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joined Apr 6, 2021

Awe man this was so nice to read! Wish it didn’t have to end!

joined Sep 5, 2018

This chapter reminds me of the time when Hololive’s Noel and Flare went to buy couple rings that just accidentally happened to be from the wedding ring section of the store. The store’s clerk wasn’t as sharp as this one, though.
“Do you know your partner’s ring size?” – “You can just ask her. She’s right here.” Good times.

joined Nov 28, 2021

I wish them a long and happy life. :)

joined Jan 30, 2017

So sweet!

joined Aug 15, 2020

Peeps, I'm a little curious: She said that Kon-san/both of them wearing the ring on the left hand would out them as lesbians.

Is this a Japan specific thing (or a lesbian thing that my lonely ass self isn't aware about xD)?

Or is she talking about how people in general wear matching rings on their left or right side according to whether or not they're married or engaged (with the side depending on culture, I believe)?

last edited at Oct 26, 2022 9:22AM

joined Mar 31, 2021

so sad it ended but atleast we have extras left :,)
wishing them the best

last edited at Oct 28, 2022 10:40AM

joined Oct 16, 2020

Peeps, I'm a little curious: She said that Kon-san/both of them wearing the ring on the left hand would out them as lesbians.

Is this a Japan specific thing (or a lesbian thing that my lonely ass self isn't aware about xD)?

Or is she talking about how people in general wear matching rings on their left or right side according to whether or not they're married or engaged (with the side depending on culture, I believe)?

I think it's the latter since I haven't heard of it being a thing in Japan

joined Jan 13, 2023

so heartwarming to read a wholesome manga like this and know that it's based on a true story and that these two are out there living the dream!! I hope I can find happiness like that one day as well, I wish this couple the best!!!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Still so adorable. ^_^

joined Sep 14, 2015

I want what they have

joined May 28, 2021

This was like a best hits of the whole series, Ayu-sensei being a lazy slob and needing to drink more water, Kon-san being a total ikemen prince without realizing it. Makes me wish we had even more to read :¨(

joined Oct 16, 2020

Me when? But in all seriousness, they really have such a good relationship together and I'm really glad the series ended because the author thought it was time to end it rather than them breaking up (like some other series which did exactly that)

last edited at Apr 12, 2023 4:23AM

joined Mar 31, 2021

Praying that there will be another extra…gonna miss this couple

joined Dec 3, 2010

Re-reading this again.
Inui sensei is 26 during 2021. Now it's 2024. She should be around 29 now.
Wonder if sensei and Kon san still living together? I hope so.
Whether they choose to build a family together, or simply just continue living their life the same for the next decade, I wish them long life and happy together.

p.s. I like the chores fairy theory though.
It's the best when both of them know what they need to do for their chores.
That harmony is the best sniffle

Oh and, for the end chapter, she said she outed Kon san by accident when she decided that both of them should wear the rings on their left side.
But when I saw the last photo, they put their rings on their right side instead.
So my question is, are same-sex couples usually wear their rings together on their left side, or right side?

last edited at Dec 20, 2024 7:09AM

joined Aug 24, 2024

Late reply, but I’ve never known anyone wearing rings on the right side - always left. But couples I know tend to be out at least passively. For WLW in my part of America there is general acceptance but even with rings people will tend to assume you are straight friends hanging out together. (I joke with my girlfriend after we do extremely gay things “btw we are still straight right?”) I wear my ring on a necklace as an ex-military habit, although silicone rings on left hand were still the more common alternative,

joined Dec 3, 2010

Late reply, but I’ve never known anyone wearing rings on the right side - always left. But couples I know tend to be out at least passively. For WLW in my part of America there is general acceptance but even with rings people will tend to assume you are straight friends hanging out together. (I joke with my girlfriend after we do extremely gay things “btw we are still straight right?”) I wear my ring on a necklace as an ex-military habit, although silicone rings on left hand were still the more common alternative,

Oh, so it was on the left side.
Understood! Thank you for your reply.

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