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joined Feb 1, 2021

Ah, Pheromone-chan is back. Gonna have to reread the first chapter to re-acquaint myself with all the contestants.

joined Jan 20, 2014

So we have a smell fetichist, a skin fetichist and now a voice fetichist. I can't wait to see which fetiches the others one have and how they'll mix them with the protagonist hahaha.

joined Jan 31, 2015

So they all love her in parts: the way she feels to the touch, the way she smells, the way she sounds.... All very superficial.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Can't wait for the girl who likes the way she tastes

joined Jan 12, 2021

This girl who likes the smell has such long nails that I can't help but think she is actually a power bottom.

joined Sep 22, 2019

So they all love her in parts: the way she feels to the touch, the way she smells, the way she sounds.... All very superficial.

Well, they just met her after all, it would be weirder if any attraction they had for her wasn't superficial at this point.

joined Jun 17, 2015

Reading these chapters give me a smile on my face but I could help but think these could have been like 5 different single couple mangas. Harem just inevitably leads to unsatisfying conclusions where no one gets picked or everyone gets picked with superficial relationship developments.

joined Sep 11, 2020

I hate that I love this. I can't even remember all the characters each time I pick this up, but everyone's so damn horny it's keeping my interest immediately

Also smell stuff hits me really hard lmao, I love it. It's funny cause I used to hate smell stuff, but yuri made me fall in love with it. Thank you to yuri and all the weird women who love to sniff pants.

last edited at Feb 5, 2022 1:35PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Like the very first page of chapter 2- Burn My Image Into Your Eyes~

(edit: god she does talk about touching a lot tho... maybe I'm wrong...)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the theme for each one is about what they like about the MC. Riri-chan loves the feel of her, Kyouko-sama loves the smell of her, Minato-san loves the sound of her voice, the kiss demon loves the taste, etc....

SAME THOUGHTS and i find it so interesting too like thats some unique theme u got there... curious abt how they are going to approach the onee-sama one? like is she just going to look at the mc??

She'll fall for the way she looks. Her face, her expressions, maybe her fashion....Something visual.

So they all love her in parts: the way she feels to the touch, the way she smells, the way she sounds.... All very superficial.

All attraction at the first meeting is superficial. You can't have deep feelings for somebody you just met. The initial attraction is just what draws you to the person, then you go through the work of finding out if you're compatible.

last edited at Feb 5, 2022 1:51PM

joined Aug 12, 2021

Wasn't expecting the cool girl to be kinky... not complaining of course

joined Jan 31, 2015

Heavensrun posted :

So they all love her in parts: the way she feels to the touch, the way she smells, the way she sounds.... All very superficial.

All attraction at the first meeting is superficial. You can't have deep feelings for somebody you just met. The initial attraction is just what draws you to the person, then you go through the work of finding out if you're compatible.

My thought process was more going back to the title of the work and her question at the end of the most recent chapter: "Which one is love?" It makes me think that the overall plot might be her growth as she comes to understand the difference between attraction, infatuation, and love. (Assuming that it doesn't go full poly: "Between the five of them, they love me for who I am!") Come to think of if, five = one for each of the five senses....

And now I'm thinking about the cover page. Going clockwise from top left: big bear ears for hearing, holding hands for touching, tongue out for tasting, dressed up and looking at phone for vision, and elephant pillow (prominent nose?) for smell. The last one might be a stretch, I suppose.

Edit: I guess that was largely already pointed out back in October. I'm just slow.

last edited at Feb 5, 2022 3:41PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Reading these chapters give me a smile on my face but I could help but think these could have been like 5 different single couple mangas. Harem just inevitably leads to unsatisfying conclusions where no one gets picked or everyone gets picked with superficial relationship developments.

Not gonna say that never happens, I may not have read what you've read, but every harem I can think of off the top of my head (Starting with the one that spawned them all, Love Hina, up to the latest yuri harem I've seen concluded, Tachibana To Lie Angle) has a main pairing that is pretty obviously the "real" pairing throughout, or at most has two close rivals that carry all the tension. The only one I can even think of that was ever dubious about the main ending up with anybody was Negima!, where the protagonist is literally a child and isn't thinking about this stuff yet and also the story isn't about the harem or romance in any way. (Negima was an intentional subversion of the harem concept to begin with)

Main reason being that while it's pretty understandable for a person to be torn between two romantic interests, more than that is liable to come across pretty wishy-washy and scummy.

