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Forum › Triangle Struggle discussion

joined Apr 25, 2014

shinobu whyyyyy? im sad now.

still a fun read though.

joined Jan 6, 2015

This manga is getting a lot of discussion, but has yet to get down to the very real science involved in a yuri incest love triangle. The titles are obvious, but how they reflect on the story requires a deeper look at the basic scientific principles referenced by each title. The final two chapters in particular are very revealing, and might help anyone unhappy with Ch 5's end, as it implies that the time skip was only one possible outcome, allowing the reader the chance to decide which ending they want without breaking canon.

Chapter 1: Schrodinger's Cat Went Meow

Schrodinger's Cat being dead or alive depends on observation: Shinobu poisons the box (i.e the love triangle) by trying to goad Hikaru with a love-steal scenario. Akane observes Shinobu and Hikaru fight-groping each other, collapsing the two possibilities into one. Initially I thought this meant killing the cat (i.e Hikaru's chances) but in hindsight this manga was made without harming animals, so the cat lived happily ever after.

Chapter 2: Maxwell's Demon Laments

Maxwell's Demon is obviously Shinobu, as she attempts to remove the heat (i.e romance) from Hikaru-Akane and push it to Hikaru-Shinobu. Hikaru closes Shinobu laments, entropy won, the laws of thermodynamics remain undefeated.

Chapter 3: (E)xposition, (P)anties, (R)everence

"The original EPR paradox challenges the prediction of quantum mechanics that it is impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a quantum particle." Simplified, the EPR Paradox is the challenged belief that two particles can 'know' each other's quantum state across time and space. This paradoxical quantum entanglement (which correlates nicely with shared feelings/mutual love) can be applied to the story very easily: Akane is the particle with which Hikaru wants to entangle. Before Hikaru can do this, however, she wishes to know Akane's quantum state (i.e how she will react to a confession). Shinobu argues that Hikaru should just confess. Following one side of the EPR Paradox, knowing Hikaru's quantum state would allow Akane's to be known as well (if they are entangled, i.e mutually in love). This paradox travels from the end of Ch 3 into Ch 4 with the letter Akane writes, which can be summed up as the EPR paradox successfully breaking the known laws of physics by having Akane's feelings transcend time and space (in this case the chapters, via Shinobu) to relay her message. If only Einstein had yuri incest for reference, then the world might have benefited from a revised model of quantum mechanics and the EPR paradox would not have stirred such controversy.

Chapter 4: Thus Feelings Converge at the Lagrange Point

A Lagrange point is a place where something can remain in a stable orbit between 2 bodies. In this scenario, Shinobu is the object in orbit, and Hikaru and Akane are the 2 bodies around which she is currently spinning. Hikaru and Akane's combined gravitational pull gives this 3rd object (Shinobu) the energy necessary to stay in a stable orbit. Shinobu has purposely positioned herself in the Lagrange point between Hikaru and Akane, knowing that their happiness together will give her the stable orbit she desired. She even says it herself: Hikaru's happiness makes her happy. Equilibrium has been found in the three-body system, and everyone is happy. Additional layer to this science puzzle: L4 and L5 are the only Lagrangian points where a stable equilibrium can be maintained, potentially implying that either Ch 4 or post-timeskip Ch 5 can be considered stable orbits (canon endings).

Chapter 5: Bust Size Decoherence

This title refers to Quantum Decoherence, which is probably the most complicated concept the author used. I suggest reading the page on Quantum Superposition since it relates to it, but if you're not interested then this sentence will provide enough to understand the ending: "Quantum decoherence gives the appearance of wave function collapse, which is the reduction of the physical possibilities into a single possibility as seen by an observer." This concept directly applies to the story: since we already had the incest ending in Ch 5, this one goes for the unexplored possibility of a threesome ending via a 6 year time-skip. Of the many positions in which a yuri incest love triangle can end, this is but one possibility. As mentioned in Ch 4, they are both canon endings from which you can choose your favorite.

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 3:12PM

Aw, not going to tie in EPR Paradox with chapter 3?

