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joined Jan 14, 2020

Looks like Chaosteam dropped it, and the new group either isn't submitting to Dynasty or isn't up to the local standard of quality.

joined Jun 14, 2024

So we can't upload freely here, huh? Only from the scanlator?

joined Aug 21, 2016

Your translation is perfectly done swossy! Are you perhaps Japanese speaker too? And your english is so good! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Its always exciting reading other people opinion like this. I also agree with your opinion

Thanks Chinocupp! <3

I would also hate for this to happen. This author hasn't done the cheap drama thing so far, and I don't think she'll start now. I think we're safe from that; Ino making a move on Kyou I think also makes it easier for Eri and Kyou to split.

I agree! I have faith in Murasakino.

Can I just fangirl over the fact that Eri wants to be Fuyuki's girlfriend?? Like this is awesome. Now for the people who say Eri doesn't seem to actually romantically love Fuyuki, that MAY be the case, but think about this: does it really matter? She loved Kyou for the moment he gave her utmost attention. Fuyuki WILL make Eri happy and Eri's existence was literally enough for Fuyuki to subsist off of. I think if they dated it would be incredibly wholesome and they'd both be very happy regardless of actual romantic interest.

I think romantic love would possibly matter to Fuyuki. Of course, having Eri in her life is the most important thing to her, but I'd want our girl to receive the romantic love she's obviously willing to give to Eri. And Fuyuki imagining Eri when she was touching Kisaki indicates sexual interest as well. I agree that if Eri and Fuyuki dated, it would absolutely be wholesome and something that will make them both happy. Which is why I'm not averse to a FuyuEri ending.

Btw, we're up to ch.12 scans on Dex. Wasn't sure if people here were aware.

Thanks for this! I didn't know new chapters were being translated. Moosan is a lifesaver.

joined Aug 27, 2024

Just made an account to post here because I love this manga sooo much!

I've read every chapter thats out and theres something I want to say about Kirisaki (aka senpai)

In chapter 9 it was already revealed who her crush is. It was written very subtly, but you can get it out from the conversation between Fuyuki and Kirisaki:

Fuyuki is thinking in her head 'come to think of it the person senpai likes is...' and after she asks " that the reason why you left home"
Kirisaki then tells Fuyuki that the trigger was when the two got married and she didn't want to necessarily see them happy. with "the two" she means her mother and her mothers boyfriend. Then she tells she couldn't see him as a father and she didnt like that he treated her like a daughter.
And going back on the "is that the reason why you left home", Kirisaki says "I think it was good I left home. After all if you dont see each other anymore, you'll have less time to think, although it might be lonely at first"

So what I read from this is that she left home because her crush, her mothers boyfriend, became her stepdad. She didn't want to see him happy with her mother and she didn't want to be treated like a daughter by her crush. Sucks for Kirisaki, but I think its very mature and considerate to the two of them to leave home and let go of her crush.

Still Kirisaki says she can like both men and women and for now she doesn't want to date.

Unpopulair opinion, but I'm rooting for Eri and Fuyuki. I see Kirisaki as a great friend and emotional support for Fuyuki, but I dont see a romantic connection between them. Eri on the other hand is about 1 or 2 confrontations away from realizing that her feelings are more than "Fuyuki is my bestie and its normal that I smile the most with her, want her to notice me, want her to see me as number one". So I look forward to see how Kirisaki will push Eri's buttons while also protecting Fuyuki from Eri's obliviousness.

joined Jun 14, 2024

^Now that you mentioned again about the potential person Senpai's unrequited love for, I wanna share my first thought when I read those part.

Maybe I was biased cus this is GL lol, but I really thought that the person Kisaki has a crush on is also a woman, cus maybe that's why Fuyuki and her got close. At first I thought she had her own childhood friend as well but in ch.7 she said "Being CF is pretty troublesome, huh?" the way she said that, I felt that was unlikely.

So, the next thing I thought after reading ch.9 is maybe her crush is a woman who lived in her neighborhood? Like a really close friend that have been together not long enough to be called CF but long and close enough to got treated like their own daughter even by her husband. I just thought those panel showed how disgusted she was to be treated like a daughter by the love rival.

