Forum › Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni discussion

joined Dec 18, 2018

... For once... I think the yuri ending wasn't a well-deserved one... Sue me, but, in this case, I would've preferred either IchikaxShun or (ironically, even more so) every one of the 3 MCs getting to be sad and alone at the end.

A well deserved one, perhaps not, but I feel like the story did justice to the personalities of the three people involved and resolved in a quite logical manner. I would have loved a bit more fleshing out on the story, like how Ichika came to terms with her feelings and how she broke up with Shun. Also how Shun dealt with it all and managed to remain friends with the girls.

Overall though I felt it was probably the best take on this type of a love triangle I've read.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Read this volume in the bookstore today and I was sure that I had read this before

So it turns out that I had
Still a pretty dope yuri and it has one of the best dude characters in it
Big ups to him not becoming a jealous dickwad and graciously accepting defeat.

joined Aug 20, 2016

What's missing? i thought this have 3 chapters? Why it's not complete ?

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

What's missing? i thought this have 3 chapters? Why it's not complete ?

There's another story of two chapters in the collected volume. Definitely worth picking up from Seven Seas for that story

joined Aug 20, 2016

What's missing? i thought this have 3 chapters? Why it's not complete ?

There's another story of two chapters in the collected volume. Definitely worth picking up from Seven Seas for that story

Ah, ok. So this story is complete here? (haven't read it yet)
If you buy a Manga digital from Seven Seas, is it only possible in PDF or Ebook? Because i like to read Manga over my PS4 or TV.

joined Oct 4, 2018

This reminded me of GirlxGirlxBoy. Except this one has a but load of angst shoved in between.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Yeah because stories are all about morals and stuff. I see where you're coming from, but good morals aren't necessarily what makes a story good or bad.


joined Jul 23, 2017

I like it very much but feels bad for shun (´・_・`)

joined Nov 2, 2015

It's horrible that such a lovely story get this horrible attitude in the comment section. So let me straighten this out:

None of the characters did anything wrong, especially not Ritsu. You cannot judge her actions without taking the difficulty of homosexuality into consideration. Ritsu was at a horrifying disadvantage compared to Shun for being a girl in love with a girl, thus she could not confess to Ichika before Shun. It took a tremendous amount of courage to finally decide to tell the truth, and a galatic amount of luck to have Ichika loving her back too. In the real world, the most likely scenario is that the lesbian will keep her mouth shut and watch her crush get snatched away, or confess and get rejected.

Shun did the right thing by encouraging Ritsu to confess, because he wanted to fight for love fair and square, instead of taking advantage of the whole heterosexual privilege (which enabled him to comfortably confessed to Ichika in the first place). He also realized Ichika does not like him that much, so trying too hard to keep her would be a dick thing to do. Do a thought experiment: what if Shun had been a girl and Ritsu been a boy? Do you think Shun would have been able to date Ichika first? No. Shun would then be the one who painfully watches Ritsu and Ichika going out without daring to do anything about it, just like Ritsu. Shun understands that, so he wanted to treat Ritsu fairly, because that's how he would like Ritsu to treat him had the situation been reversed.

Ichika also did nothing wrong. She loved Ritsu but had no idea about homosexuality, so she just innocently go out with Shun because he's a close friend AND a boy, while staying best friends with Ritsu. She didn't like kissing Shun. Only after Ritsu kissed her, the possibility of romantic love with a girl opened to Ichika. And it took her a little time to find the courage to accept homosexuality, break up with Shun, date Ritsu.

Nobody has to feel bad for Shun, because this is the luckiest outcome he has got. Ichika didn't love him, so their breakup is inevitable in the future whether Ichika learned about homosexuality or not (and Ichika will go on dating other boys trying to find the romantic feelings that she'd never be able to get), or Shun would have married Ichika without ever being loved by her. Both scenarios are much, much more miserable. You can't have what don't belong to you. Shun understood that, so he let Ichika go, preserve the friendship of the 3 instead of being a childish fucker who would whine and get nasty about for not getting what he wanted. It's a fair fight and he lost, get over it.

joined May 6, 2018

haven't felt so much angst in a yuri manga after Tatoe

joined Mar 6, 2021

Okay, I just need to talk about the ear cleaning.
What. The hell. Was that.

Umm... Just who reacts like that to ear cleaning? I don't get it. I mean, with how outrageously exaggerated Ichika's response was, I can understand why Ritsu would be turned on, that definitely doesn't make her a creep lol
I guess the dialogue is passable, but why is she panting and gasping...? I don't get it.

Also, isn't that kinda dangerous? Especially with how she actually went deeper in when Ichika had told her it hurt. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did pierce her eardrum at some point lol (even if unintentionally)
And no, I am not buying that this girl felt more comfortable having someone else clean her ears than doing it herself. I'm not saying she can't feel comfortable with someone else, but how in the world does she get scared to do it on her own!?

I don't get it. I just don't get it.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Man, this whole comment section was a journey on its own. I remember reading this before and really enjoying it, and I enjoyed it again the second time through. I actually came looking for it.

@Radiosareobsolete I can kinda relate since I have super sensitive ears and they are a major erogenous zone for me. I’ve never had someone else clean my ears but I can’t clean my own without having shivers going up and down my back; don’t even get me started on my partner playing with my ears. I’m not sure it would apply here since Ritsu apparently cleans her ears all the time, but if you have some significant blockage, it can be painful to remove. Yeah, I can’t imagine being scared to do your own ears if you can clean someone else’s.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Well if the friend whom I like, wants to listen to my music player then I'll definitely put all the gayest songs I could find, like Elektra's I Don't Do Boys, Hayley Kiyoko's Girls Like Girls, Metro Station's She Likes Girls, The Vamps' I Found A Girl, and lastly Julia Nunes' Make Out. A little passive aggressive there.

Last panel excuse: Training for CPR

Lastly, thank you for the raws! I love you guys.
Where is your profile picture from? sauce?

joined Apr 21, 2020

As much as I admire the author centering the whole manga around their ear cleaning fetish, I sure do not share that fetish. I wish they were just having sex after all! The plausibly deniable cheating here is so strange and interesting. They definitely were both getting off on it without telling each other, and thus they can pretend it's just an intimate friendship while feeling guilty deep down.

joined Mar 13, 2018

this is the easiest and most reliable way to get a girlfriend btw

joined Apr 14, 2021


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