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joined Mar 29, 2022

Wholesomeness in the third chapter again! But..

  1. Okiku’s face at the end as she says “i’ll never forgive you.” absolutely terrifying..

  2. Has anyone else noticed the wounded woman with one eye being foreshadowed in every chapter so far? Page 69 on the 3rd chapter. Wonder if she’s who we see at the end of the chapter..

last edited at Mar 29, 2022 3:29PM

joined Jun 11, 2021

wow ok that actually scared the shit out of me. like, in a good way, i love some horror in my yuri, but fuck it was the last thing i was expecting

joined May 21, 2021

Holy shit page 80 is so effective as a jump scare due to how unexpected it is.
Also, cooking tag when?

joined Jul 11, 2019

My prediction is that one dear to her that taught her how to cook was the one who betrayed her. She doesn't remember what she looks like but the reason she gravitated towards the MC was because the MC bears striking resemblance to her (possibly even a reincarnation and/or descendent). That's also where the "I'll never forgive you" comes from. She'll never forgive her old lover for betraying her but can't help but still feel fond memories towards her which she puts on the MC

joined May 21, 2021
  1. Has anyone else noticed the wounded woman with one eye being foreshadowed in every chapter so far? Page 69 on the 3rd chapter. Wonder if she’s who we see at the end of the chapter..

Very likely, since Yotsuya Kaidan's Oiwa is supposed to have one drooping eye.

My prediction is that one dear to her that taught her how to cook was the one who betrayed her

My thought exactly, though I don't how if this ecchi comedy will go down the drama path.

joined Mar 29, 2022

My prediction is that one dear to her that taught her how to cook was the one who betrayed her.

It could be! But would Okiku still think fondly of that woman if that’s what happened?

Maybe the jumpscary-panel was actually the other evil spirit that was revealed at the end, channeling through Okiku with “her message” to Ryou? Perhaps she had tried to exorcise her before but failed and now she’s back?

joined Sep 23, 2021

tofu is pretty impressive, yes!

joined Feb 25, 2013

Wow, never thought I'd get jump-scared by a manga.

joined Jan 15, 2020

Whoa, alright did not expect that horrifying image. Seems like this manga can get really, really, angsty or bittersweet as all ghost romance stories tend to end up with the ghost disappearing somehow after finding peace/fulfilling their goals. Hope that isn't the case, but, well, who knows.

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

Me when I turned from page 79 to page 80:

last edited at Mar 29, 2022 4:59PM

joined Mar 29, 2022

Random fun fact for those of you interested. (and for those who know that Okiku derives from an actual Japanese ghost-story)

The cover of the third chapter, showing Okiku standing in some sort of landscape in front of a well with her hands brought up to her face. That cover is a direct reference to a real-life painting.

If you google “Tsukioka Yoshitoshi’s Okiku”, you should see the original painting, on which the chapter’s cover is based.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Well. Now I'm scared AND horny! AND HUNGRY.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Damn that was a legit jumpscare

joined Jul 23, 2017

Holy jumpscare Batman!

joined Oct 9, 2021

Fuck that.

joined Dec 17, 2021

Has anyone else noticed the wounded woman with one eye being foreshadowed in every chapter so far? Page 69 on the 3rd chapter. Wonder if she’s who we see at the end of the chapter..

God, it's just jumpscare after jumpscare with this chapter. But it was effective, I had to go turn on every light in my house.

Still, cute chapter all the same. I'm now ready for more fluffy/scary goodness in the next ones.

joined Mar 11, 2019

Didn't like that

joined Mar 26, 2020


joined Feb 11, 2022

genuinely spooked me

joined Oct 22, 2020

My prediction is that one dear to her that taught her how to cook was the one who betrayed her. She doesn't remember what she looks like but the reason she gravitated towards the MC was because the MC bears striking resemblance to her (possibly even a reincarnation and/or descendent). That's also where the "I'll never forgive you" comes from. She'll never forgive her old lover for betraying her but can't help but still feel fond memories towards her which she puts on the MC

Almost certainly the case. There's several version of this ghost story but one has it that the wife of her master/lady of the house actually broke the plate and then accused her of it, causing her death. The plate pieces were down the well from where the woman tossed them, making the betrayal especially obvious. Our exorcist looks like this woman if the flashbacks are any indication so yeah, I can see why our ghost can't forgive her, even if she only subconsciously realizes the reason she's drawn to the exorcist.

joined May 20, 2013

I do not appreciate the Jumpscare in Chapter 3.

Brought me back to the days of ignorantly reading Junji Ito manga. Full screen. :(

last edited at Mar 30, 2022 12:02AM

joined Jul 27, 2019

I found the direct mentioning of "Chapter 1" kinda funny. I really like the relationship between these two so far; I love seeing Ryou care for Okiku!
Page 80 legitimately made me jump holy shit

Maybe the jumpscary-panel was actually the other evil spirit that was revealed at the end, channeling through Okiku with “her message” to Ryou?

I'd suppose that's possible, it doesn't seem Okiku was aware she even said it.

joined Oct 16, 2020


joined May 21, 2021

Maybe the jumpscary-panel was actually the other evil spirit that was revealed at the end, channeling through Okiku with “her message” to Ryou?

I'd suppose that's possible, it doesn't seem Okiku was aware she even said it.

Because she didn't say it just now. It's a resurfaced memory on Ryouyou's part. She had a dream of Okiku's living past last chapter as well. Things are pointing toward Ryouyou being the reincarnation of the woman 300 years ago.

joined Dec 13, 2020

God, it's just jumpscare after jumpscare with this chapter. But it was effective, I had to go turn on every light in my house.

Page 80 is scary alright, but if you ask me, it isn't nearly as scary as realizing that in every single chapter so far there's the ghost of a strange woman with a wound on her face who is spying on the two mcs from behind a window or a door or even over the shoulder of one of them... AND I DIDN'T REALIZE IT AT ALL until I read this thread and other commenters told me where to look!

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