When Fuyuki asked 'is that why you left home?' and Kisaki replied 'I didn't get along with my mother either, to begin with,' and went on to say 'the trigger was when the two got married...' I just thought like that was two separate things. Like I dunno I never thought about the possibility of her crush to be her stepdad before reading swossy's thoughts on here. Well even though I really don't want that to be her stepdad, I've to admit that it does makes sense when you read those part. But you know, I still wanna hope that those part is just misleading by Shinoa sensei lol

joined Apr 10, 2023

I was really enjoying reading this manga and the discussion until the discussion started looking like a CIA report. This manga deserves better :(

joined Jun 12, 2015


joined Jun 14, 2024

I just read ch.16 and for sure, Kyo is dead for me. Bye Kyo

joined Aug 21, 2016

I just read ch.16 and for sure, Kyo is dead for me. Bye Kyo

Same. Never liked Kyou. Im glad the new chapter justified my growing hate for him.

last edited at Sep 6, 2024 2:23PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

please, someone do a detailed summary of 16.1

it seems this volume will be more focused on the eri/fuyuki/kyou/ino couples and i just get a headache when I see this dude. i dont have the energy to manually machine TL it atm

joined Mar 24, 2015

All I really got from 16.1 at a glance was Fuyuki is telling Kyou and Eri to work it out. Kyou agrees to talk to Eri, which Ino overhears. She walks out. I'm not sure what the name on the door is, but I'm guessing Ino waited outside Kyou's place for him. She confronts him about going to talk to Eri. Good for her for standing up for herself. She picked a sucky dude, though. Turns out they hooked up, so. He and Eri aren't even preroply broken uppppp. Not sure what Eri is up to. The translation for her text to Fuyuki was a little too literal and I can't figure out what it actually means rn

I didn't know Chaosteam officially dropped D: Moosan is an independent person translating in their free time, so they may not have the whole scanlation thing in mind. I am super grateful for their work!

joined Jun 14, 2024

How do you know that Chaosteam officially dropped?

joined Sep 10, 2022

How do you know that Chaosteam officially dropped?

I guess they're assuming since it's been 4 months.

joined Jun 14, 2024

But isn't they just busy or something?

joined Jun 14, 2024

The translation for her text to Fuyuki was a little too literal and I can't figure out what it actually means rn

Basically, Fuyuki greeted Eri good morning and then asked if Eri would attend the film club today or not. And Eri replied "Sorry, I'll pass this time".

joined Aug 21, 2016

Fuck it, the whole dialogue for chapter 16. did this quickly so sorry for any grammar or translation issues. if moosan is here, feel free to use this and rework as necessary:

Pg 1.

I would've wanted to be Fuyuki's girlfriend--

Fuyuki's Text:
Eri-chan, good morning
any plans today for Film Club?

Pg 2.

Eri's Text: I'm skipping today

Fuyuki's Text: Understood (cool glasses emoji)
[Sticker saying "Roger that!"]

Kyou: So, about this shot... should we go with a wide shot or should we go with this close up on the face... what do you think?

Door sign: Film Club | EDITING IN PROGRESS!!

Fuyuki: Hmm... Personally I prefer the wide shot
But it'll end up staying on that same scene for a while
so I think a close up shot would break the monotony...?

Kyou: You're right about that...

Pg. 3

Kyou: (Even the higher ups have trouble deciding)

Fuyuki: Eri-chan here
is beautiful, isn't she

Kyou: Eh?

Fuyuki: Ah, of course she's beautiful in other scenes, too.

Kyou: ....Mhm-- (sure)

Fuyuki: Kyou-chan...
Have you met up with Eri-chan recently?

Pg. 4

Kyou: ...with Eri? Nah...

Fuyuki: ...I see...

Fuyuki: You know, I heard from Eri-chan
that you two had a bit of a fight

Fuyuki: I didn't hear the details of it, though.

Pg. 5

Fuyuki: Even if we're childhood friends
this is something that's between you two...
And I know I shouldn't interfere much

Fuyuki: But if you ever need me for advice or anything
I'm always here for you

Fuyuki: Okay?

Kyou: Fuyuki...
Do you hope that we wont break up?

Pg. 6

Fuyuki: Eh...... me?

Kyou: Ah... m-my bad...

Kyou: If your two childhood friends end up becoming awkward
Of course, you'd feel awkward too
I'm sorry

Fuyuki: Heh

Pg. 7

Fuyuki: You two fighting, me having to mediate you both, I'm already used to it at this point so it's too late for that. That's why you shouldn't worry about me.

Fuyuki: Because no matter how much things change between the two of you, I will always be your childhood friend

Fuyuki: Well,
It'd be nice if you two were on good terms, though, if possible.

