Nerds and gyarus are found across time and cultures...
What would be the American equivalent of a gyaru? Like a cheerleader a prep? But I don't think that's right because gyaru's are supposed to be a little counter cultural.
That's a little tough. If you go by looks and the counter-culture side, a hip-hop girl wearing loads of bling would be the closest.
But manga, for some reason, also likes to present gyaru girls as school bullies. I have no clue why. Maybe because they're popular with boys, and the other girls get jealous? Or because they don't bother with polite formalities and come off as rude, and the other girls equate rude = bully? Either way, from this perspective, cheerleaders and the popular girl crowd, who are always portrayed as meanies in American media, would be a better match.
When it comes to interesting and hot settings, pandacorya is definitely the goat. That paired with such an amazing and original art-style results in one of the best NSFW/smut yuri artists out there, if not the best.
The best. Definitely. Not "one of." THE best. 
Btw I'm tickled that, this time, the jimiko with long black hair and a plain appearance is the dom partner and makes the gyaru into her conquered sub. Hehe, some variety is nice too.