Forum › Ellie's High Heels discussion

joined Sep 10, 2022

This is my favorite of the three I’ve done for this book so far. Usually vague feelings are hard to handle and end up feeling weird or unsatisfying. But in this case it feels real to me. What do you say about the passing of an acquaintance/community member/girl you went on a quasi-date with once? How do you feel? Incredible sadness might not match well but neither does an absolute lack of emotion.

I also like that the story illustrates how things and people stick with us even if our time with them is brief. Ellie’s heels are on the main character’s mind even before the reveal, and I have a good feeling she’ll be remembering Ellie years and years from now.

It’s really hard to sun up but I really like that it’s partially about community and missed connections and the weird way life shakes out. There’s no indication the main character is into Ellie in that way (and not indication otherwise either) but clearly she was a person of interest. A fixture in the community. Moving on to the other, this is less present in the story but, personally, this makes me think of what ifs. Looking back and seeing a different life that you missed out on. “What if I had done this?” “What if I had gotten with that person?” “What if I had stopped that?” It’s not really super on the surface but it gives me the same weird feeling.

In the end life is strange and hard. Unexpected terrible things happen to those we know without knowing. People make lifetime impressions in a single night. An item becomes inextricably tied to someone. And all that’s left is to go on and deal with what comes, externally and internally.

Really nicely put. I loved this one as well.

joined Feb 27, 2023

Wishing the absolute worst for the writer of this one. Cheers!

joined Jan 30, 2017


Fuck you, Truck-kun

joined Mar 20, 2014

Ellie got isekai'd by truck-kun and started to espouse the benefits of high heels in a fantasy world where people wear boring shoes.

joined Jul 17, 2015

Lost opportunities. I think about those all the time. There was someone I was in love with that I couldn't be with because I had to move back home, and I still think about them from time to time. This was nice.

joined Jun 10, 2023

Yeaaah no this story doesn't work. The personae are all wrong.

The main character met this cute girl Ellie; they hit it off, went for drinks, enjoyed a pleasant evening together, and kissed before they said goodbye.

The reasonable next move is obviously the mc calling a U-haul. Duh!

joined Apr 18, 2023


joined Jan 22, 2017

Yeaaah no this story doesn't work. The personae are all wrong.

The main character met this cute girl Ellie; they hit it off, went for drinks, enjoyed a pleasant evening together, and kissed before they said goodbye.

The reasonable next move is obviously the mc calling a U-haul. Duh!

And then her heel gets stuck in a grate on the way home one night together, and here comes Truck-kun...

Honestly, I've had people like Ellie, who breeze into people's lives but are just made to keep flitting. Not had surprise kisses like that to confuse things, but there's been nights out where you imagine you'll be doing this with this person every weekend, but you know deep down why this night was what it was, and then a little while goes by until you're running into them with others and cordially chatting about vague plans to do something again sometime...

They made a moment, not a match. Moments are still valuable to make.

last edited at Jan 12, 2024 1:00PM

joined Jan 31, 2020

High heels.

For sale.

Heavily worn.

joined Sep 10, 2022

High heels.

For sale.

Heavily worn.

Lol Great mention.
joined Apr 19, 2012


last edited at Jan 17, 2024 10:18AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

I was confused because it looks like mc visits a lesbian bar at first? You would think a cute regular dying so young would be a huge topic.

I mean, I figured that was the subtext of the bar being set in Ni-choume, after all

joined Oct 9, 2016

Author doing some sort of self-therapy with an audience? Can't say I hated it but my first reaction was "...ooookay."

joined Aug 25, 2024

Author doing some sort of self-therapy with an audience? Can't say I hated it but my first reaction was "...ooookay."

That's the best way to do it

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