Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I need also to mention that 浮気 (the cheating part of the sentence) strongly implies "sex". So Fuuko doesn't just say Yuni is cheating on her, it also carries the meaning they had sex.

Which is, again, the truth. Ie, she laid everything bare in front of Nanase.

joined Nov 23, 2014

Do you really think that Yuni was capable to break up with Nanase without Fuuko's interference?

No actually, and I don't think I ever said this? However, implying that the only way Fuuko could have helped is sex is kinda weird too no? Of course we know that Fuuko wants Yuni so it makes sense from her pov, but I find it a bit wild from a reader perspective.

Are we really at the point where the only reading of the sequence of events so far is that the angelic, righteous Fuuko saved poor neglected Yuni from her hateful girlfriend killing her, all through the power of fucking her brains out? When's the canonization ceremony? Wait does one have to be deceased for that? Eh whatever.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I need also to mention that 浮気 (the cheating part of the sentence) strongly implies "sex". So Fuuko doesn't just say Yuni is cheating on her, it also carries the meaning they had sex.

Which is, again, the truth. Ie, she laid everything bare in front of Nanase.

Thanks for this additional info. Now I can understand better why you decided to express her in that way.
Now it makes sense to me totally.
Again, thanks for your time to answer my questions and make everything clear.
I apologize if I sounded harsh

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Do you really think that Yuni was capable to break up with Nanase without Fuuko's interference?

No actually, and I don't think I ever said this? However, implying that the only way Fuuko could have helped is sex is kinda weird too no? Of course we know that Fuuko wants Yuni so it makes sense from her pov, but I find it a bit wild from a reader perspective.

Are we really at the point where the only reading of the sequence of events so far is that the angelic, righteous Fuuko saved poor neglected Yuni from her hateful girlfriend killing her, all through the power of fucking her brains out? When's the canonization ceremony? Wait does one have to be deceased for that? Eh whatever.

Hahahahaha, I never said any of it what you implied in your comment, not in the way how you get it and interpret here.
Especially nothing about Fuuko "helping with sex"
I'm sorry if it is all what you can get and (mis)interpret from my insights.
Take care.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 10:41AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Anyway, I said enough from my part, all what I wanted for now.
How people will understand or misunderstand my POVs is not up to me.
Now you all have enough time to think about different perspectives which I generously shared with all of you here and you all can contemplate on mine insights or yours
We will see in next chapters what will happen.
I may be right or wrong, I don't know, I just gave my deep scan insights about the work as it is now, analyzing all. That's all.

I still hope that my words reached to a few wonderful people out, who recognized my voice that took their burdens from them, helping them to understand themselves and life itself better
If you wish to take this like a promise from your Angel who cares, you may...

I wish to tell something about Yuni. She is potentially suicidal character ("You'll be lonely to the point of death")-

-It's what Fuuko said because she understands (gay) loneliness and need to be loved and accepted.

Yuni truly needs someone like Fuuko to keep her going and help her balance, pulling her out from a hole of her current relationship disaster.
That's why I approve her cheating on Nanase.
If situation is not serious as it is, I would never justify her cheating
But this is a case of life and death.
She is caught in mismatched relationship with Nanase, who is always surrounded by people.
Nanase can't understand depths of loneliness.

Nanase started their relationship from very shallow reasons, just because Yuni heartwarmingly and sincerely complimented her new haircut. (exceptional cuteness of Yuni's character, she is most adorable girl when not in problems)

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 11:10AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Hahahahaha, I never said any of it what you implied in your comment, not in the way how you get it and interpret here.
Especially nothing about Fuuko "helping with sex"
I'm sorry if it is all what you can get and (mis)interpret from my insights.
Take care.

Heh, well I might have slightly exaggerated for effect (and humor). But since you like facts, you did in fact say this:

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

So, to summarize your points

-Nanase is killing Yuni [by neglect]
-Fuuko is saving her
-The method of saving is cheating [physically, i.e. sex] which subsequently makes it okay

So I think at least one valid interpretation of your insights here is exactly what I said. If Fuuko had another method (which she obviously would not have wanted to take, but that is beside the point) of helping Yuni, then that renders cheating not the "noble" road anymore, right? So basically what you are saying is that she did indeed help Yuni by sleeping with her, right? And since you hold that what Fuuko is doing is noble and that that something was cheating, you must believe that that was the only method she had of "saving" Yuni, ergo my point stands.