I'm also very glad that somebody bothered to look into the titles and how they relate to the plot. Will you marry me?

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 2:16AM

joined Jan 6, 2015

Wow, yes! Also, thanks for translating this, you are my yuri incest love triangle hero.

I can't believe I missed EPR Paradox. I was trying to tie it into the plastics and completely ignored the possibility that there was something else implied by the title as well. If anyone wants to try and crack the code which I couldn't: Chapter 2 HDPE (High-density polyethylene), Ch 3 EPR (Ethylene propylene rubber), Ch 4 LDPE (Low-density polyethylene), Ch 5 PP (Polypropylene). I'll definitely write how EPR Paradox is relevant to the events of Ch 3 now that I know of it (I'll edit it in later).

Some other things I was curious about: Ch Ex's "Published in 2673/8/11". I thought it might be related to Fallout since Hikaru was reading it at the end of Ch 5 but I couldn't find any evidence to make a solid connection. Also the samples of the Joker story and sequel from the author's Pivix. It looks so similar to Shinobu, and there is even a sample page that seems to compare the cover page's character with Hikaru. Wishful thinking has me hoping it was an alternate Shinobu route, but I know that it's probably just a recycled character face. Would you happen to know anything about it?

joined May 22, 2013

Sorry to say this to all the angry people, but this ending was a work of art compared to other series. I mean, this has an ending, while crap like Citrus just goes on and on, with each chapter being another "f*ck you" to the readers. Or half of the things that Morinaga Milk writes, where nothing. ever. happens.

You can't take sacred names in vain like that. And you certainly can't compare mediocre stuff like this to Morinaga Milk's. Morinaga Milk could do a single frame with no dialogue and it would have more human characterization than this whole manga.
Point about Citrus though.

That's the most funny thing I've ever heard ever since I finished The Secret Recipe, in which NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.

Um, two girls fell in love and started going out. What else do you expect to be happening in a yuri romance, exactly?

I'd have expected less if it WERE as simple as two-girls-fell-in-love-and-started-going-out. It fails to sustain the sweet atmosphere I'd expect based on this comic's first impression: Either as plain and sweet as Fujieda Miyabi's Chatting at the Amber Teahouse, either as a extreme comedy as Imamula Youko's The Real Her.

So basically... too much happened? And honestly, Miyabi is pretty much the only author to consistently have no drama in his works. Nearly every yuri comedy that's not a oneshot is going to up the (melo)drama in the last half or third or quarter.

If you think irrelevant side characters popping out from nowhere is something worthy called "happened", then yes.

Wow, yes! Also, thanks for translating this, you are my yuri incest love triangle hero.

I can't believe I missed EPR Paradox. I was trying to tie it into the plastics and completely ignored the possibility that there was something else implied by the title as well. If anyone wants to try and crack the code which I couldn't: Chapter 2 HDPE (High-density polyethylene), Ch 3 EPR (Ethylene propylene rubber), Ch 4 LDPE (Low-density polyethylene), Ch 5 PP (Polypropylene). I'll definitely write how EPR Paradox is relevant to the events of Ch 3 now that I know of it (I'll edit it in later).

Some other things I was curious about: Ch Ex's "Published in 2673/8/11". I thought it might be related to Fallout since Hikaru was reading it at the end of Ch 5 but I couldn't find any evidence to make a solid connection. Also the samples of the Joker story and sequel from the author's Pivix. It looks so similar to Shinobu, and there is even a sample page that seems to compare the cover page's character with Hikaru. Wishful thinking has me hoping it was an alternate Shinobu route, but I know that it's probably just a recycled character face. Would you happen to know anything about it?

I never really got much from the plastics for each chapter other than the symbol for recycling being a triangle. Didn't look into as much as I did the titles.

Whenever camotamang puts a date on something it's always in the future. I'm not sure why, I never bothered to find out...maybe related to the saying "time is relative" or something. His original works also seem to take place in the future. Evidence for that being Akane asking her sister to return her copy of Hayate x Blade that doesn't exist yet (or ever). He also has random references to various things like Fallout. There was a reference to Salamander, a shmup by Konami, in chapter 4 that I left untranslated.

