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joined Jan 30, 2013

I have a feeling that ghost is probably why Aizawa died so suddenly.

joined Oct 20, 2017

As funny as the surprise switch to De:Lphinus was, I didn't expect the chapter to be satisfying, but now I want to see more of them too. Odoro Dorothy just does not miss, each chapter is such a treat.

is having that big an age gap in an idol group a thing? I don't really pay attention to them much but I would expect a 16yo and a 22yo to be in different groups based on starting so far apart if nothing else.

The typical gap between the senior and the youngest member (in Korean idol groups at least) is usually 4 years or less. But 6 years is not unheard of, that's the gap in e.g. LOONA.

I assume that the larger the management company, the more trainees, which means more trainees in the same age cohort, and a smaller gap between members in the same group. Blockberry Creative, which managed LOONA before their departure, is a subsidiary of a larger conglomerate, but they are a small operation, as their only managed group was LOONA between 2016 and 2022.

Cause this is thriller~~! Thriller Night! And no one's going to save you from the beast about to strike!

joined Mar 11, 2020

Also damn is having that big an age gap in an idol group a thing? I don't really pay attention to them much but I would expect a 16yo and a 22yo to be in different groups based on starting so far apart if nothing else.

Tomori Kusunoki and Akari Kito were both members of Nijigasaki at the same time (until Tomori retired) and that's a 5 year age gap. (1999 and 1994 respectively)

also from Love Live, Liyuu and Naomi Payton are 6 years apart, (1997 and 2003)

I don't know how common it is in non-anime idol groups, but it certainly doesn't seem uncommon

joined Jun 17, 2021

Ooooh. Idols invade the school festival. Can't wait.

joined Jul 10, 2015

hm. not sure how to interpret this...

joined Feb 24, 2023

Ah okay so Aizawa was possesed by a evil spirit that slowly killed her now it’s moving onto the next member

joined Oct 25, 2022

Such a fascinating series. Something is clearly haunting Delphinus; was it there before Aizawa died, (and thus possibly had something to do with her death?) or did it only show up after? And that line about not doing what Honamin did; did she conceal some serious condition, and end up effectively working herself to death?

That full page panel of the ghost hovering over them as they hug was great. I read it as the spirit being purified, at least temporarily, by the compassion they showed for each other, which is actually pretty sweet if so. I think seeing Aizawa's reaction to them showing up at the festival is going to be really telling; if she seems frightened of them, that might be really telling.

joined May 26, 2020

All the members of De:Lphinus are SO CUTE! I want them protected at all costs! But, wai. Aren't all of Micchi's friends HUGE De:Lphinus fans? It's gonna be pandemonium if they show up to the festival! ANd I can't wait to watch...

joined Sep 21, 2021

You wanna know who ELSE can see Aizawa-san?

joined Dec 14, 2020

You wanna know who ELSE can see Aizawa-san?

Be quiet or YOURE FIRED

joined May 8, 2017

Ooooh. Idols invade the school festival. Can't wait.

a School Idol Festival, in a very different sense.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Odoro Dorothy has written a comedy horror BL one-shot (at least as far as I can tell it's a one shot?) and it looks hilarious even without being able to read it, hope somebody translates it

joined Oct 25, 2022

Aizawa delivering S-tier expressions as always.

It's also interesting that it's Kasumi asking Michi if she's Michi's best friend that sets Aizawa off there at the end. Aizawa knows Kasumi is dating the senpai, so it doesn't seem likely that she's jealous in that way; even when she possessed Kasumi and tried to kiss Michi, it didn't seem like she was actually in control. Makes me think Aizawa must have found being an idol really lonely, and like Michi she's also struggling to figure out the boundary between friends and romance.

last edited at Jan 23, 2024 1:25PM

joined May 10, 2021

Man, seeing both Kasumi's pain and Aizawa's despair really sucks...
It's weird though, that what happened went against her will.
Or maybe, her loneliness and lack of love is what keeps her as a ghost, but at the same time, she's really enjoying her time here and don't really wanna move on?
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Dec 1, 2022

Ahhhh! I still ship them.

joined Mar 19, 2022

There's nothing Michi really likes, but making Aizawa happy by doing all the activities Aizawa can't is pretty compelling, but Michi isn't quite a Aizawa oshi either and holding her hand isn't quite the same as holding Kasumi's hand... hmmm I wonder what these feelings Michi has towards Aizawa are...
sorry to Aizawa but I don't think Michi had/has best friend feelings towards you lol
(tho relatable trying to discern the difference between friendship and romantic feelings)

Also Seta's charm point just never stops, Kasumi can't even remember him lol

last edited at Jan 23, 2024 1:38PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

Man, seeing both Kasumi's pain and Aizawa's despair really sucks...
It's weird though, that what happened went against her will.
Or maybe, her loneliness and lack of love is what keeps her as a ghost, but at the same time, she's really enjoying her time here and don't really wanna move on?
Thanks for the chapter!

That caught me off guard, too. The possession itself can be explained away as Aizawa being unable to stop it once it had been initiated, but the way she acted before the possession and after taking over Kasumi definitely felt like it was uncontrolled. It could just be jealousy (both in the romantic sense and in the “being alive” sense), but maybe it has something to do with the nature of ghosts in this work? We already know that most ghosts, save for Aizawa, seem to automatically become hostile once they realize they’ve been seen. Maybe Aizawa getting jealous of Kasumi’s relationship with Michi caused some sort of ghostly instinct to take over and force her to attack? It could also be related to her abilities becoming stronger.

I’m also wondering what broke the possession. Did Aizawa shunt herself out after realizing what she was doing (and if so, why), or did Kasumi somehow manage to regain control?

last edited at Jan 23, 2024 1:43PM

joined Nov 7, 2022

I don't think the "why" is really speculation here. There is no doubt that Aizawa, probably because she's a ghost, is unstable and with violent tendencies when her emotions (such as jealousy) take over. That's been a running theme for a while.

I'm more curious on whether it's just her cheerful personality, or the circumstances of her becoming a ghost, that made her be in control most of the time... And I'm torn between hope and worry for whether she'll find a way to maintain her emotional balance in the long term.

joined Aug 10, 2016

this seems to be implying even further that before she died, Aizawa and Micchy were at least friends, which could explain the jealousy here since Aizawa doesn't know Micchy can see her and she might be lashing out at the idea of Micchy moving on.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Gay ghost indeed, but that aside this chapter spook me.
I really wonder now what happened prior to her death.

  1. Adorable Date
  2. Adorable Art
  3. RIP Seta, still forgotten
  5. Gay Ghost
joined Mar 21, 2019

Gay ghost

joined Nov 16, 2021

Aizawa why would you want to get friendzoned!?

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