These are just the facts of what you said, don't call it a misinterpretation just because you don't like it~

Maybe the next chapter will reveal that Fuuko is some kind of reverse-succubus, and she is giving Yuni back all those vitals that got sucked out, how exciting!

joined Jul 29, 2017

I must say that I often see in forums for series that are obviously and intentionally filled with characters who are emotional train wrecks discussions turning into fierce arguments about who is the best (or "least worse") person. It rarely ends well.

I like this one because all the MCs seem to be committed to doing things that make me say, "Oh, jeez, that looks like a really bad idea!"

joined Aug 12, 2018

I like this one because all the MCs seem to be committed to doing things that make me say, "Oh, jeez, that looks like a really bad idea!"

That's pretty much what the author intended IMO. Regular NTR stories often have a victim who does nothing wrong and is only there to suffer, but in this one everyone is bad in their own ways lol. Not a single character is "right", which makes it so interesting to see how much lower they can go

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Nanase is a narcist, who gets adoration from her surrounding (girls from the club, Yuni, best frend...)
But Nanase never gives compliments and adoration in return, she is selfishly taking and taking, more and more. And Yuni has her needs too, to be loved and adored.
Nanase is killing her.
That's why I will always take side of Fuuko. She is a lifesaver. And that's why I will never judge Yuni for cheating. She is simply too weak and too empty to get out alone from her current relationship with Nanase who is constantly sucking her vitals.

So, to summarize your points

-Nanase is killing Yuni [by neglect]
-Fuuko is saving her

Let's say those two simplified you assumed semi-correctly
It's not just neglect, she is sucking her and taking all what she can.

-The method of saving is cheating [physically, i.e. sex] which subsequently makes it okay

No. It's not about sex. It's about Fuuko giving response to ALL what Yuni needs, to fulfil her.
Physical aspect is the least important of all. But Yuni was the one who needed fulfilment in physical aspect too.
It's something like a silent agreement between those two.
If Fuuko gives Yuni a praises she needs, Yuni will reward Fuuko with sex (ha, ha, it's true, think about it)
Yuni is weak and empty on all levels, totally sucked. To the point of death. Yuni needs EVERYTHING, and Fuuko will give her everything.

Don't forget, it was Yuni who initiated sex, not Fuuko. And don't forget that she said something like "Don't you dare to stop now!" after first time screaming Fuuko's name. And then they go all night long (so, imagine, if you say that Fuuko is filling Yuni's emptiness with sex, how empty is Yuni then, haaha)
Fuuko is just an excellent reader of Yuni, ready to give her all what she needs. But she won't overstep Yuni's boundaries, that's why I call her noble.
Don't make assumption that if I say Fuuko's character is noble means that I am making the act of cheating noble. She is righteous character with the great sense for punishments and rewards. It makes her noble.

So I think at least one valid interpretation of your insights here is exactly what I said. If Fuuko had another method (which she obviously would not have wanted to take, but that is beside the point) of helping Yuni, then that renders cheating not the "noble" road anymore, right? So basically what you are saying is that she did indeed help Yuni by sleeping with her, right? And since you hold that what Fuuko is doing is noble and that that something was cheating, you must believe that that was the only method she had of "saving" Yuni, ergo my point stands.

Ah, I see now...You are equalizing a trait of character with an act.
Now I think I finally understand what is the problem here, generally.
There are people, like colorblind, but in the level of understanding abstract terms.
For example, If I am defending cheating here as a case from manga, you (they) see me like a cheater itself. Because you (they) can't make the difference between an act and me. For you (them) it's the same.

And now, I made a problem to you calling Fuuko noble (her character), but she is a cheater in your eyes
And now it confuses you, because your mind makes mechanical equalization between noble and cheating, and it is like you have a red alert in your mind. You are fighting to exclude one from another, using your own logic.
Give me some time to think how I can help you to see better, and understand. Give me a time to find a way how to explain it for you that you can understand. (or correct me if I got this wrong) but I saw recently many people online with this "problem". I just suppose that is the problem between us to understand each other better

Actually, I already have one idea what we should do. I will later quote this part of your message and respond on it separately again, and then I'll tell you everything about my idea how we can make clear to each other what we don't understand now

These are just the facts of what you said, don't call it a misinterpretation just because you don't like it~

Of course not, you are cute in your way of expressiveness and subtle humor, I like to talk with you

Maybe the next chapter will reveal that Fuuko is some kind of reverse-succubus, and she is giving Yuni back all those vitals that got sucked out, how exciting!

