, the bullying on various fronts, the suicide attempts, and so fourth. Where the company seemingly never tried to work with Selen, or help her. Instead it all came to an unfortunate conclusion where the end result was almost the worst possible outcome. Which is why I'm glad that Selen is doing so much better now, and progressing forward stronger than ever.

Also thanks for expanding on the topic. I was trying to give a summarized short version of events to the best of my ability, but the long version with a lot of added information is definitely helpful.

joined Jul 22, 2014

^Do you have another link that is not Twitter? All I get is the stupid sign in blocking everything.

Funny enough I just bought a Love Bullet fanart print yesterday at a convention, bit surprise to see it reach here Down Under.

joined Jul 22, 2014

My Gay Little Ponies

joined Nov 8, 2017

Way to go, Mayu!

joined Sep 18, 2014

^ including the staff and voice actresses

joined Mar 14, 2016

Oh, hey, I know this one. There's a doujin availible on "other sites." Pretty good if you want some toxic yuri. Fair warning for a bit of gore tho, and it happens to the one that's effectively immortal so...

joined Mar 14, 2016

"I hope this doesn't awaken something in me..."

joined Mar 14, 2016

Eyyy, it's the OGs

joined Sep 27, 2017

Yuki is always supportive of her precious Mayu

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ Of course. Though not as plenty as Twitter, a lot of the artists there posted their stuff in BlueSky as well.

joined Jan 28, 2024


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