Forum › I'm the Only One for Miyaji Miyuki discussion

joined Feb 11, 2022

She's definitely gonna break up with that girlfriend of hers. They didn't even show us her face, no way she's an actual character, just a plot device.

The harem will grow...

joined Jan 6, 2015

I love this artist's blushing faces so much.

joined Jun 12, 2023

Miyuki saying it's ok to girls love girls and then saying "let's get married" is so funny
(I'm team Miyuki and Natsuko now, their interactions are the best, but polyamory is the best option to be honest)

joined Dec 10, 2020

Yuki went and started proposing to girls from a ANOTHER school too!! My gurl is everywhere! Lmao.

She even got Natsuko having second thoughts about her relationship, a month into it! XD

joined Jan 14, 2020

I wonder what the over-under is on Kanna lying about Miyuki proposing to her.


Maybe Miyuki helped Natsuko realize that she likes girls?

Semi-ding. Natsuko knew, but Miyuki helped her stay strong.

there's just something really weird about these stories I suppose?

They are pretty dumb as stories, running on sheer audacious energy.

she's literally expressed zero romantic interest in anyone but Kan-chan

Not sure she's expressed romantic interest in Kanna yet, but Kanna is the one person she really remembers and feels at all close to.

joined Oct 12, 2021

After seeing some of the author's tweets and learning that they're quite fond of NTR in their yuri, I smell something fishy in here... And boy, do I love fish.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I love Yuki... she's so stupid.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Since when does checking out a club equal having signed up for it?
I hate it when characters make blatantly ridiculous leaps in logic just to facilitate a misunderstanding for the plot, and as interesting as this is so far, it seems to be absolutely running on that as it's bread and butter.

How does saying "I'll do all of it" bind her to join 2 clubs just she got a text message about visiting? No one who can misunderstand that is even there to hear it to misunderstand it in the first place! She's acting like she has to commit to something she just told herself and no one else knows about! At BEST she's promised to join the gardening club and the part-time job, and even the part about having to join the gardening club is debatably contrived too!

WOMAN. TALK. WORDS. USE. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

last edited at Aug 1, 2024 4:18PM

joined Apr 15, 2013

Well that looks unsustainable as hell. But what life is complete without a stress-fueled mental breakdown or two?

joined Oct 15, 2021

mad respect

joined Dec 10, 2020

Yuki gonna stockpile on dat stress and next we'll see her commit to underage drinking to dull the pain.

joined Jul 21, 2024

Miyuki's reaction to her friends simply asking her to 'swing' by shows that she is quite lacking in common sense department. But then again what is a harem manga if the mc is not clueless.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Damn she dumb

joined Jan 6, 2015

Not sure if I like how MC handled the situation, but grumpy girl is HOT so I'm in.
Seriously, the hair over one eye and the prominent fangly teeth, then the blush...

joined Sep 25, 2019

Not sure if I like how MC handled the situation, but grumpy girl is HOT so I'm in.
Seriously, the hair over one eye and the prominent fangly teeth, then the blush...

The fact that the MC is handling things poorly (an understatement tbh) could've been narratively fine, but the real issue imo is how all of her love interests are essentially (unintentionally) charmed into engaging in a relationship that they very much THINK is toxic but they're convinced to be fine with it because they "love her" enough to ignore the huge red flags.

Usually you want to make relationships with a start like this one work by clarifying that the red flags were imagined or a misunderstanding, but so far this story seems to be running on the premise that the girls still believe the red flags to be true and just choose to ignore them out of blind faith, which is absolutely NOT a healthy way to approach relationships.

This is literally how plenty of real abusive relationships start, ignoring someone's red flags until you're too emotionally attached to leave even after they become explicit and destructive. They're essentially just getting lucky the MC isn't actually a scumbag and won't actually take advantage of them knowingly.

joined Jan 14, 2020

they very much THINK is toxic


joined Sep 25, 2019

they very much THINK is toxic


I don't see the confusion.
They think she was knowingly three-timing them behind each others' backs, which most people will agree is a very bad thing to do and quite toxic. She wasn't, but they think she was, that is their POV of the situation. The entire premise of the plot so far is that she fails to clarify this so disastrously over-the-top that it's supposed to be funny.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Oh, that, I thought you meant the whole overworked club thing. Sorry, didn't keep a clear memory of what's going on.

joined Sep 6, 2018

oh fuck yeah, another Suzuki Senpai work. The premise here is so interesting. I'm sold.

joined Jan 6, 2015

...Raimu endgame. I don't care if or how the other girls get involved as long as Raimu ends up happy.

joined Sep 27, 2017

The MC is so poor at handling everything, and all the girls that like her are being hurt by it. I hope there's some growth with the MC on the horizon because her current behavior is painful to watch, especially as we're seeing the pain the other girls are feeling that the MC is unfortunately not seeing.

joined Jan 30, 2017

...Raimu endgame. I don't care if or how the other girls get involved as long as Raimu ends up happy.

She should take responsibility for the mess she caused and just date all of them.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Chapter 5 and the 5th time I'm reading all from the start just to remember who is who. Maybe that's just a me-problem, but a quick recap at the beginning of each chapter would've been nice. Guess I'll drop this until I can read everything in one go.

joined Oct 17, 2017

I'm rooting for Rai-chan. I apologize to her other fans, since I seem to be cursed to root for side girls who never win.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Chapter 5 and the 5th time I'm reading all from the start just to remember who is who. Maybe that's just a me-problem, but a quick recap at the beginning of each chapter would've been nice. Guess I'll drop this until I can read everything in one go.

Maybe if someone made a relationship chart that would help you, with little character blurbs.

Not sure if I like how MC handled the situation, but grumpy girl is HOT so I'm in.
Seriously, the hair over one eye and the prominent fangly teeth, then the blush...


...Raimu endgame. I don't care if or how the other girls get involved as long as Raimu ends up happy.

Also I want to say bitfarb I think we have similar taste, at least here anyhow. So far I like all 3 of the girls in the harem, but Raimu is definitely my favorite. The hair over the eye and fangs is simply top tier design, and this chapter really made me want to see her happy.

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