Yeah, ha, ha you are right, at this point anything is possible

One question for you, what you think about this manga? You said that you don't agree with me, that manga irritates you (why?), but give me some hints about your thoughts, some fragments to understand your POVs

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 1:44PM

joined Apr 27, 2014


I just wanna know one thing...what do you all think Fuuko is aiming at with this action? Telling Nananse all about the cheating with Yuni? I sort of think she is trying to end the nonsense of this failing relationship and force them both to be honest, maybe even open Nanase's eyes so she can step up her game and for Yuni to realize she can't just go with the flow and blame every action and choice on what someone said or didn't say to her. (She has sex with Fuuko cos Nanasa doesn't say she's cute, come on, I think she just wanted an excuse).

So, what's ur take?

joined Jun 27, 2022

She finally wants to wrap things up and end yunis and Nanase relationship for good. Everything she did was to get to this point where Nanase will be hurt so bad she completely abandons. The whole thing with the earrings for example was quite elaborately planed by her. After the volleyball game where Yuni was crying because she was torn up by guilt Fuuko said to herself "it's time.."

So yeah I think she also feels bad for putting Yuni through this so it was about time to end it. And since Yuni has basically no friends she will completely devote herself to Fuuko once Nanase gives up on her, otherwise the has nothing left. It was all about wrapping Yunis around her finger while in the meantime preparing things to absolutely crush Nanase. She prolly has no choice otherwise Yuni will never truly love her since she's still quite devoted to Nanase, even after everything she has done with Fuuko.

Well at least that is my opinion and I'm really curious if things will end In Fuukos favor. It all depends on if Nanase will give up or not and ofcourse how Yuni will respond.

Oh yeah I also want to add what I highly doubt but would be an interesting plottwist is that Fuuko doesn't like Yuni in the slightest and just used her to hurt Nanase. Maybe Nanase did something to her in the past? It's a big stretch but could be really funny imo

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 9:56PM

joined Jan 15, 2020

Oh daaaannggggg!!! We all knew this was coming but this is brutal

joined Aug 12, 2018

She finally wants to wrap things up and end yunis and Nanase relationship for good. Everything she did was to get to this point where Nanase will be hurt so bad she completely abandons

Yeah, basically ever since she saw "Hinayu" complaining about her girlfriend on twitter her goal has been destroying that dysfunctional relationship in the worst way possible

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Allow me to make myself clear in few things:

I am not interested in people, generally, in any way. I am here to discus about manga.
Particularly this one inspires me and moves me to think a lot, because of its complexity and depth.

I am observing from the position of THE JUDGE
Like in the court.
( btw. we all take position of the judge, reading people, reading artworks, etc. I am just telling it openly that others should perceive me as the judge with very wide perspective and deep insight into life itself, and I will use my knowledge to give some probably unexpected insights on this case)

Author is presenting one most complex and hardest case of adultery from very unusual angle, including some of very sensitive themes,
-questioning is there a sexual assault,
-questioning and challenging morally acceptable norms, etc.

It's not fluffy and I understand that some of those terms give the triggers to some people.
I just wish not to be personally involved and judged by others when I'm discussing these hard topics, defending traits of characters, not the acts!!!
I think it should be clear to everyone who reads and follow my comments that I'm speaking from the higher level of consciousness and knowledge, not from the need to justify some low carnal desires.

I am trying to be maximally objective and understanding in my judgment of characters as it is possible, with info which Author gives from chapter to chapter.
It's like collecting the puzzle, part by part, trying to get the whole picture which is still vague.

Until manga is finished, we readers can't give the final judgment.
But we can follow, form or change our opinions with every turn over.