The Joker doujinshi are recycled character faces, major differing characteristics being one of them is quite tall and the other short. They do have the same uniforms and I think Hikaru and Shinobu show up in the background (not entirely sure, I left them somewhere else and can't check right now). He honestly should have kept the mole on Shinobu's face, it made her more recognizable.

He did rush out an ending to this series due to a mix of lack of interest in continuing it and writer's block. Not much else was said about it. He also promised an omnibus of the series, but that was well over a year ago.

joined Aug 15, 2014

Good thing I waited with reading until it was completely translated so I could just go through it in one sitting.

Comedy was good, the sex was great, 10/10.
I got what I came here for.

joined Jan 6, 2015

He also promised an omnibus of the series, but that was well over a year ago.

I saw First Love Tectonics was published from this author but I had no hope for Triangle Struggle to get a similar treatment since it was so lewd towards the end. I hope it pulls through, I'd get it in a heartbeat.

It's too bad the other stories aren't related, I wanted to believe there was a short lookalike to Hikaru who confesses to Shinobu, causing all sorts of comparisons and confusion along with Shinobu's style of pranks befitting something titled Joker.

Also, I updated the post above with Ch 3's EPR Paradox. I think it fits nicely in such a layered story, this author really went all-out on these clever science references.

joined Aug 24, 2014

Aw, not going to tie in EPR Paradox with chapter 3?

I'm also very glad that somebody bothered to look into the titles and how they relate to the plot. Will you marry me?

Wow. I feel like such an idiot now! I didn't expect this kind of deep thinking from this manga, so I completely disregarded the titles of the chapters..... when I saw "Schrodinger's Cat" I didn't connect the reference, outlook on this manga has changed. It's actually pretty interesting, now that I realize this. Thank you to Bimbo Scanlations for all of your hard work!

joined May 11, 2014

I won't lie and say that I understood the dynamics of the story on a scientifically metaphorical level however nothing about it seemed me, in fact my thought was that, the story reached a conclusion I always ask why it never does. Yeah, humans are all selfish by nature, but if you all like each other on a level that wouldn't have you hate one another even if one of you chose the other for love then...why not love each other...all 3. This manga does 5 chapters with no bullshit. Although someone said there wasn't much interest in it to BE longer so...there's that.

inanimatebananamint however blew my mind with the connections, I would've never in, Ever, put all that together. Then again I don't know the artist/author so if it's a usual thing for titles to mean just as much as the content then of course one should try connecting all the dots. Even the ones that seem to sit nowhere near the rest of the cluster.

joined Jan 31, 2013

So those are the meanings of those weird titles? I left my science hat at school auditorium twelve years ago...

joined May 13, 2014

Three girls love each others??? Am I wrong? Someone can explain it for me?

joined Feb 24, 2013

I can't believe I missed EPR Paradox. I was trying to tie it into the plastics and completely ignored the possibility that there was something else implied by the title as well. If anyone wants to try and crack the code which I couldn't: Chapter 2 HDPE (High-density polyethylene), Ch 3 EPR (Ethylene propylene rubber), Ch 4 LDPE (Low-density polyethylene), Ch 5 PP (Polypropylene).

Wow. That's some analysis you did inanimatebananamint, hands down! I'll await for your future analyses

I'm not really sure, but here's my wild guess.
Looking at the chemical structure we can see that:
Chapter 2 HDPE (High-density polyethylene)-- (C2H4)nH2 has one one double bond , wherein ethyl means it has 2 Carbon atoms as shown in the formula and structure
, the 2 C represents the twosome you prefer

Ch 3 EPR (Ethylene propylene rubber) -- introducing propyl which means it has 3C (note in plastic classification, this should be PVC/Polyvinyl Chloride which has the same structure as above but the other Hydrogen is Chloride instead that's why maybe the author changed it to EPR); look at this structure of propylene, also called propene or methylethylene:
, could this foreshadows the threesome route

