I have no sympathy for Lui. ^
last edited at Dec 4, 2021 5:06PM
Nice double-fuck ya got going on here. Love that artstyle lmao.
Damn, even the clothes. Added flavour, I suppose.
I thought Tomoko here was supposed to be Shizuku lol
Two Mommy #2s.
Now just have Ifrit walk in on them.
^^i can't use netflix ;-;
^^thank you,i'll check her out
pirate it from fmovies or something
last edited at Dec 4, 2021 7:17PM
I'm surprised the first Jashin-chan Yuri in the site doesn't include Jashin-chan
^^ it was very effective
Why are they in a box. Who did it, Chisato? Ren??
Not my thing, but sure they look cute
Amazuki sensei is doing god's job for carrying a whole ship fandom from a game that was design to be het
last edited at Dec 4, 2021 10:10PM
20 anniversary incoming (one plus... ish years), lets go!!!!
Old LoL player here (and not proud of it), as far as I remember they have always been called Piltover's Finest. Though Violyn has a classy touch to it, NGL.
Finally someone said it!! But yeah, sad Sting song with an OP violin on the background.
^Joke's on you all, her Ult hits no matter what... unless Sonyas, Or Bard Ult, or someone walks in front of it... gotta think about this for a second.
oh god, why do i like this?
*that's just how gremlin girlfriends hug
Lumine: What life I have given, I can take away.
You can also dodge it if you time your recall juuuust right, but it's not an easy thing to do and is often not on purpose.
chiichan would NEVER trap her friends in a box
now, a ball,
^^"how they use rifles in games"
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