In this case of adultery, if Fuuko wants to get her girl and happily ever after, she must act completely noble (righteous), without a stain of dirt. And she is doing for now.
Righteous act allows punishment of the culprit.
For now, Fuuko is in position of.....let me freely call it "The Righteous Angel", with the powers to bring Salvation or Disaster
So, with that powers, she is allowed to act as she is acting, even when we call it bitchy, manipulative, blackmailing, etc.
She never plays dirty having all these powers and never used those powers out of control or crossing the boundaries of others (even now, when she reveals all openly to Nanase, it's AFTER Nanase saw Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs and yet she wanted to stay in denial)

That's the reason why I call her character noble, because of her impeccable sense of righteousness, her sense of timing, her patience, etc.
She is the only character who is constantly walking on the edge of knife . Any wrong move will bring disaster upon herself
(the position of Righteous Angel is the most dangerous position because of given powers to them. It's constant balance between Salvation and Disaster)

This is my observation for now, from info collected from chapter 1 to 16
We will see what future brings

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 5:25AM

joined Mar 3, 2019

What Fuuko did is something that any Cheater Will did. She wait, give something that her partner can't give, etc. In another genre of manga what she did Will be seen as "righteous", because it help the protagonist happy. She is bad person, but holy cow she is really good Cheater.

What Nanase did is something that many Cheater person did. She focused to much to something that matter to her to the point she neglect her partner. Living in her own happy world where she and her partner happy without doing anything much.

In Yuni case, she is someone that felt neglected by her partner, so searching for other comfort. Rather than speak her concern and problem to her partner, she decided to cheat on her. And even then she still saw herself as the victim in this relationship. She justified what she did, even though she have power to break the relationship and have a justified a reason, but nope she rather cheat.

Yuni is the main bitch of the year.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Edited and finished version of my previous deleted comment, with added explanations about scene of revelation

Culmination starts like this:

-Nanase sees Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs, but she sees Yuni from the back
-She runs away still not ready to face the truth (Nanase is in denial)
-She injured her leg
-Yuni does not know that Nanase knows, but Fuuko knows it and she keeps it for herself not telling Yuni
(she does not want to upset her, my guess. Yuni would completely freak out and get a terrible panic attack)

-Yuni finds out about injury and is very worried about Nanase
- Fuuko arranges meeting for THE THREE of them in the park
(Yuni is still in darkness unaware that Nanase knows)

-Fuuko lets Yuni face Nanase first, to test their reactions (she is actually watching them from aside, hiding)
-Nanase is still in denial, but now aware how terrible GF she is and tries to fix it with words "Let's have a many dates" (she is not stupid, she knows her faults, because she did not attack Yuni for cheating)
But something in her demeanor is upsetting Yuni, and Fuuko appears to cut it off.

-Fuuko is sick of lies and finally reveals everything, forcing Nanase to face the truth, not to act like a coward
She even stepped out surrounding Yuni to keep her feel safe in her embrace while revealing the truth. It could be actually a gesture of claiming her, as well.
She already marked Yuni as hers, with a matching earring and with a promise if Yuni wants her, not to take it off.
That's why she started revelation showing Nanase the matching earrings, knowing that Nanase will understand what Fuuko does not say with words ("She's mine, I'm claiming her")
-Nanase cries (maybe she is aware that she lost the girl by her own fault, taking all for granted?)


Well, I can't see here that Fuuko was a complete bitch to Nanase and she is not gloating over her. It would be a gloat over Nanase, if Nanase did not see them.
She did not harassed Nanase telling the truth, because Nanase knows but still wants to keep her eyes closed
(she is aware that she has a big part in Yuni's adultery, but wants to put it all aside and try again as Yuni's GF)
But it's not possible now. To many people and emotions involved.
Fuuko simply brings everything out before all of them, without pretense.

Now she has no control over the choices and decisions of Nanase and Yuni, and we will see later what is going to happen after opening, and which cards will every character show

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 5:50AM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Tbh, it looks obvious that Fuuko relishes the chaos.

joined Aug 12, 2018

I guess our minds are not brilliant, sharp and fast enough to see why Fuuko is a perfect angel who is doing the right thing without any kind of malice. Give up Kirin, you will never understand the complex intricacies of the plot, as you don't see two steps ahead into the author's mind like some falcon eyed people here :(

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 8:33AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Revelation scene analyze II
(my personal POV and take, how I FEEL characters and Author's intentions)

From my previous analyze (and after an input of translator correcting my misinterpretation thinking that Fuuko tried to tell Yuni that she saw Nanase) I am guessing that Fuuko leaves Yuni in darkness not to upset her.
I explained that Yuni is potentially suicidal character.
She is the most emotionally sensitive of all of them, but most unstable.
So, for me, the most logical reason why Fuuko did not tell Yuni that Nanase saw them, is from absolute protection, not from betraying Yuni's trust.

