Forum › My Younger Senpai discussion

joined Nov 17, 2021

Something just occurred to me. The whole reason Nanasawa stopped wearing glasses and started dyeing her hair was because of her failures with Seto the first time. However, because the past is starting to change in a big way, young Nana of this new timeline might not have any reason to do those things anymore. Now I'm interested in seeing adult Nana might look like if her younger counterpart is happy the way she is.

joined Jan 22, 2014

actual genius resolution, how did never see this coming????

Well. most authors do not dare to touch poly relationships with a ten foot pole (probably due to being afraid it'll be viewed as "immoral"), so this was unlikely as hell.

Although, in hindsight, this series already jumped the morality shark in the very first chapter, with a 25 yo. Nana smooching an underage Seto-sempai, and molesting her ever since, so this author clearly puts her story above such petty things (unlike some others, where guys ask for consent before kissing a girl, and underage characters refuse to drink even when offered).

joined Mar 19, 2014

"Why not both?"

joined Nov 17, 2021

Older Nana has to realize at some point that she doesn't belong in this time, right? She can't just stay and let young Seto get even more attached. As nice as the fanservice is, I wonder if it will ever dawn on her.

joined Jan 14, 2020

She doesn't know how she got here, she has no reason to believe she can or will go back.

joined Mar 5, 2021

i was expecting moredrama, but based author-san handled this perfectly. 10/10 since the first chapter.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Older Nana has to realize at some point that she doesn't belong in this time, right? She can't just stay and let young Seto get even more attached. As nice as the fanservice is, I wonder if it will ever dawn on her.

What exactly is she supposed to do? Call the Doctor? Visit Doc Brown? Hail the Enterprise?

(Edit: I mean I guess she could try head trauma again, but I wouldn't recommend it.)

last edited at Jan 8, 2022 6:06PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

(Edit: I mean I guess she could try head trauma again, but I wouldn't recommend it.)

Given that time-travel here is a minimal plot device rather than a consistent science-fiction trope (future cell phones working on past flip-phone networks tell us that plot mechanics are there to be handwaved away), wouldn’t a second head-trauma time reset be the most likely prediction?

Then the author can choose from the standard menu of time-travel return tropes:

  • Least likely: the entire world has been transformed into a post-apocalyptic hellscape or perfect utopia because of the MC’s intervention in the time stream, a la Bakemonogatari series.

  • The MC returns to the same world except Seto and Nanasawa’s lives have been transformed.

  • The minimalist version: MC wakes up again, it was all a “dream,” except she now knows that Seto is weak for lesbian lewdness, etc.

I mean, is “no return” even on the table, where “Sasaski,” Seto, and Past Nanasawa just continue in the timeline they’re presently in?

Tl;dr: I think at some point we get another BONK and then find out what author-san has in mind for a plot resolution

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 8:11AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

I mean, is “no return” even on the table, where “Sasaski,” Seto, and Past Nanasawa just continue in the timeline they’re presently in?

Why not?

joined Nov 17, 2021

Like I said before, I really want to see older Seto get some love too. She's only 26 after all and still in her prime. We've only gotten glimpses of her and in my opinion she's prime fanservice material if the story is going to go this route. And she could be worried sick about how Nanasawa just disappeared off the face of the earth. The last we saw of her in chapter 1, she seemed like she really wanted to see Nana again.

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 1:07AM

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

And she could be worried sick about how Nanasawa just disappeared off the face of the earth. The last we saw of her in chapter 1, she seemed like she really wanted to see Nana again.

This is, of course, assuming that there is any "time" for her to pass. If Nanasawa returns to her timeline the instant she left there could be no worrying in the first place. Time does not flow linear in both time axis, as we have no specified return point (if there will be any at all).

As I hedge my bets on the timeline having changed if Nanasawa does indeed return, there will be no depressed Seto waiting, but instead the now lover/wife of Nanasawa. It is the kind of wish fulfillment this story revels in. If I am wrong and she returns to a similar state of affairs and has to win Seto's affection and make up for lost time, then I will certainly be impressed.

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 3:00AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I mean, is “no return” even on the table, where “Sasaski,” Seto, and Past Nanasawa just continue in the timeline they’re presently in?

Why not?

Theoretically it can happen, of course, but there are reasons why that’s probably the least-common time-travel variant (the traveler staying in the future may be slightly more common).

  • In this case, as has been suggested, that eliminates present-day Seto as a character.

  • It fails to resolve the “one person/two identities” conundrum.

  • It fails to exploit the traditional climactic reveal of time-travel stories that shows how the narrative present has been changed by the traveler’s experiences.

(Or perhaps only the traveler has been changed—it could be like Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, only instead of saying, “Merry Christmas, one and all!”, MC comes back and says, “Seto-senpai, I want to fuck you!”)

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 8:30AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

I mean, is “no return” even on the table, where “Sasaski,” Seto, and Past Nanasawa just continue in the timeline they’re presently in?

Why not?

Theoretically it can happen, of course, but there are reasons why that’s probably the least-common time-travel variant (the traveler staying in the future may be slightly more common).

  • In this case, as has been suggested, that eliminates present-day Seto as a character.

  • It fails to resolve the “one person/two identities” conundrum.

  • It fails to exploit the traditional climactic reveal of time-travel stories that shows how the narrative present has been changed by the traveler’s experiences.

(Or perhaps only the traveler has been changed—it could be like Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, only instead of saying, “Merry Christmas, one and all!”, MC comes back and says, “Seto-senpai, I want to fuck you!”)