Kyou: ......I see.

Pg. 8

Kyou: You're right.

Kyou: Actually,
ever since the end of the training camp, I haven't spoken to Eri.

Kyou: But I think it's time we talk properly.

Fuyuki: Ah, right, speaking of which.
About next weekend...

Pg. 9

Kyou: Welp, that's enough for today.

Kyou: I have other places to be after I return these papers.

Kyou: Be careful going home, alright

Fuyuki: Yes, you too

Fuyuki: Good work toda...

Pg. 10

Fuyuki: Ah, nice work today...

Kouhai i forgot the name: Kyou-senpai!

Pg. 11

Kyou: O- oh. Ino. Wha-

Ino: Senpai.
You still haven't broken up with Shirai-senpai?

Kyou: I-

Ino: You're gonna talk to her...

Ino: a-about breaking up,

Pg. 12

Kyou: No, well, I don't know quite... know

Ino: Wh-

Ino: After all...

Ino: Shirai-senpai doesn't even care about you at all, right?

Pg. 13

Ino: And yet...

Kyou: T-that's...

Kyou: ......I know that.

Kyou: But that's...
something Eri and I will have to talk about and decide together.

Pg. 14

Kyou: ...Sorry, I have to go now.

Ino: What is there to talk about?

Ino: What... is so good about that woman?

Pg. 15

Ino: When I've always

[Ino: U-um... Kyou-senpai]

Pg. 16

[Ino: Would you like to come to my room?]

Ino: At that time, didn't you choose me......

Sorry for the overwhelming block of spoilered texts lmao

last edited at Sep 6, 2024 2:31PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Fuck it, the whole dialogue for chapter 16. did this quickly so sorry for any grammar or translation issues. if moosan is here, feel free to use this and rework as necessary:

I ain't even read this yet but YOU'RE MY HERO

Moosan, are you among us?!

joined Jun 14, 2024

You are our savior apart from moosan swossy! Great work!!

joined Apr 10, 2023

holy shit. thank you for the quick TLs. i finally understand why. if anyone still defends Kyou after all this, i really will pity you.

what a shitty asshole, cheating on his girlfriend and a childhood friend then trying to toss his rebound to the side cuz he didn't wanna let go of Eri??

eri needs to wake the fuck up soon. and fuyuki is just angst incarnated. she still willingly gives up her own happiness and refuses to be selfish. this month-long wait for 16.2 will be anguish

joined Jun 14, 2024

Yeah just 2 weeks long is kill me enough but 3 weeks? Crying. I mean it's not unusual but I guess I should be grateful that it's not 4 weeks long

joined Jun 14, 2024

I just now realize that Kyo is have this similar impression I get from Shuuichi from Hibike Euph.

joined Apr 11, 2022

What exactly does Kyou still want to talk about lol. "Decide together" my ass, she doesn't give a shit about you. This dude should disappear already. I will be mad if somehow author decides they could reconcile for more drama, lmao. Like, instead of taking an easy way out and remove him from the story after what happened last chapter, author just makes him even worse and we still have to endure the existence of this guy lol.

And sometimes I wish Fuyuki could be selfish. Her no-boundary selflessness actually makes me tired.

last edited at Sep 7, 2024 2:11PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

What exactly does Kyou still want to talk about lol. "Decide together" my ass, she doesn't give a shit about you. This dude should disappear already. I will be mad if somehow author decides they could reconcile for more drama, lmao. Like, instead of taking an easy way out and remove him from the story after what happened last chapter, author just makes him even worse and we still have to endure the existence of this guy lol.

And sometimes I wish Fuyuki could be selfish. Her no-boundary selflessness actually makes me tired.

The story is about the 3 of them, so he'll be here no matter what. I think its fine to develop his character just like the other two. I do agree that their getting back together would be absurd though.

last edited at Sep 7, 2024 2:23PM

joined Apr 11, 2022

The story is about the 3 of them, so he'll be here no matter what. I think its fine to develop his character just like the other two. I do agree that their getting back together would be absurd though.

Well I guess remove is a bit too strong word. Though I don't think he getting worse and worse is the development we readers are looking for either. In the end, this is still a GL so having a dude get in the way of the two leads isn't any good, at least for me. I just hope Eri will put this broken relationship to the end already, and reduce his existence to the minimum in this story.

joined Jan 14, 2020

We saw Kyou going off to a wedding in the very first pages of the manga, didn't we? So I doubt he's getting put on a bus.

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