Fuuko does not see the point to continue charade, not now after Nanase knows (suspects) everything.
She won't tell Yuni and must let her be unsuspicious, to get authentic reactions from both
I wrote it here:

-Fuuko lets Yuni face Nanase first, to test their reactions (she is actually watching them from aside, hiding)
-Nanase is still in denial, but now aware how terrible GF she is and tries to fix it with words "Let's have a many dates" (she is not stupid, she knows her faults, because she did not attack Yuni for cheating)
But something in her demeanor is upsetting Yuni, and Fuuko appears to cut it off.

Yuni now can feel the shift of energy between them, and she feels that Nanase is suspecting something
But now, after Fuuko's appearance it's already a confirmation to Nanase that it was Yuni kissing Fuuko.
The scene is a silent dialog between Nanase-Fuuko:

She (Fuuko) even stepped out surrounding Yuni to keep her feel safe in her embrace while revealing the truth. It could be actually a gesture of claiming her, as well.
She already marked Yuni as hers, with a matching earring and with a promise if Yuni wants her, not to take it off.
That's why she started revelation showing Nanase the matching earrings, knowing that Nanase will understand what Fuuko does not say with words ("She's mine, I'm claiming her")
-Nanase cries (maybe she is aware that she lost the girl by her own fault, taking all for granted?)

In the meantime, when Yuni asked of Fuuko to confirm that they are "just friends", she is asking Fuuko to lie, not knowing how in vain it is at this point.


Anyway, I already said that I'm reading this manga from "THE SHIFT" point, explaining it in my comment (written 26 Mar 19:20) about drama triangle and shifted roles of Rescuer, Victim and Persecutor, and that SHIFT is made by Author of this manga.

There's something what I did read long time ago, about drama triangle and roles called Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor.
In classic relationship, Fuuko should be "naturally" in role of Persecutor and it is the reason why people mechanically are assuming her as the intruder, by their habitual observation.
But since we have A SHIFT in this case, Fuuko is actually in role of Rescuer, just in a "wrong" starting position.
And Nanase is an actual Persecutor, again, in shifted role (she should be a Victim by default, but she is unconsciously torturing Yuni and it's documented in manga).

I am observing it like very specific case of adultery, following the challenges of the Author:

Is it real goal of the Author, now I can't know, but I hope Author will continue this very consistent story to the end approved by Laws of Universe, and lead us to the end without blemish.

For now, Author is brilliantly leading MCs through all shits, contradicting established moral norms with facts of life.

From the beginning I'm observing from changed perspective (made by Author) and I'm not at fault if others read all this from their unchanged perspectives, like classic setting.
It's not, it's something very new and very fresh and very challenging in the world of art, for me at least

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 2:43PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

Edited and finished version of my previous deleted comment, with added explanations about scene of revelation

Culmination starts like this:

-Nanase sees Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs, but she sees Yuni from the back
-She runs away still not ready to face the truth (Nanase is in denial)
-She injured her leg
-Yuni does not know that Nanase knows, but Fuuko knows it and she keeps it for herself not telling Yuni
(she does not want to upset her, my guess. Yuni would completely freak out and get a terrible panic attack)

-Yuni finds out about injury and is very worried about Nanase
- Fuuko arranges meeting for THE THREE of them in the park
(Yuni is still in darkness unaware that Nanase knows)

-Fuuko lets Yuni face Nanase first, to test their reactions (she is actually watching them from aside, hiding)
-Nanase is still in denial, but now aware how terrible GF she is and tries to fix it with words "Let's have a many dates" (she is not stupid, she knows her faults, because she did not attack Yuni for cheating)
But something in her demeanor is upsetting Yuni, and Fuuko appears to cut it off.

-Fuuko is sick of lies and finally reveals everything, forcing Nanase to face the truth, not to act like a coward
She even stepped out surrounding Yuni to keep her feel safe in her embrace while revealing the truth. It could be actually a gesture of claiming her, as well.
She already marked Yuni as hers, with a matching earring and with a promise if Yuni wants her, not to take it off.
That's why she started revelation showing Nanase the matching earrings, knowing that Nanase will understand what Fuuko does not say with words ("She's mine, I'm claiming her")
-Nanase cries (maybe she is aware that she lost the girl by her own fault, taking all for granted?)


Well, I can't see here that Fuuko was a complete bitch to Nanase and she is not gloating over her. It would be a gloat over Nanase, if Nanase did not see them.
She did not harassed Nanase telling the truth, because Nanase knows but still wants to keep her eyes closed
(she is aware that she has a big part in Yuni's adultery, but wants to put it all aside and try again as Yuni's GF)
But it's not possible now. To many people and emotions involved.
Fuuko simply brings everything out before all of them, without pretense.