Ch 4 LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) - polyethylene again huh, but this time low-density back to twosome route as you've seen

Ch 5 PP (Polypropylene) back to 3C or the threesome route

now you it's up to you which ending you want

As for the title, triangle is pretty much an awesome topic for discussion since, to name a few:
**triangle is actually the most stable and strongest geometric shape implying that there's no such thing as struggle in a threesome relationship contrary to popular beliefs

**re:fire triangle which identifies the three components that contribute to the initiation of fire -- fuel (something that will burn), heat (enough to make the fuel burn) and air (oxygen); in this case, love exists by the combination of the three characters here

And my,

There wasn't really much buildup to do when the 3 protagonists have the capability of 3 teletubbies.

Popo x Lala 4 lyfe

Great news for us fans: "In June 2014 the BBC announced a new 60-episode series of Teletubbies will be aired"
which is this 2015 !! xD

last edited at Feb 27, 2015 11:45AM

joined Jan 6, 2015

The main issue is whether or not the author intended to imply meaning with plastic references or if we are inventing a reason for them to connect with the story. My current view is the author realized the potential for an interesting way to number chapters using the recycling codes (how recycling plants process different types of plastic):

1 = PETE (no plastic imagery or naming included in this chapter); 2 = HDPE; 3 = V (for PVC, used EPR instead which happened to be a plastic and also served as the title hint); 4 = LDPE; 5 = PP.

I don't really think there is enough evidence to say that the author planned ahead to make any connection between characteristics (bonding, naming, physical properties, etc) of the plastic and the characters, especially since Ch 1 was unused and Ch 3 was not properly recycled.

This is still an incredibly layered and nuanced story that deserves a lot of credit for doing what it did so well. All the other references were just a fun bonus.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Sorry to say this to all the angry people, but this ending was a work of art compared to other series. I mean, this has an ending, while crap like Citrus just goes on and on, with each chapter being another "f*ck you" to the readers. Or half of the things that Morinaga Milk writes, where nothing. ever. happens.

You can't take sacred names in vain like that. And you certainly can't compare mediocre stuff like this to Morinaga Milk's. Morinaga Milk could do a single frame with no dialogue and it would have more human characterization than this whole manga.
Point about Citrus though.

That's the most funny thing I've ever heard ever since I finished The Secret Recipe, in which NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.

Thank you. Too bad the first person didn't realize the operative would was "half". Because I actually enjoyed "Girlfriends" and few other things she's done.

joined May 1, 2014

I enjoyed the comedy on this one. Made me really laughing. But then the sudden jump to "sex aggressive" characters made me lost the fun in it.

And no. You can't compare this Morinaga Milk's works. Especially Girlfriends.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

I really didn't care for this (for some reason it ended up in my to-read list, not sure why) but pages 23 and 24 of chapter 2 completely make up for the rest of it being awful.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Perfect ending.

Hikaru sums it up perfectly. This isn't a yuri manga. This is an ero manga!

And the quantum physics and the chemicals tied-in to the story, which I would have never noticed, takes it to a whole new level.

satsuki matoi
joined May 2, 2014

Hhhhhhhhhh omfg dat last page killed me at less everyone had their happy ending XD

last edited at May 19, 2015 8:42AM

joined Jul 29, 2014

This manga is getting a lot of discussion, but has yet to get down to the very real science involved in a yuri incest love triangle. The titles are obvious, but how they reflect on the story requires a deeper look at the basic scientific principles referenced by each title. The final two chapters in particular are very revealing, and might help anyone unhappy with Ch 5's end, as it implies that the time skip was only one possible outcome, allowing the reader the chance to decide which ending they want without breaking canon.

Chapter 1: Schrodinger's Cat Went Meow

Schrodinger's Cat being dead or alive depends on observation: Shinobu poisons the box (i.e the love triangle) by trying to goad Hikaru with a love-steal scenario. Akane observes Shinobu and Hikaru fight-groping each other, collapsing the two possibilities into one. Initially I thought this meant killing the cat (i.e Hikaru's chances) but in hindsight this manga was made without harming animals, so the cat lived happily ever after.

