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joined May 5, 2022

So is this ever getting updated again or

joined Nov 25, 2020

Some new chapters just dropped on Mangadex and I'm sure they'll be here soon but oooooooh boy

joined Mar 22, 2021

Yay, new chapters. Thanks for translating them.

Man these 3 new chapters were a rollercoaster for me. I love how cute and adorable they both are but man that other girl is so insane, I just knew she was going to do something and ruin it somehow. That cliffhanger though. I wonder what happened. My guesses are either she having mental breakdown and running around without shows and hurt herself, or like when she first met the MC, tried stealing from someone and this time she wasn't saved.

joined May 5, 2022

very glad to see an update. GOD you can cut the tension with a butcher knife, i LOVE it.

joined Nov 30, 2016

What are the odds that they all take this opportunity to go in the apartment and talk everything out?

joined Dec 30, 2018

Wait has this finished already? Or am I thinking of another webtoon?

joined Jul 15, 2016

What are the odds that they all take this opportunity to go in the apartment and talk everything out?

Very low. The ones who have to talk are Jeongwon and Hwayeon, but their breakup is still too fresh in their minds to get their emotions and unconscious instincts under control. As shown in chapter 29, Jeongwon hasn't healed from her emotional abuse yet, but Hwayeon is not giving her the time and space she needs (mostly because Hwayeon has even deeper issues, which she outsources onto Jeongwon instead). Jisoo is really the only emotionally stable person in this triangle, but she has been only tangentially involved in the whole Jeongwon x Hwayeon mess, so I do not think she can really help them (and if Hwayeon sees her as a enemy, she'll only make it worse).

Also, let's all take a moment to appreciate how clearly Jisoo articulates her feelings and needs to Jeongwon. "I am sorry I neglected you because of my prior obligations", "I wanted to spend an evening with you, so I drove over, but still called you to give you a heads up", "if you didn't have time for me, I would be sad and lonely, but that's okay, you do you". The only time she hasn't been 100% honest with her feelings was when Jeongwon hugged her, but I am getting the impression that Jisoo isn't used to getting teased herself, so her embarrassment mostly came out of surprise.

last edited at Nov 18, 2022 6:51AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Wait has this finished already? Or am I thinking of another webtoon?

It's indeed finished (i think the extra side story chapters are still going?) and there's already a full english translation on some aggregator sites out. Nowhere near the quality of the Moonless ones though

joined Oct 2, 2021

very glad to see an update. GOD you can cut the tension with a butcher knife, i LOVE it.

Little crazy chick is probably carrying a butchers knife

joined Dec 18, 2021

What are the odds that they all take this opportunity to go in the apartment and talk everything out?

When the psycho ex of your girlfriend keeps stalking and pestering her, with emotional blackmail and stuff, there isn't really anything to talk about. Just grab her, yell in her face "GET LOST! NOBODY LIKES YOU!" and kick her out.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Wait has this finished already? Or am I thinking of another webtoon?

It's indeed finished (i think the extra side story chapters are still going?) and there's already a full english translation on some aggregator sites out. Nowhere near the quality of the Moonless ones though

Thanks moonless!

I'm like JD from Scrubs. Now that they like each other mutually, and there's no one in the way, I'm bored. What's wrong with me? >_>

last edited at Nov 21, 2022 1:55PM

joined Feb 16, 2021

Did we ever find out what the texts between Jisoo and Hwayeon mean in chapter 9 near the end?

joined Sep 7, 2016

You see, there's these things called
Enemies to Lovers and Polyamory

Chapter 33 spoilers:
"Why... do you always make me feel miserable?"
"Sometimes, you do the same."
That was the moment I also ship them :v

joined Jun 6, 2013

Update for those wondering. I reached out to the scan group:

"Hii thx for reaching out abt kill switch! we have not dropped the series and we wont be dropping it anytime soon. due to the lack of staff and time bc of irl, it was put on hold for a while but dont worry! we have been working on chapters these past few weeks and it should be released within this month (or next month)~ "

joined Feb 20, 2023

Honestly I hope Hwayeon finds someone better than the MC. Hwayeon made mistakes too, but dumping literally ALL the blame on her like that was such a bitch move. Y'all were sleeping together, living together, everyone saw y'all as dating, and you even felt conscious about "not" cheating on her. Acting like the "not" breakup is all about Hwayeon's feelings somehow being unknowable, instead of just admitting you fell in love with someone else, makes me feel uncomfortable. Like watching someone get gaslit.

Also Jeong Won's actions in the latest chapter, 48, on Lezhin are so unnecessary. Misleading her like that was cruel.

I really hope Hwayeon and Jeongwoo get together. Jeongwoo seems genuinely nice and capable of handling her.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Update for those wondering. I reached out to the scan group:

"Hii thx for reaching out abt kill switch! we have not dropped the series and we wont be dropping it anytime soon. due to the lack of staff and time bc of irl, it was put on hold for a while but dont worry! we have been working on chapters these past few weeks and it should be released within this month (or next month)~ "

It has been one and a half years already. ;__;

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