Now she has no control over the choices and decisions of Nanase and Yuni, and we will see later what is going to happen after opening, and which cards will every character show

This sums it up in quite a well manner!!! Yes, we gotta wait and see.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Allow me to make myself clear in few things:

I am not interested in people, generally, in any way. I am here to discus about manga.
Particularly this one inspires me and moves me to think a lot, because of its complexity and depth.

I am observing from the position of THE JUDGE
Like in the court.
( btw. we all take position of the judge, reading people, reading artworks, etc. I am just telling it openly that others should perceive me as the judge with very wide perspective and deep insight into life itself, and I will use my knowledge to give some probably unexpected insights on this case)

Author is presenting one most complex and hardest case of adultery from very unusual angle, including some of very sensitive themes,
-questioning is there a sexual assault,
-questioning and challenging morally acceptable norms, etc.

It's not fluffy and I understand that some of those terms give the triggers to some people.
I just wish not to be personally involved and judged by others when I'm discussing these hard topics, defending traits of characters, not the acts!!!
I think it should be clear to everyone who reads and follow my comments that I'm speaking from the higher level of consciousness and knowledge, not from the need to justify some low carnal desires.

I am trying to be maximally objective and understanding in my judgment of characters as it is possible, with info which Author gives from chapter to chapter.
It's like collecting the puzzle, part by part, trying to get the whole picture which is still vague.

Until manga is finished, we readers can't give the final judgment.
But we can follow, form or change our opinions with every turn over.

In this case of adultery, if Fuuko wants to get her girl and happily ever after, she must act completely noble (righteous), without a stain of dirt. And she is doing for now.
Righteous act allows punishment of the culprit.
For now, Fuuko is in position of.....let me freely call it "The Righteous Angel", with the powers to bring Salvation or Disaster
So, with that powers, she is allowed to act as she is acting, even when we call it bitchy, manipulative, blackmailing, etc.
She never plays dirty having all these powers and never used those powers out of control or crossing the boundaries of others (even now, when she reveals all openly to Nanase, it's AFTER Nanase saw Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs and yet she wanted to stay in denial)

That's the reason why I call her character noble, because of her impeccable sense of righteousness, her sense of timing, her patience, etc.
She is the only character who is constantly walking on the edge of knife . Any wrong move will bring disaster upon herself
(the position of Righteous Angel is the most dangerous position because of given powers to them. It's constant balance between Salvation and Disaster)

This is my observation for now, from info collected from chapter 1 to 16
We will see what future brings

This is quite an interesting impression, I chuckled a bit at the "judge" part, I just read manga to entertain myself not to judge the fictional characters, but this idea of a righteous angel, is, is sure something else, I don't share the vision but it's quite interesting, even if it's a huuugeee stretch of the imagination.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

Kirin-kun posted:
lol. I'm not a professional, for one.

Kirin claims not to be a professional when they actually deserve a $400k salary for bothering to respond to comments

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Culmination starts like this:

-Nanase sees Yuni kissing Fuuko on the stairs, but she sees Yuni from the back
-She runs away still not ready to face the truth (Nanase is in denial)
-She injured her leg

-Yuni does not know that Nanase saw them, but Fuuko knows it and she keeps it for herself not telling Yuni
(she does not want to upset her, my guess. Yuni would completely freak out and get a terrible panic attack. Yuni is the most emotionally unstable character of the three of them and I'm perceiving her as potentially suicidal person)

-Yuni finds out about injury and is very worried about Nanase

  • Fuuko arranges meeting for THE THREE of them in the park (Yuni is still in darkness unaware that Nanase knows (suspects))

-Fuuko lets Yuni face Nanase first, to test their reactions (she is actually watching them from aside, hiding)

-Nanase is still in denial, but now aware how terrible GF she is and tries to fix it with words "Let's have a many dates" (she is not stupid, she knows her faults, because she did not attack Yuni for cheating)
But something in her demeanor is upsetting Yuni, and Fuuko appears to cut it off.

-Yuni now can feel the shift of energy between all of them, and she feels that Nanase is suspecting something. She asks from Fuuko to confirm that they are "just friends", she does not know how pointless it is.
After Fuuko's appearance it's already a confirmation to Nanase that it was Yuni kissing Fuuko.