Your reasoning makes sense and I personally do want to see adult Seto again. But also, this manga is handwavy enough with its time travel setup that I can totally see it just going the "Fuck it, "Sasaki" is happy here, so why return?" route. And if that gives me more polyam triad shenanigans, i'm all for it :D

joined Jul 29, 2017

Your reasoning makes sense and I personally do want to see adult Seto again. But also, this manga is handwavy enough with its time travel setup that I can totally see it just going the "Fuck it, "Sasaki" is happy here, so why return?" route. And if that gives me more polyam triad shenanigans, i'm all for it :D

Adding to that would be the possibility of them staying in their present era, but then having a time-skip to show the grown-up Seto and Past MC.

I mean, introducing a narrative time-skip into a time-travel story would be an ultimate Author Has Zero Fucks To Give move.

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 5:20PM

joined Nov 17, 2021

Here's my idea. To show the changing timeline, dedicate a chapter to adult Seto and have her start gaining new memories of what's going on in the new timeline and starting to wonder what the hell's going on. In order to fit the ecchi theme, maybe show her naked this time. They've been doing it for her younger self, so I think she deserves a shot.

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 7:34PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

(Edit: I mean I guess she could try head trauma again, but I wouldn't recommend it.)

Given that time-travel here is a minimal plot device rather than a consistent science-fiction trope (future cell phones working on past flip-phone networks tell us that plot mechanics are there to be handwaved away), wouldn’t a second head-trauma time reset be the most likely prediction?

Oh, I agree, but like....she's not gonna do that on purpose. At least she shouldn't.

I would actually find a "She never returns to the present" timeline to be pretty brave and novel, though. I feel bad for future Seto, though.

joined Jul 29, 2017

(Edit: I mean I guess she could try head trauma again, but I wouldn't recommend it.)

Given that time-travel here is a minimal plot device rather than a consistent science-fiction trope (future cell phones working on past flip-phone networks tell us that plot mechanics are there to be handwaved away), wouldn’t a second head-trauma time reset be the most likely prediction?

Oh, I agree, but like....she's not gonna do that on purpose. At least she shouldn't.

Oh, no--I would think it would have to be a random accident of some kind (maybe in the throes of a threesome, for that matter). Given where we are now, what motivation does "Sasaki" have to return to her present? She wanted to get it on with Seto in high school, and now she's getting it on with high-school Seto.

I would actually find a "She never returns to the present" timeline to be pretty brave and novel, though. I feel bad for future Seto, though.

Given that this series doesn't seem to care anything at all about the logical/physical implications of its plot mechanics beyond their sexual potential, this could go anywhere, from Grown Seto somehow joining our crew in the past, or all three of them getting thrown into the starting "present." Speculating beyond this I'm pretty sure means that we will have put considerably more thought into the matter than the author has done or will be doing.

Hrs2008 > Here's my idea. To show the changing timeline, dedicate a chapter to adult Seto and have her start gaining new memories of what's going on in the new timeline and starting to wonder what the hell's going on. In order to fit the ecchi theme, maybe show her naked this time. They've been doing it for her younger self, so I think she deserves a shot.

This is a fabulous idea, and a case in point about my last sentence above. (I've been pretty snarky about this author's approach to the story, but it truly does have the potential to resolve itself in some delightfully bizarre way. And if it does, I will give Author-san due credit when it happens.)

last edited at Jan 9, 2022 8:21PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Theoretically it can happen, of course, but there are reasons why that’s probably the least-common time-travel variant (the traveler staying in the future may be slightly more common).

Sure, but this manga doesn't seem bound by conventions, or (arguably) logic. I'd suggest "what would make for the most fun ecchi (if not hentai) scenario?" as truer to the spirit of the manga.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

I would actually find a "She never returns to the present" timeline to be pretty brave and novel, though. I feel bad for future Seto, though.

That is assuming future Seto still exists if that was the ending they were going for though, which I think is not necessarily true. Unless this is an Avengers Endgame type time travel where altering the past simply creates a new split timeline, in which case it would definitely be horrible for future Seto. Can you really imagine though that this author was going for something like that?

joined Dec 11, 2021

Dont complaint bros. Enjoy what's coming. Btw chap21 is in the author twitter for free in JP. Chap22 is behind a paywall so

joined Nov 17, 2021

Way ahead of you. Been enjoying it for the last couple days now.

joined Jul 20, 2020

Like I said before, I really want to see older Seto get some love too. She's only 26 after all and still in her prime. We've only gotten glimpses of her and in my opinion she's prime fanservice material if the story is going to go this route. And she could be worried sick about how Nanasawa just disappeared off the face of the earth. The last we saw of her in chapter 1, she seemed like she really wanted to see Nana again.

It would be nice if younger Nanasawa could visit the older Seto though. I don't care what everyone is saying all I see so far is young MC going through similar shittier treatment older Seto has gone through (her husband cheating on her). I don't predict something happy for young MC. Perhaps earlier maturity but not happiness with her Seto.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Who would Seto cheat on younger Nanasawa with?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Who would Seto cheat on younger Nanasawa with?

ikr? My immediate response to so many predictions about where this story is going is, “How would that even work?”

joined Nov 17, 2021

I don't see Seto as the cheating type, to be honest. I've been saying that I think if another person is going to get involved, it'll likely be Kaimori. She'll probably catch on real quickly what's going on and when she does, she'll want in on the action. After all, she's on the back cover of volume 2 and in chapter 9 when she's formally introduced, she's awful cozy with Seto in the cover illustration. I know that doesn't have any bearing on the plot, but I can't think of why the author would be building her up like that unless there's plans for her.

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 2:11AM

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