Chapter 2: Maxwell's Demon Laments

Maxwell's Demon is obviously Shinobu, as she attempts to remove the heat (i.e romance) from Hikaru-Akane and push it to Hikaru-Shinobu. Hikaru closes Shinobu laments, entropy won, the laws of thermodynamics remain undefeated.

Chapter 3: (E)xposition, (P)anties, (R)everence

"The original EPR paradox challenges the prediction of quantum mechanics that it is impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a quantum particle." Simplified, the EPR Paradox is the challenged belief that two particles can 'know' each other's quantum state across time and space. This paradoxical quantum entanglement (which correlates nicely with shared feelings/mutual love) can be applied to the story very easily: Akane is the particle with which Hikaru wants to entangle. Before Hikaru can do this, however, she wishes to know Akane's quantum state (i.e how she will react to a confession). Shinobu argues that Hikaru should just confess. Following one side of the EPR Paradox, knowing Hikaru's quantum state would allow Akane's to be known as well (if they are entangled, i.e mutually in love). This paradox travels from the end of Ch 3 into Ch 4 with the letter Akane writes, which can be summed up as the EPR paradox successfully breaking the known laws of physics by having Akane's feelings transcend time and space (in this case the chapters, via Shinobu) to relay her message. If only Einstein had yuri incest for reference, then the world might have benefited from a revised model of quantum mechanics and the EPR paradox would not have stirred such controversy.

Chapter 4: Thus Feelings Converge at the Lagrange Point

A Lagrange point is a place where something can remain in a stable orbit between 2 bodies. In this scenario, Shinobu is the object in orbit, and Hikaru and Akane are the 2 bodies around which she is currently spinning. Hikaru and Akane's combined gravitational pull gives this 3rd object (Shinobu) the energy necessary to stay in a stable orbit. Shinobu has purposely positioned herself in the Lagrange point between Hikaru and Akane, knowing that their happiness together will give her the stable orbit she desired. She even says it herself: Hikaru's happiness makes her happy. Equilibrium has been found in the three-body system, and everyone is happy. Additional layer to this science puzzle: L4 and L5 are the only Lagrangian points where a stable equilibrium can be maintained, potentially implying that either Ch 4 or post-timeskip Ch 5 can be considered stable orbits (canon endings).

Chapter 5: Bust Size Decoherence

This title refers to Quantum Decoherence, which is probably the most complicated concept the author used. I suggest reading the page on Quantum Superposition since it relates to it, but if you're not interested then this sentence will provide enough to understand the ending: "Quantum decoherence gives the appearance of wave function collapse, which is the reduction of the physical possibilities into a single possibility as seen by an observer." This concept directly applies to the story: since we already had the incest ending in Ch 5, this one goes for the unexplored possibility of a threesome ending via a 6 year time-skip. Of the many positions in which a yuri incest love triangle can end, this is but one possibility. As mentioned in Ch 4, they are both canon endings from which you can choose your favorite.

Thank you for this, very enlightening.

joined Jul 22, 2015

And that's one happy lesbian poly triad

joined Aug 18, 2015

This thread is a train wreck.
Loving it, just like this title.

joined Jul 23, 2014

I got the hint with the plastics and the structures, but the names flew over me, i mean, i was like "oh, Maxwell, thermodynamics" but that was it, would have never tied the scientific meaning to the actual story.

pretty fucking cool

joined Jul 22, 2015

Honestly it's nice to see that Ch 4 and Ch 5 can both exist on their own separate timelines if you want to see them that way, but also work together as a single timeline. I prefer to see them as the single timeline.

joined Jan 23, 2016

While I fully enjoyed the extra chapter, once it started talking about seamen, I could clearly see who the target audience for this was. Just whyyyyyy?! I could've been still satisfied without the whole pregnant comment =.=

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