-The scene of revelation is a silent dialog between Nanase-Fuuko:

She (Fuuko) even stepped out surrounding Yuni to keep her feel safe in her embrace while revealing the truth. It could be actually a gesture of claiming her, as well.
She already marked Yuni as hers, with a matching earring and with a promise if Yuni wants her, not to take it off.
That's why she started revelation showing Nanase the matching earrings, knowing that Nanase will understand what Fuuko does not say with words ("She's mine, I'm claiming her")

-Nanase cries (maybe she is aware that she lost the girl by her own fault, taking all for granted?)


Well, I can see here that Fuuko did not harassed Nanase telling the truth, because Nanase knows but still wants to keep her eyes closed
(she is aware that she has a big part in Yuni's adultery, but wants to put it all aside and try again as Yuni's GF)
But it's not possible now. Too many people and emotions involved.
Fuuko simply brings everything out, without pretense.

Now she has no control over the choices and decisions of Nanase and Yuni, and we will see later what is going to happen after opening, and which cards will every character show

This sums it up in quite a well manner!!! Yes, we gotta wait and see.

Thank you very much.
I actually saw your question to readers ("what's your take?') and I took my chance to sum up from the point when culmination started. So, somehow you moved me, and I'm glad that you appreciated my summary.

About what you say regards my impression of Fuuko as the Righteous Angel:

This is quite an interesting impression, I chuckled a bit at the "judge" part, I just read manga to entertain myself not to judge the fictional characters, but this idea of a righteous angel, is, is sure something else, I don't share the vision but it's quite interesting, even if it's a huuugeee stretch of the imagination.

I wish to say, my vision of Fuuko as the Righteous Angel was because of Yuni. Not something totally imaginative from me, without foundations from the manga.
And I also included some of my knowledge about...let's call it some kind of mysticism. I used that knowledge to explain this artwork on that level, completely aware of many (negatively) ignorant people here.
Some of them are expressing constant animosity toward me, which speaks against themselves.
They are showing their ignorance publicly without knowing, grumbling after every my comment. I can only laugh at it. It's actually funny if you don't need to do anything to mock them. They do it to themselves. And they are making good publicity to my comments, so I can only say "thank you" to them.

Here's my explanation including facts from manga and my knowledge about (some kind of) mysticism :

Yuni is constantly crying out for a Savior ("Please somebody save me!" when Nanase did not care for her while she was in infirmary
In that moment when Yuni cries out for a savior, Fuuko sends EXACT text what Yuni expected)
Later, in chapter 16 it happens again: "Fuuko, save me like you always do!"
And we should not forget the salvation when two guys tried to pick up Yuni to "play" with them, while she was frozen from fright.

That's why I see Fuuko as the answer from "above" to all Yuni's prayers, The Righteous Angel with powers of Salvation and Disaster, according to someone's deeds (salvation and disaster are called Judgments)
She is in the role of the Angel of Judgement (Angel of Marriage), and that rank of the Angels is the Most High, they have the powers to change someone's destiny, to change Seals of Destiny

I can only say that Author is properly inspired, with the great sense for Universal Law, even if she might be unconscious about "ranks of the Angels" and other stuff I mentioned, but she is doing her job perfectly. I just hope she will do it till the end, not making any mistake.

last edited at Mar 29, 2023 9:49AM

joined Aug 12, 2018

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I saw a lot of people are spitting over Yuni's and Fuuko's characters.
But my favorite character for spitting over is Nanase.

Character of Nanase is complete narcissistic bitch, interested to be always in the center of attention. That's why she hates (envies? feels endangered by?) characters like Fuuko, because Fuuko is highly superior above her, and more compassionate.
Nanase is completely blinded with herself, that she can't see needs of Yuni, and actually she does not care at all, taking Yuni for granted.
She deserves every blow, which I already predicted that will come at once upon her.
It's not Fuuko who is gloating in this situation above stricken Nanase, it's me!
I feel a great satisfaction as a reader, with this karmic blow which Author made on Nanase. Justice is served, and I hope she will grow as a character from this point on.

Anyway, Fuuko said "I brought some get-well gift for you, Nanase-san"
And it's not a joke.
Fuuko knows the only way for positive change in Nanase, must be receiving the blow and to suffer, facing her own faults. Or she will never be a good girlfriend to anyone, ever.

last edited at Mar 29, 2023 4:48AM

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