@YotoHime - Well I just finished skimming through all of his stuff on Danbooru. There's definitely some of this gross stuff there, and I completely understand how you feel. It's offputting to see characters that you might feel a connection to subjected to casual creep molestation. Nonetheless, there wasn't that much of it. Clearly this guy doesn't mind using his characters to occasionally indulge in fetishes which you and I find repugnant yet some people (strangely) enjoy. But I don't know that it's necessarily correct to conclude that he mocks yuri - the guy seems to put a lot of care into his art for someone just trying to troll yuri fans. I'd certainly be willing to change my mind on that if some of the yuri panel art translations contained similarly affronting language. Right now it seems to me this guy's tastes are ... well, let's just say "complex". I don't find that it keeps me from enjoying the purely yuri art, though. Your valid point about Vampeerz notwithstanding, I'm respectfully inclined to side with @Lilliwyt on this.
@Pingoloco - I'd be careful about calling someone "lesbophobic" and "malicious" based on adult art. Firstly, there's always a distinction between the artist and the objects of the art - "characters" (admittedly a generous term here) don't necessarily reflect the views of their creators. (Assumptions like that are currently having a ruinous effect on YA fiction, for example.) Also, one always has to be careful when it comes to sexual fantasy - there's a distinction between ideas that turn people on and what they find acceptable in real life. For example, someone who enjoys "rough" play or "nonconsent" fantasies (which, surprisingly, often appeal to women) isn't generally someone who endorses actual rape. When one sees upsetting art, particularly in a sexual context, it's easy to feel like it's intentional, but even the most obnoxious people will only labor so hard just to piss people off. More likely he's just catering to a controversial niche.
last edited at May 4, 2022 3:18AM