This one seems a little different, in that is isn't playing favorites yet, but as a result it kind of has this feeling like all we've met so far is the peanut gallery, and the real, final girlfriend is still out there somewhere, waiting to decend. Her high school crush seems like an obvious choice, but maybe that's too obvious.

joined Dec 11, 2017

My thought process was more going back to the title of the work and her question at the end of the most recent chapter: "Which one is love?" It makes me think that the overall plot might be her growth as she comes to understand the difference between attraction, infatuation, and love. (Assuming that it doesn't go full poly: "Between the five of them, they love me for who I am!") Come to think of if, five = one for each of the five senses....

Tamamusi's past work isn't exactly trying to be deeply metaphorical. I suspect the sense theme is mostly just a fun gimmick to give each of the girls a different reason to be attracted to Mei. I do think she's definitely going to be struggling with deciding what she's looking for from a girlfriend. So far she's just getting dragged around by her base desires.

joined May 12, 2020

Hooray for more gay.

joined Feb 5, 2022

Poli it's always an option just saying

joined Jan 15, 2020

If all of them are this horny/kinky, I can't wait to see her interaction with the onee-san~~~

joined Sep 7, 2016

Senpai: I'm something of a philosopher myself, anyway lemme sniff your boobs

joined Jul 29, 2017

My thought process was more going back to the title of the work and her question at the end of the most recent chapter: "Which one is love?" It makes me think that the overall plot might be her growth as she comes to understand the difference between attraction, infatuation, and love. (Assuming that it doesn't go full poly: "Between the five of them, they love me for who I am!") Come to think of if, five = one for each of the five senses....

Tamamusi's past work isn't exactly trying to be deeply metaphorical. I suspect the sense theme is mostly just a fun gimmick to give each of the girls a different reason to be attracted to Mei. I do think she's definitely going to be struggling with deciding what she's looking for from a girlfriend. So far she's just getting dragged around by her base desires.

You say "base desires" like those are bad things. (As you suggest, Tamamusi surely doesn't . . . )

joined Dec 11, 2017

Tamamusi's past work isn't exactly trying to be deeply metaphorical. I suspect the sense theme is mostly just a fun gimmick to give each of the girls a different reason to be attracted to Mei. I do think she's definitely going to be struggling with deciding what she's looking for from a girlfriend. So far she's just getting dragged around by her base desires.

You say "base desires" like those are bad things. (As you suggest, Tamamusi surely doesn't . . . )

Desires aren't bad, letting yourself be lead around by them without consideration is.

There's nothing wrong with being thirsty, but she has 5 prospective girlfriends on a collision course, if she doesn't apply a little rationality and restraint it's not gonna be pretty.

joined Sep 11, 2020

There's nothing wrong with being thirsty, but she has 5 prospective girlfriends on a collision course, if she doesn't apply a little rationality and restraint it's not gonna be pretty.

It would be funny if this ended abruptly with them all being angry at her and getting in a big fight after they find out about each other

joined Feb 1, 2021

Awfully pessimistic of you guys. Could just as easily be a sextet.

joined Dec 11, 2017

It would be funny if this ended abruptly with them all being angry at her and getting in a big fight after they find out about each other

Honestly this would probably be the most realistic outcome, but more likely each girl has different attitudes about the prospect, because that makes for a more interesting comedy. One won't care, somebody else will be aggressively possessive, somebody else will just kind of shy back but not be willing to let go, somebody else will suggest an orgy, and the fifth will get all tsundere about it. Nobody will give up on her because that would simplify the chaos, and that's bad for the comedy.

I'm not saying this is an ironclad prediction, but that's my expectation, at least.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Awfully pessimistic of you guys. Could just as easily be a sextet.

It's a harem comedy, conflict is the fuel in the furnace.

joined Nov 13, 2021

I just realized it,
The other girl obsess with her smell
The other girl obsess with her voice
The other girl like touching her
The other girl,like kissing her!
Only the teacher is normal

joined Mar 8, 2016

Senpai--those nails . . .

This is how you know that Roommate-san won't be the final girl. XD

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